01:34 ab5tract left 01:41 kylese left, kylese joined 02:15 kylese left, kylese joined 03:05 Aedil joined 03:35 guifa left 03:56 Aedil left 04:14 Aedil joined 05:30 Sgeo left 05:35 Aedil left 06:08 Chanakan left 06:22 Aedil joined 06:27 floyza left 06:54 ab5tract joined 07:18 holyghost left 08:11 dakkar joined 09:03 ab5tract left 09:54 blendux joined
Geth ¦ problem-solving: tbrowder assigned to rba Issue Raku's Github list of popular repositories is outdated and needs a new listk github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/448 10:10
¦ problem-solving: lizmat unassigned from rba Issue Raku's Github list of popular repositories is outdated and needs a new list github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/448 10:29
tbrowder i need help with hypering a zef command. all the hypering examples i've seen confuse me to no end as to how to assemble the pieces. my single zef cmd is "zef info SomeModule". when i iterate over a list of 47 locally installed modules and use "run $cmd" on them i usually get okay results, but sometimes i get one or two undefined or Any results which i think is caused by zef's hypering. 11:28
lizmat zef doesn't hyper afaik ?
tbrowder hm, then i don't understand why i sometime i get differing output on the same inputs. probably my error--will check again. 11:33
but i would still like to hyper it. i looked at yr hyperize and it's too much golfing to me--not sure how the above would look. 11:34
lizmat fwiw, if you could create a golf that shows breakage, that would be appreciated :-) 11:36
OTOH, zef is a frontend to functionality in the core... perhaps you don't need to call zef ?
tbrowder ref zef, i have an ongoing convo now w/ugexe about auth use of zef. and i'll try use hyperize, too. 11:47
i'm proposing a new function for zef: cmd 'lint' to check in a module sourve repo any mismatch between /resources and META6.json.resources. 11:49
12:00 Aedil left
tbrowder hyperizing zef would be helpful because a zef info call can take a while. i don't think i have enough chutzpah and time to access the module databases like zef does 12:01
12:02 kaholaz left