🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel! Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022. |
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ab5tract | ingy: is that script visible online somewhere? I’m curious what non-trivial yaml script looks like | 06:35 | |
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ab5tract | antononcube: congrats on the new module. I'll definitely give this a try sometime. Is there any way to extend it to storing "analyzed code output" in the vector db? | 08:16 | |
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antononcube | Right, that is the “harder” use case. And it is an interesting question: should a certain code base be used “as is”, or be (LLM-)preprocessed to have comments. | 08:26 | |
An article can be naturally split into paragraphs and then a vector embedding for each paragraph be obtained. With code the splitting is not that easy or natural. So, another interesting, related question is would partial code fragments be “reasonably” retrieved when using the embeddings. | 08:32 | ||
Obviously, Raku parsers/grammars or RakuAST can help splitting Raku code into reasonable chunks. | 08:42 | ||
ab5tract | it's still fuzzy to me, but its coming into clearer focus | 08:45 | |
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[Coke] | rak: Failed to open file /Volumes/deloitte/doc/doc/Type/Range.rakudoc: Too many open files | 13:45 | |
lizmat: gist.github.com/coke/913c4279578f9...c8f55e4c68 | |||
lizmat | what am I looking at there ? | 13:46 | |
[Coke] | I just ran rak and got that error. | 14:17 | |
I can open a ticket and throw in version info if that'll help | |||
ah. it's when I add $(git ls-files) on the command line | 14:18 | ||
I do that in shell often if I just want version controlled files. looks like rak is performant enough without it, but if I add it, it complains | 14:19 | ||
lizmat | h.mmmm anyways, there's a #raku-rak channel if you have specific rak issues :-) | ||
timo | [Coke]: what's your ulimit -n, aka "max open files"? it tends to be rather quite a bit low in normal systems nowadays | 14:31 | |
i'm surprised to find mine is 1024 and i've not had anything explode yet | |||
[Coke] | 256! | ||
timo | holy shit | ||
ab5tract | What is this, 1992? :) | 14:32 | |
[Coke] | yup, upping that to 1024 avoids the explosion. | ||
m: Date.new.year.say | |||
camelia | Cannot call Date.new with no parameters in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
[Coke] | m: Date.today.year.say | ||
camelia | 2024 | ||
[Coke] | nope! | ||
timo | m: say [*] 1..256 | 14:33 | |
camelia | 85781777534284265411908227168123262515778152027948561985965565037726945255314758937744029136045140845037588534233658430615719683469369647532228928849742602567963733256336878644267520762679456018796886797152114330770207752664645146470918732610083287632… | ||
timo | that's a lot of open files you can have! | 14:34 | |
[Coke] | irssi question - when I do "/save" or "/layout save", my irssi config is not updated to reflect the current set of open windows. am I missing something? | 14:36 | |
timo | is it in a secondary or tertiary config file? | 14:37 | |
i haven't used irssi in a decade, i've switched to weechat some time ago | |||
[Coke] finds www.linode.com/docs/guides/advance...save-state | |||
add to add a script in an alias. whee. | 14:38 | ||
*had* | |||
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lucs | Am I misunderstanding the string quoting :f adverb? : | 16:56 | |
m: sub baz { $^a }; print Q:f'&baz(123)<foo>'; # Expecting "123<foo>" | 16:57 | ||
camelia | Type Int does not support associative indexing. in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
lucs | (hungry; back later) | 17:01 | |
timo | i think the f, c, s, a, h adverbs are about what can start an interpolation, so as long as there are circumfixes later, it will chain? | 17:15 | |
antononcube | weekly: youtu.be/JHO2Wk1b-Og | 17:23 | |
notable6__ | antononcube, Noted! (weekly) | ||
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librasteve | lucs: looks like you got 123<foo> except that 123 as an Int doesn’t take an associative index <foo> … maybe use parens to disambiguate further? | 18:11 | |
tellable6__ | 2024-09-16T18:53:45Z #raku <ab5tract> librasteve: syntax highlighting should be fixed :) | ||
librasteve | .oO | 18:12 | |
scullucs | @librasteve : not sure parens where... | 18:14 | |
librasteve | m: sub baz { $^a }; print Q:f'(&baz(123))<foo>'; | 18:18 | |
evalable6 | (123)<foo> | ||
