🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:12 hulk joined 01:13 kylese left 02:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:38 vrurg_ joined, vrurg left 03:41 explorer left 04:21 summerisle is now known as eof 04:27 guifa left 05:19 Chanakan left, Chanakan joined 05:30 Sgeo left 07:30 sena_kun joined 07:48 dakkar joined 08:06 wayland joined
wayland .tell librasteve Nice! I'm going to be focussed on the Table-Oriented Programming stuff for at least the next few months though, I think. 08:08
tellable6 wayland, I'll pass your message to librasteve
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antononcube @wayland Can you post links to your TOP writings. (I think you did some time ago,,,) 12:16
TOP eq Table Oriented Programming 12:17
@wayland Found the link(s): wayland.github.io/table-oriented-programming/ 12:38
wayland Sorry, yep, that's the one. 12:40
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None Hi everybody. Just jump here to ask why raku? Like I seem like a fun lang to side earn but I want to know what its it really niche to exploit its benefits. 14:42
antononcube @None 1) Grammars are first class citizens. 2) OOP for grammars and grammar-based interpreters. 3) Very good CLI script making support. 14:54
@None One of the consequences or 1 and 2 -- best LLM interaction support.
@None But it really depends on your background and interests. At this point, I recommend Raku only to people who are curious or interested in it. (To general, "simple" programming enthusiasts.) 14:56
None Like it seems that the tokenice builtin fit perfect for lsp for the parsers. But why i was saying is that i really wouldnt like to try it in a project that it doesn't fit it. Like low level programming or linux stuff, or web programming or data science. Like if I go with LLM i just have to build all the matrices and math related. So thats my 15:24
question, where does it fit better?
antononcube @None I try to do Data Science with Raku often. See for example this Reddit discussion: www.reddit.com/r/rakulang/comments...ges_stats/ 15:46
Here is related video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=YCnjMVSfT8w 15:47
@None "if I go with LLM i just have to build all the matrices and math related" -- I am not sure what you mean by this. Are you talking about implementing/building the computational machinery for training LLMs? 15:49
@None If, yes, that is not trivial in any language. And Raku is only partially fit for this: 1) No support of sparse matrices or tensorsl; 2) There is a relatively good dense matrix package, but it is, sort off, abandoned; 3) There are libraries connecting GSL, but they only work on Linux; 4) Raku is generally fairly slow for these kind of computations. 15:52
@None Raku is good for "web programming" -- I forgot to mention that. (Mostly) because of the package "Cro". 15:53
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lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/22/2024-...e-toolbox/ 19:30
[Coke] lizmat++ 19:36
19:44 thaewrapt left
antononcube Koch curve teasers: 19:57
cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/633...e2f25& 19:58
(Can be generated with "JavaScripdt::D3".)
I am inclined to start a new package called "Math::SpecialFunctions". As far as I can tell -- searching raku.land -- there is not such package. There are only a few related submissions in RosettaCode. (Which I might use.) 20:01
If you think that functionality / package is going to be a duplicate, please say so!
Note, that "Math::Libgsl::Function" does not count. 20:02
(I cannot install it on any of my macs.) 20:03
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librasteve lizmat++ 21:04
tellable6 2024-07-22T08:08:29Z #raku <wayland> librasteve Nice! I'm going to be focussed on the Table-Oriented Programming stuff for at least the next few months though, I think.
librasteve is there a way to export a term declaration? something like OUR::{'&term:<¶>'} := $?NL; 21:05
21:06 thaewrapt joined
antononcube @librasteve I think our sub term:<¶> {!!!} should work. 21:27
librasteve @antononcube - close enough - its sub term:<¶> is export { $?NL }; 21:35
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