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ab5tract Grok output reads as super try-hard 05:56
"Here's the spicy truth" ... seriously? why would anyone want a robot to write this way? 05:57
oh, it's "fun" mode, so at least the user asked for it 06:00
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teatime huh, that's odd, where'd my irc go 07:16
wrong channel
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doomlord timo, antononcube: I came to the conclusion that we should reimplement shaped arrays around Bufs 10:53
Maybe in module space
Either Buf or CArray 10:56
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doomlord I mean, now it’s implemented in MultiDimArray.c. And it doesn’t use strides 11:02
Meaning that many optimizations are precluded
Im not sure if having it implemented in c gives significant performance boosts, if that is the case then one could modify the repr and the api to have strides in c 11:04
But my guess is that the Buf or CArray implementation would also be fast thanks to the jit compiler 11:05
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antononcube @ab5tract It is an interesting question when I see LLMs with “fun modes” how exactly their fun modes operate. 90% I suspect it is just a global, “header” prompt change or augmentation. 12:35
But sometimes it seems an LLM is deliberately trained to be “fun.” Alternatively, all LLMs are “fun”, but kind of ugly too (because are trained with “The Internet”). Hence, civil discourse conditioning global prompts are always needed. 12:38
@doomlord “Oh but that takes more mental effort than a reshape function for multidimensional arrays” — I tried to “fix” these kind of concerns in my DSL packages, and more concretely for data wrangling, with “DSL::English::DataQueryWorkflows”, raku.land/zef:antononcube/DSL::Eng...yWorkflows 12:43
It supports multiple stride styles.
I.e. specifications for array views.
A package Ecosystem question: 13:15
Before and during Milton 🌀 🌪️ passing here I was trying to track it using Raku functionalities. (It was, say, 1/3 to 1/2 successful endeavor.) One big obstacle, for me at least, was importing and parsing KML and KMZ files. So, what is the best approach for getting these packages?
*"these packages" = "these packaged functionalities".
1) Making a dedicated package named, say, "Data::Geographics::KML" or just "Geo::KML". 2) Just using "Data::Importers" and making it to know how to deal with KML/KMZ files. 3) Extending an existing package with plugin, for example, the current "XML" with "XML::KML". 13:18
@grenzo Ingesting KMZ files is a perfect application of "IO-Archive". 13:26
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