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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tbrowder rakuteer++ 01:48
au rakuntraire 01:49
antononcube Or "raconnier" (as in "braconnier".) 01:51
ab5tract Rakutier sounds fancy. Rakuteer is close to racketeer, which is distinctly negative. 03:11
ab5tract “Rakutiér”, in the French mode 06:52
Though I suppose I’m not genuinely suggesting it 06:53
One approach that would be a decent cultural fit would be to have a number of them, and use them as desired 06:54
While on the topic I will also propose: “Rakutans” (rā-KOO-tens) or “Rakutons” (RĀK-que-tuns) 06:58
wayland76 .tell librasteve Yes, I've seen those -- they're probably on my list at some point. My next driver is likely to be LibreOffice Calc spreadsheets (because it's fairly different from Postgres, and I want to ensure I'm covering both those), but I'm likely to build out additional functionality (especially Joins and Filters) before I do that. 07:20
tellable6 wayland76, I'll pass your message to librasteve
wayland76 .tell librasteve: I'm not sure what you're referring to with the by vs. groupby -- can you link to the page you're talking about for that one? 07:22
tellable6 wayland76, I'll pass your message to librasteve
antononcube @wayland76 Steve is most likely referring to a version of R’s function by : audhalbritter.com/using-the-by-function-in-r-4/ 07:37
BTW, I implemented group-by in “Data::Reshapers”. 07:40
I haven’t made it yet to take a third argument— a function to be applied over each group— as other incarnations of group-by do. 07:42
The group transformation is easily specified in Raku (with map), so there is no pressing need for it. 07:45
tbrowder I like rauteer: Rakuteers are to Larry Wall as Mousekateers are to Walt Disney 11:17
*Mouseketeer 11:19
antononcube Walt Disney World is also called "Mauschwitz". 11:23
ab5tract I think the Imagineer comparison makes a better fit than Mouseketeer (which is unfortunately a bit shaded by child exploitation), but yeah 12:11
I don't think this is ever going to be resolved satisfactorily 12:12
Even if we had consensus here or on a problem solving ticket, the formal action is that of assigning a name on others who haven't necessarily granted consent 12:13
tbrowder ok, imagineer IS much better 14:05
jdv i say drop it. let it come about organically. 14:06
antononcube "Organeer" is not good, either... 14:07
jdv the p6 to raku already caused enuf damage. better to not force more.
tbrowder can anyone help me get my head around what should be simple: i have two closed graphics paths that are defined in the same CTM. one (set A, a simple circle) is surrounded by the other but the paths *may* intersect (set B). how do i apply the clip so only the paint *inside* A shows? 14:14
all the text book examples i've seen show a star and two circles but don't show intersection of the circles (two paths) with the star (one path) 14:17
i'm going back to the Adobe Blue Book's definition which *is* quite clear, so i will go down that "path" and try again. thnx 14:22
antononcube @trbrowder It depends on the "tools" you have. Are the closed curves given with their equations? 14:31
You mention Adobe Blue Book -- does this mean you use the primitives of a certain Adoby library? 14:32
@tbrowder Is this something you can use? adobe newpath 100 100 50 0 360 arc closepath gsave clip newpath 100 100 75 0 360 arc closepath fill grestore 14:37
tbrowder yes, i have success with that and have used it for years. now i'm trying to do it with PDF which is almost the same but not. yes, the "Blue Book" (and the "Red Book"') are the paper-bound books published by Adobe for PostScript--real good references which I fortunately still have at hand. 17:27
i have always been impressed with the technical writing in Adobe books--should be required reading by wannabe professional tech writers. 17:29
librasteve rakunarian == octogenarian in my mind so not that please - otherwise any of the above are imvho fine 17:54
tellable6 2024-09-06T07:22:47Z #raku <wayland76> librasteve: I'm not sure what you're referring to with the by vs. groupby -- can you link to the page you're talking about for that one?
hey librasteve, you have a message: gist.github.com/bedff681cc2131788c...7092ec2afa
librasteve ab5tract: please bear in mind that these suggestions are better than rakuun for the connotations mentioned - and there is a small but notable hard coding of rakuun in the reddit flair - I would even be cool just replacing the reddit flair with an emoticon 17:55
ab5tract librasteve: ah, that's a bit different... how about a pyramid emoji, standing for the Rakuminati? :) 19:53
tbrowder abstract5: you folks are really creative! is there an eye in the pyramid? 20:33
ab5tract: sorry 20:34
ab5tract tbrowder: ideally! Not sure if the universal emoji set is Enlightened or not ;) 20:35
antononcube @ab5tract "Rakuminati" 🏺🗿 20:48
ab5tract no pyramid :( 21:30
antononcube There is a pyramid but it is flat: 🔺 21:38
wayland How about Rakunteur (as in raconteur :) ) 22:57
tellable6 hey wayland, you have a message: gist.github.com/55d5806175d64d54f8...0dab4e5e46
wayland Now that I've read further, I *do* like "Rakuminati", but the singular should then be Rakuminato, should it not? 23:02
How about a pyramind with a butterfly instead of an eye? :) 23:03
tbrowder ab5tract: hm, make a suitable emoji? lobby the Unicode consortium? 23:04
timo Rakuist ... Rakunnoisseur (sp?) 23:15
wayland Other ideas based on en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Camellia -- Rakulipes (from Camellia gracilipes), Rakuteata (from Camellia grandibracteata). Not that great, but throwing it out there. 23:23
Favourites so far: Rakuminato/Rakuminati, and Rakunnoiseur (I don't mind Rakuun either though). 23:34