🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:17 bdju left 00:38 sorenson joined
sorenson Does anyone here use NixOS and have suggestions on how to use Zef/Raku modules on NixOS? 00:39
antononcube 🤷‍♂️ 00:43
01:28 kylese left 01:29 kylese joined 01:43 guifa left 01:47 MasterDuke joined
tbrowder i need to extract N items from an array into another array. i can do that with shift and push one item at a time. 01:50
MasterDuke splice 01:51
tbrowder ah, thnx.
yep, right at the end with prepend after shift and friends in the docs, i always stop reading too soon 01:55
02:09 guifa joined 02:13 Xliff left 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 03:10 guifa left 03:12 Aedil joined 05:30 Sgeo left 05:53 derpydoo joined 06:15 guifa joined 06:19 guifa left 07:43 sena_kun joined 07:54 dakkar joined 08:22 derpydoo left
lizmat re splice: a pattern that I frequently use for "push this to an array, move the whole array to another array and clean out the original array, is: 08:24
my @b := @a.push("foo").splice;
08:35 derpydoo joined
ab5tract also with the current splice implementation its worth pointing out that you have to be pretty verbose when splicing in arrays as elements 09:17
m: my @a = 1,2,3; @a.splice(1,1,[$[5,6],]); dd @a
camelia [1, [5, 6], 3]
ab5tract working on cleaning this up for 6e 09:18
09:31 sena_kun left 09:50 derpydoo left
tbrowder lizmat: thnx. the docs are confusing to me. i finally get how to remove elements, but it's not clear how to capture those removed. the docs do say returns but i can't do: @b = @a.splice(2); also the term is misleading: splice to me means join things, not remove things 10:50
lizmat well, the name was inherited from Perl 10:51
and the part of taking out is followed by a part of joining 10:52
tbrowder m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := @a.splice(2);
camelia ( no output )
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := @a.splice(2); dd @a, @b 10:54
camelia [1, 2]
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := @a.splice(2); dd @a, @b; @b.push(42) 10:55
camelia [1, 2]
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b := @a.splice(2); dd @a, @b; @b.push(42); dd @b
camelia [1, 2]
[3, 42]
lizmat m: my @a = 1,2,3,4,5; my @b := @a.splice(2,1); dd @a, @b; @b.push(42); dd @b
camelia [1, 2, 4, 5]
[3, 42]
tbrowder m: my @a =1,2,3; my @b := @a.splice(2); dd @b; dd @a; 10:57
camelia [3]
[1, 2]
tbrowder m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b.push(@a.slice(2)); dd @a; dd @b: 11:00
camelia [1, 2, 3]
No such method 'dd' for invocant of type 'Array'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: m: my @a = 1,2,3; (my @b).push(@a.slice(2)); dd @a; dd @b: 11:01
camelia [1, 2, 3]
No such method 'dd' for invocant of type 'Array'
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: m: my @a = 1,2,3; (my @b).push(@a.slice(2)); dd @a; dd @b;
camelia [1, 2, 3]
lizmat m: m: my @a = 1,2,3; (my @b).append(@a.slice(2)); dd @a; dd @b; 11:02
camelia [1, 2, 3]
tbrowder m: my @a = 1,2,3; my @b = @a[0..^2]; @a.slice(2); dd @a; dd @b; 11:05
camelia [1, 2, 3]
[1, 2]
tbrowder ?? 11:06
lizmat that's .slice, not .splice 11:13
tbrowder erg... 11:15
m: my @a =1,2,3; my @b = @a[0..^2]; @a.splice(2); dd @a; dd @b; 11:17
camelia [1, 2]
[1, 2]
tbrowder m: my @a=1,2"3; @a.slice(2); dd @a 11:20
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> my @a=1,2⏏"3; @a.slice(2); dd @a
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
tbrowder m: my @a = 1,2,3; @a.slice(2); dd @a 11:21
camelia [1, 2, 3]
tbrowder ok, tink i got it... 11:27
m: my @a=1,2,3; my @b = @a.splice(0,2); say @a.raku; say @b.raku 11:28
camelia [3]
[1, 2]
lizmat perhaps "eject" would be a better name than "splice"
tbrowder fer sure! 11:30
11:30 MasterDuke left
tbrowder remove, extract 11:30
slice 11:31
or add a number to pop and shift 11:32
lizmat pop and shift only work from the end / start
tbrowder yes, but that's my main use here. i'm given a list of names that need to be removed 8 at a time to make a sheet of name tags. 11:34
while @names.elems >= 8 { my @list = @names.shift(8); ...} 11:36
i'll bet a popsicle that would be a popular addition to Raku 11:39
seriously, it should be easy to do and be within the spirit of current core routine names 11:44
lizmat @list.batch(8) 11:50
tbrowder: ^^ 11:58
tbrowder hm...ex 12:18
ok, but it doesn't remove the elements 12:21
didn't know about .batch 12:22
oh, i see... 12:24
that will work for me. just have to experiment a bit. thnx! (but i still like pop and shift with numbers) 12:26
for now i'll just use the splice 'cause it works better for my brain... 12:28
dutchie is there an easy way to do something like `sub MAIN(Int $i)` and have it accept negative numbers? i think it's assuming they are option arguments and then complaining they aren't recognised 12:35
lizmat sub MAIN(Int $i where $i < 0) 12:39
12:46 jgaz joined
nahita3882 raku your_prog.raku -- -75 is an option; "--" is used to signal that flags are over, rest are positional direct arguments and particularly useful when your arg starts with a dash 13:04
antononcube @lizmat The best ChatGPT model produces long and wrong answer of your splice-pattern stated above: 13:11
Other of OpenAI's ChatGPT produce similiar non-working results.
