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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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[Coke] I was looking forward to a game or two of poker! 00:58
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antononcube @tbrowder Thanks for mentioning "Markdown::Grammar"! 14:29
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I suggested it before to @librasteve , but quickly and immediately dismissed it !! 14:30
BTW, I do use Pod6 translations in "Markdown::Grammar" in order to verify / debug the parser. (I have mentioned that before.) 14:31
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tbrowder antononcube: yw, that module is a vital piece for selling raku imho. 15:24
antononcube 💯 15:29
tbrowder .tell ugexe: i’m getting an error installing latest Git::Status, but i don’t see the error when i test locally. i did get the same error while i was testing the PR but i fixed it with help from git experts on IRC #git. i will submit a gist here soon. 15:32
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to ugexe
15:43 notna left
tbrowder output of: "zef install Git::Status --debug --force-install" 15:52
<script src="gist.github.com/tbrowder/f9c2ed89b...script> 15:53
arg, forget that... 15:55
15:57 soverysour left
tbrowder gist.github.com/tbrowder/f9c2ed89b...112ba98251 15:58
line 20 shows the unexpected error 15:59
maye error in Zef::Service::TAP 16:01
ugexe i dont think that has anything to do with zef 16:02
tellable6 hey ugexe, you have a message: gist.github.com/31d94fc182dd27bd40...8058adce43
ugexe the error says its looking for a .git directory, but the distribution .tar.gz almost certainly doesn't contain such a folder 16:03
so my guess is the test is written with bad assumptions
you could download the .tar.gz and manually run the tests and i assume it would fail similarly 16:04
if you clone the repo and test it would work, because cloning a repo is going to create the .git directory
the test should arguably be rewritten so it fails in this scenario as well 16:05
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tbrowder hm, the xt test does that. i thought the xt test is only used on the local side 16:11
not with zef install 16:12
ugexe it is not an xt test you showed
t/01-basic.rakutest 16:13
tbrowder hm...that helps, thanks
ok, i see that error was there on version 0.0.1. the is-deeply test seems to be the culprit. thanks for the info 16:23
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librasteve according to the docs Markdown parser suitable for making converters of Markdown files into files of different kind of formats 17:47
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since I would like to keep everything in MD, superficially, I have no interest for something that converts MD to POD6 17:49
[sorry for the dismissal of the idea ... I do agree that Grammar::Markdown is a vital piece for selling raku 17:50
and now I realise that (in theory), it would be possible to add =head md to POD6 and then have that call Grammar::Markdown to render it 17:53
antononcube @librasteve First of all, I do not mind the dismissal. Second, I suggested it because much of my work is Markdown-centric. I do use both Mathematica and Jupyter notebooks, but if I want to publish any of them I have to convert to Markdown 70% of the time. 17:59
But since after publication I edit the corresponding Markdown files a lot, I wanted to have "Markdown::Grammar" in order to "recover" the computational notebook representation. 18:01
18:01 Sgeo joined
So, "Markdown::Grammar" conversion to Mathematica was a primary goal. Conversion to Pod6, Org-mode, and HTML were secondary. 18:02
There are at least two popular programs for converting Markdown files to Jupyter notebooks.
So, conversion to Jupyter notebooks is in the TODO list of "Markdown::Grammar", but low in priority. 18:03
librasteve cool 18:04
I suppose that I would like to be able to combine putting MD in my rakumod files (via =head md) and then having Mi6 render that to README 18:06
antononcube I do see those kind of converters as a "calling card" for Raku -- it definitely and decisively demonstrates one of Raku's most unique and powerful features. So, in some sense, those kind of converters should be made "regardless." 18:07
librasteve I get that this is not generalizable - so we would need =head md in general to invoke Grammar::Markdown, and then to have a "pass thru" mode if you want to output MD in the first place 18:08
++ on the calling card!
antononcube The =head md inclusion should not be that hard to do with "Markdown::Grammar" -- it is simple text splicing. 18:10
@librasteve BTW, the package name I refere to is "Markdown::Grammar", not "Grammar::Markdown". I do not think the later exists in the "official" ecosystem. 18:11
There is "Text::Markdown", though.
"Text::Markdown" has similar -- but much narrower -- mission as "Markdown::Grammar". (I could not use "Text::Markdown" in any way in my workflows.) 18:13
librasteve oh, yes Markdown::Grammar, soz 18:16
&afk 18:17
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tbrowder i need some advice. i need some generated code to create a module during the zef install/build process. question: does the script have to be completely independent or can it "use" code in an existing module in the repo to be installed? 20:18
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tbrowder never mind, the answer per @ugexe in the Build.rakumod exaample it makes provision for adding all repo paths so they CAN be used by the build script 21:26
but here is another question: is there a way to run multiple scripts from Build.rakumod? 21:33
[Coke] it's raku code, so sure. 21:53
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