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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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librasteve here's an invitation to the HTMX Discord (top level, the raku-htmx channel is listed on the lhs) - discord.gg/49Djj5hK let me know if it works 12:21
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antononcube @librasteve Thanks. I think the correct Discord terminology is that "raku-htmx" is a "server", not a "channel." (Hence, @vendethiel and I "complaining.") 13:02
nahita3882 actually "raku-htmx" is a channel albeit in the "htmx" server :| 13:12
vendethiel ah; I see 13:13
librasteve didn't rise to the bait 13:14
antononcube @nahita3882 Thanks -- I thought I joined another Raku-server. 13:17
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