dutchie yeah, -- is an option but kind of annoying when I know the program doesn't accept any options at all, just a single numeric argument that might be positive or negative 13:13
lizmat s/push/append would make it more correct
nahita3882 dutchie: you also have the option to supply a custom ARGS-TO-CAPTURE 13:14
lizmat multi sub MAIN(Int $i where $i < 0) ??
nahita3882 lizmat: constraint isn't the issue; it's that -12 is parsed as "12" => True as an argument, i.e., a flag
lizmat aaah... ok
dutchie I was wondering if ARGS-TO-CAPTURE was going to be the answer
nahita3882 dutchie: sub ARGS-TO-CAPTURE(&, @args) { \(@args.head.Int) } is an example
dutchie mm, that looks plausible 13:15
13:42 Geth joined
tbrowder lizmat: on second thought, batch should work fine. 14:06
lizmat also: if you have 8 items of information, you might want to consider creating a class for it :-) 14:07
.oO( what was the age field again: element 5 or 6? )
tbrowder nah, each element is a string “first last” for a label, 2 labels per row, 4 rows per Letter page 14:10
may be diff for A4 14:11
but, would you accept a raku issue to add pop/shift wit numeric args? 14:12
single positive int 14:13
not zero
lizmat would be more like a problem solving issue I'd say, implementation would be trivial 14:14
tbrowder ok
14:16 silug left 14:24 silug joined
librasteve hi folks, I am trying to improve my functional style coding skills, but struggling with this (see code in this gist gist.github.com/librasteve/fb6b375...a370d19f4) 14:31
[Coke] whew. my m2 mac was only booting into recovery mode last night and I couldn't get it back - tried reinstalling the OS, disk fix, nothing. It rebooted cleanly today.
(-12) I have a similar issue with needing to support 'cal -3' 14:32
librasteve the bit I would like a steer on is lines 47-49 ... seems like the cleanest I can do is to repeat the variable names three times ... maybe if there was an attribute pair syntax :$^name on same lines as :$!name for OO attrs I would be able to cut from 3x to 2x... any f/back very welcome 14:33
14:34 mearp joined
mearp \n 14:34
librasteve [Coke] did you health check the SSD? was it running hot?
[Coke] there was no way to check that from recovery screen that I could see. 14:35
librasteve whew indeed - maybe a trip to the Apple store genius bar?
well I meant after it came back
[Coke] It did say that the root volume was encrypted, which I was suprised about
antononcube @librasteve "I am trying to improve my functional style coding skills [...]" -- Start using Mathematica more often.
librasteve hmmm a coding language you have to pay for
antononcube No, not true, I keep correcting these kind of statements here. 14:36
Wolfram Engine (www.wolfram.com/engine/) is free for developers. Requires developer registration with email. 14:37
lizmat m: say "camelCase".subst( / <lower>+ )> <upper>/, {$/.tc ~ " "}) ~ ": "'
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> wer>+ )> <upper>/, {$/.tc ~ " "}) ~ ": "⏏'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
lizmat m: say "camelCase".subst( / <lower>+ )> <upper> /, { $/.tc ~ " " }) ~ ": " 14:38
camelia Camel Case:
lizmat librasteve why use subst here? $name.subst( /(.*)/, {"<.$0>"} ); 14:40
"<.$name>" would do the trick, no ?
also: 14:41
@names.map: *.&camel2label; can be written as:
@names.map: &camel2label;
aka, no need for the *.
