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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:29 wayland76 joined 01:33 Xliff left 01:36 wayland joined 01:39 hulk joined 01:40 wayland76 left, kylese left 01:47 MasterDuke joined
wayland Hi all! Just a note that I have made docker-compose work in a github action to run Raku tests. This means I can run an SQL database for tests. It's in my Table-Oriented Programming repo at github.com/wayland/Raku-TOP . 01:54
tellable6 2024-08-10T12:50:41Z #raku-dev <lizmat> wayland fixed raku.land/zef:lizmat/Hash::Ordered?v=0.0.7
wayland Thanks lizmat++ 02:05
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tbrowder ? please: i have a parent class A that creates and manages child class objects along with subs. can i define a dynamic var at A's creation that is usable throughout the code during the existence of A? 10:51
i mean my own var, not a Raku system-defined standard one. 10:52
lizmat dynamic vars are dynamic: they are looked up in the call stack 10:55
feels to me that's orthogonal to what you want?
couldn't it be an attribute in class A? 10:56
or: if it is a sentinel, a lexical var in the class accessible through a method ? 10:57
tbrowder something like: class A { submethod TWEAK { our $*A = 1; } }
yes, it could be. i was hoping i could eliminate some routine args by referring to a $*A instead of passing it all over the place. 11:01
just being lazy...and currently a fluid design 11:02
lizmat if you need to pass around the same set of args around all the time, maybe you need an object to encapsulate all of those args ? 11:03
tbrowder to be specific, i can use $*HOME fine but i would like to change dir $*HOME/dirA to another value for debugging, say to $*HOME/dirB 11:05
yes, you're right, and i've done that, too. just being lazy until the code gels 11:08
so, possible though? (even though bad practice)
11:10 dawids left
lizmat if your code is still fluid, don't optimize for this: premature optimization is the root of all evil :-) 11:13
tbrowder for sure! Dr. Don is my coding hero! ok, i'll set a good example and not do that...i already pass :$debug to most routines so easy enough to chg subdir path on $*HOME 11:14
thnx for feedback 11:15
lizmat yw 11:16
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librasteve ab5tract: i replied to this msg from @jaguart2953 here on discord (i guess the irc side of the bridge can’t see that) <jaguart> Did you all watch the Damian on perl multi methods and cleaning up smartmatch? 12:03
lizmat yes, I saw most of it. I was disappointed in the sense that I hoped that Damian would spend that amount of time on Raku instead 12:20
the presentation itself must have cost at least 120 hours to make. Let alone the actual work on the code
but, as in any open source project, someone is entirely free to spend the time in the manner that they want 12:36
antononcube @jaguart > Did you all watch the Damian on perl multi methods and cleaning up smartmatch? I do not see why would I watch that… 13:46
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scullucs Put aside your dislike (ahem) of Perl for a bit and watch 10 minutes of Damian's talk starting here, just to see why he's always interesting to listen to, Perl or not: www.youtube.com/watch?v=0x9LD8oOmv0&t=2920s 14:49
wayland76 Hi! Can someone tell me whether the first line of output from gist.github.com/wayland/5562e6c92c...1fa182639a is a bug? 15:11
lizmat no, it isn't 15:27
wayland76: ^^ 15:28
wayland76 Hmm.
lizmat as there is no default for the attribute. but there *is* a type
wayland76 So how should I be setting attributes on my class then?
lizmat also: "is built" is superfluous for a $.foo attribute
hmmmm 15:29
wayland76 OK, but why isn't "name" set to "IsMyName"?
lizmat maybe I should read better
aaah.. ok 15:30
"is SetHash"
I guess SetHash overrides .new 15:31
wayland76 My guess is that it's "Setty", because in my actual code, I have a "new" function (because I'm debugging), and if I call "nextcallee", it says it's on Setty. 15:32
lizmat yup
wayland76 ("actual code" as opposed to the demo I gisted)
I'm guessing it's working as intended, though it's annoying :p 15:34
lizmat perhaps this will help: 15:35
multi method new(SetHashDescendant: *@_, *%_) {
15:40 skylendar joined
lizmat wayland76: actually, it doesn't need to be a multi 15:40
method new(*@_, *%_) { self.bless(|%_).STORE(@_) }
will do as well
wayland76 Thanks! My original question had a mistake in it -- I left out the actual bug. I've posted a "version 2" on that gist now, and I think that *does* have a bug in it -- the TWEAK method doesn't get called.
lizmat with: method new(*@_, *%_) { self.bless(|%_).STORE(@_) } 15:41
it will
skylendar Hi there, I'm trying to install the raku Readline module with zef from linux.