Raku eval | (123)<foo> | ||
librasteve | hmmm | ||
m: sub baz { $^a }; print Q:f'&baz(123) <foo>'; | 18:20 | ||
evalable6 | 123 <foo> | ||
Raku eval | 123 <foo> | ||
librasteve | with a space | ||
looks like we need a non space space | 18:21 | ||
at this point I would say use Q with curlies - ymmv | |||
scullucs | Yeah, turns out curlies would be okay in what I'm actually doing, but I've been using the :f adverb successfully in with generated LaTeX code so much that the "Q:f:..." idiom has become my go to "interpolate only these things, absolutely nothing else" mechanism. | 18:25 | |
And so I was wondering what was up with that, and the "chain circumfixes" thing makes sense. | 18:26 | ||
librasteve | yeah - quoting is a gnarly thing ... | 18:36 | |
m: sub baz { $^a }; sub nss {"\c[0020]"}; print Q:f'&baz(123)&nss<foo>'; | |||
Raku eval | Exit code: 1 Type Sub does not support associative indexing. in block <unit> at main.raku line 1 | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Type Sub does not support associative indexing. in block <unit> at /tmp/fFh76Sdeob line 1 |
ab5tract | I suspect the issue here is that `:f` specifies "function" calls, which somehow `.AT-KEY` (via `<>`) is being considered under | 18:45 | |
huh, but that's not actually true.. | 18:46 | ||
m: my %a = "a" => "Z"; say Q:f[ $a<a> ]; | |||
camelia | $a<a> | ||
ab5tract | I think this is definitely worth reporting a GitHub issue over | 18:47 | |
(also broken in RakuAST) | 18:49 | ||
timo | you can switch to a different quoting mode inside of a qq with \q | 19:01 | |
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ab5tract | that's a useful feature, but is it usable here? | 19:14 | |
the RakuAST ouput shows that a `Postcircumfix::LiteralHashIndex` is generated for `<foo>` | 19:15 | ||
that doesn't seem to be expected behavior for a quoting mode that is supposed to restrict itself to function calls | 19:16 | ||
timo | m: sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol(123) \q:f[&lol(321)]<543> :)' | 19:19 | |
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Confused at <tmp>:1 ------> sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol(123)⏏ \q:f[&lol(321)]<543> :)' expecting any of: infix infix stopper postfix st… |
timo | m: sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol(123) \qq:f[&lol(321)]<543> :)' | 19:20 | |
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Confused at <tmp>:1 ------> sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol(123)⏏ \qq:f[&lol(321)]<543> :)' expecting any of: infix infix stopper postfix s… |
timo | m: sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol \qq:f[&lol(321)]<543> :)' | ||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Confused at <tmp>:1 ------> sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol⏏ \qq:f[&lol(321)]<543> :)' expecting any of: infix infix stopper postfix statem… |
timo | not sure what i am doing wrong here tbh? | ||
m: sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol :)' | |||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Unexpected closing bracket at <tmp>:1 ------> sub lol { "^$_^" }; say q'not: &lol :⏏)' |
timo | oh, ' is allowed in identifiers | 19:21 | |
so q' bla ' works but q'bla' doesn't | 19:22 | ||
m: sub lol { "^" ~ $^a ~ "^" }; say q 'not: &lol() \qq:f [&lol(123)]<321> haha' | 19:26 | ||
camelia | not: &lol() ^123^<321> haha | ||
ab5tract | the `<321>` is supposed to be inside of the quote, iiuc | 19:34 | |
ah, nevermind, I see what you did there :) | |||
it still feels like a bug to me though | |||
which is to say, this seems inconsistent and I'm not sure how to reconcile the difference: | 19:46 | ||
m: my %a = :1a; say Q:f[ %a<a> ]; sub h(%h) { %h }; say Q:f[ &h(%a)<a> ] | |||
camelia | %a<a> 1 |
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ab5tract | I guess it's this part (from the QAST output): `QAST::Op(call &postcircumfix:<{ }>)` | 20:12 | |
librasteve | m: sub baz { $^a }; say Q:c|{baz(123)}<foo>|; | 20:21 | |
evalable6 | 123<foo> | ||
Raku eval | 123<foo> | ||
librasteve | m: sub baz { $^a }; say Q:f|&baz(123)<foo>|; | ||
Raku eval | Exit code: 1 Type Int does not support associative indexing. in block <unit> at main.raku line 1 | ||
evalable6 | (exit code 1) Type Int does not support associative indexing. in block <unit> at /tmp/Kqyz5d_Iee line 1 |
librasteve | ^^ in my view, these two alternatives should give the same result ... so seems like a bug to me too | 20:22 | |
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