librasteve I think my small business counts as a business for Wolfram audit purposes ... anyway free as in birds not just free as in beer 14:42
antononcube Sure. But we were talking about improving functional programming skills. (Not business products.) 14:43
librasteve lizmat: thanks for the tips, the last two are good, the first mayhave been mangled by Discord 14:51
lizmat gist.github.com/lizmat/baa0a17630d...f7bead1be7 14:52
librasteve oh - looks up )> 14:53
m: say "camelCaseMoreBits".subst( / <lower>+ )> <upper> /, { $/.tc ~ " " }) ~ ": " 14:55
evalable6__ Camel CaseMoreBits:
Raku eval Camel CaseMoreBits:
librasteve oh - the capture marker
lizmat yup 14:56
librasteve thanks! 14:57
lizmat yw! 14:58
m: say "camelCase".subst( / <.lower>+ )> <.upper> /, { $/.tc ~ " " }) ~ ": "
camelia Camel Case:
lizmat the lower / upper don't need capturing, so don't :-) 14:59
should help if this is in a hot loop
m: say "camelCase".subst( / <.lower>+ )> <.upper> /, { "$/.tc() " }) ~ ": "
camelia Camel Case:
lizmat alternate subst body 15:00
ab5tract m: say "camelCase".subst( / <.lower>+ )> <.upper> /, { "$/.tc() " }) ~ ": " 15:01
camelia Camel Case:
ab5tract m: say "camelCase".subst: / <.lower>+ )> <.upper> /, { "$/.tc() " } andthen .Str ~ ": "
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Camel Case
Useless use of "~" in expression ".Str ~ \": \"" in sink context (line 1)
ab5tract huh... well, the parentheses bother my eyes when reading it, but the above is cleary not the solution :) 15:02
antononcube I am not sure what the goal is, but this code does convert camelCase into Title Case: "camelCaseMoreBits".match(/ ([<.lower>+]?) ([<upper> <.lower>+ ])+ /).values».Str.tc.raku # "Camel Case More Bits" 15:08
librasteve nice! 15:11
m: "camelCaseMany".match(/ ([<lower>+]?) ([<upper> <lower>+ ])+ /)>>.tc.join(" ")~":" 15:24
evalable6__ WARNINGS for /tmp/_jdD_aTl6T:
Useless use of "~" in expression ".join(\" \")~\":\"" in sink context (line 1)
Raku eval WARNINGS for /home/glot/main.raku: Useless use of "~" in expression ".join(\" \")~\":\"" in sink context (line 1)
librasteve m: say "camelCaseMany".match(/ ([<lower>+]?) ([<upper> <lower>+ ])+ /)>>.tc.join(" ")~":"
Raku eval Camel Case Many:
evalable6__ Camel Case Many:
antononcube I think .tc is doing the joining for you. 15:28
librasteve .oO
m: say "camelCaseMany".match(/ (<:Ll>+) (<:Lu><:Ll>+)+ /)>>.tc~":"
evalable6__ Camel Case Many:
Raku eval Camel Case Many:
librasteve looks like capture () do [] grouping anyway 15:29
antononcube Right, of course.
librasteve m: say "camelCaseMany".match(/ (<lower>+) (<upper><lower>+)+ /)>>.tc~":" 15:32
Raku eval Camel Case Many:
evalable6__ Camel Case Many:
librasteve just seeing if upper / lower are less line-noisy
antononcube That case-conversion of code was the easiest for me to write Raku. In Mathematica, R, or Python, I had to think of (or "research") the possible solution much longer. 15:40
librasteve yeah - there are many areas where I think raku is =~= to other langs - I don't know Mathematica or R at all, but I guess that its a bit of a horse race in many areas and that in certain areas, eg R is a lot stronger for analytics - but raku is the child of perl and perl was already the killer regex tool even before raku made "PCRE 2.0" 15:53
16:34 dakkar left 16:38 mearp left
tbrowder librasteve: i have an ancient (circa 2009) website still running, mostly static (apache latest, perl, cgi) and wonder if htmx (and raku) might help me improve it if i can work on it in reasonable chunks) 16:52
17:35 sena_kun joined
librasteve tbrowder: I am enjoying working on Raku Cro versions of the HTMX examples ... I you would like to get a feel for it, then I suggest you go to github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX-Examples and follow the Getting Started ... if you are feeeling intrepid why not pick one of the python HTMX examples that I haven't yet done and try you hand on that? 18:16
18:29 vrurg_ left 18:30 vrurg joined
antononcube Speaking of Python to Raku conversions -- I rather program in R than in Python. 18:31
But in the last 10 days, I did a fair amount Python programming (for free.)
18:33 Aedil left
Hopefully, these kind of computations and plots would be soon (readily) available in Raku: 18:34
(That plot was made with a Python package I published a few days ago.) 18:36
[Coke] nifty: I would expect "hotter than normal" to be red. 20:59
antononcube @Coke Agh, right! It is "just" the template used, called "plotly_dark". 21:18
tbrowder librasteve: good idea! 21:44
lizmat: .batch is not working as i thought it would. i've gone back to: my @b = @a.aplice(0,2) and that does work. when i get time i'm gonna try submitting a problem-solving issue 21:47
21:47 jgaz left 21:50 sena_kun left
tbrowder *splice 21:52
22:49 Sgeo joined 23:35 human_blip left