I got he latest raku archive, but when I zef install Readline, I only get Aborting due to fetch failure: 15:42
wayland76 lizmat: Interesting! Thanks!
lizmat the logic for calling BUILD and TWEAK lives inside .bless basically, not .new 15:43
wayland76 Oh! Good to know.
skylendar: Works for me. That means we're going to have to talk versions. I'm on Fedora 36 with Rakudo 2022.04. What versions are you on? 15:45
skylendar version of raku ? rakudo-moar-2024.07-01-linux-x86_64-gcc 15:46
wayland76 What about zef --version ?
skylendar 0.22.1
lizmat that's all pretty recent :-) 15:47
skylendar I told  you
lizmat hmmm can't reproduce on the Linux box I have 15:49
15:49 bdju left
skylendar hint: when I try wget 360.zef.pm/R/EA/READLINE/f62b94759...f1f.tar.gz 15:49
wget returns: Impossible to locally verify the 360.zef.p attribute the authority of the emitter 15:50
MasterDuke no errors doing that for me. are you on a vpn or behind a firewall? 15:52
skylendar vpn no. firewall of course yes
lizmat feels like some local security being applied.. 15:53
skylendar can deactivate the firewall
but it doesn't change anything 15:54
wayland76 I can do the wget no problems. 15:55
skylendar There is also an issue with : can't get the attribute from CN=Amazon RSA 2048 M03,O=Amazon,C=US » 15:56
I'm outsde the US. Doesn it matter ? 15:57
lizmat I'm also outside the US... and no problems 15:58
tonyo: ^^ does that ring a bell
wayland76 I have a lurking suspicion. Try wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 360.zef.pm/R/EA/READLINE/f62b94759...f1f.tar.gz
(I'm in Australia for the record) 15:59
skylendar  --no-check-certificate No,l wget suggest to do: wget --no-check-certificate
tried wget --secure-protocol=TLSv1_2 but got the same answer 16:00
MasterDuke same with curl? 16:01
wayland76 OK. I'm probably out of ideas then. Except maybe try it in Chromium and see if you get the same error.
skylendar same stuff with curl
wayland76 (At work on Friday, CloudFlare had changed something to do with SSL and it took one of our clients' sites offline). 16:02
skylendar can download the archive with firefox 16:03
wayland76 Interesting. Is Firefox on the same device/OS?
skylendar yes 16:04
tried with lynx. no way 16:07
I seems to be related to the amazone certif
if available or not. 16:08
in the case of zef, it doesnt seem to be present
wayland76 That sounds reasonable. And if wget/curl/lynx all share the same cert store, that would explain it. 16:14
skylendar absolutely 16:15
16:15 bdju joined
skylendar ans this store seems to be outside of zef 16:15
the gnutls packages don't seem to include such a store 16:19
but  ca-certificates package maybe yes 16:20
let's test with ubuntu 16:27
I could install raku 2022 on ubuntu but it's too old 16:33
MasterDuke i have a ca-certificates package installed on my os (arch linux), do you? 16:34
skylendar yes I do, but it contains certs for various pieces of software 16:36
ok I was able to  install Readline on ubuntu, but not Linenoise 16:43
nor /var/lib/ca-certificates/openssl in fact 16:44
I meant Terminal::Lineeditor
ok for Terminal::Lineeditor 16:46
and ok for Linenoise 16:47
16:47 bdju left
skylendar ok, Ubuntu only offers the mozilla cacert packages, apparently 16:57
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skylendar my distro doesn't seem to include std .crt files 17:15
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antononcube @lucs For the record, I pretty faithfully practice the principle of "informed hate." I did not watch Damian's talk "The Once and Future Perl - Damian Conway - TPRC 2024", but I generated two different LLM-derived breakdowns and summaries of that talk. (And asked for validations of them here.) 17:36
Here are the corresponding links:
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Take that @lizmat and @Coke : resources.wolframcloud.com/Functio...xtConvert/ 18:22
TBH, that Wolfram Language (WL) function UpsideDownTextConvert is not as powerful as the corresponding Raku packages. 18:24
scullucs I skimmed those summaries and they're quite interesting, but they do no justice to what I'd hope you see in those 10 minutes I pointed to. In particular, his explaining the multi-dispatch disambiguation mechanism in as "simple as ABC" a way as possible should at least bring a smile to your face 🙂 18:31
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lizmat antononcub :-) 20:00
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tonyo skylendar: can you curl the same endpoint? zef uses curl or wget under the hood. you can also try enabling only the wget fetcher in zef 22:45
tellable6 tonyo, I'll pass your message to skylendar
tonyo a `-v` dump would also be helpful 22:46
tellable6 2024-07-07T12:31:59Z #raku <Xliff> tonyo Would you be interested in working on a generic SQL parser for Raku. Please see github.com/Xliff/perl6-Parser-SQL
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