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antononcube Is it true that AT-POS can take only integer arguments? Is it possible to make expressions like this one $m[‘a’] work ? 08:09
I can use AT-KEY, but when $m above is a matrix, $m<a> seems “misleading.” 08:11
lizmat m: class A { method AT-POS($) { 42 } }; my @a is A; say @a["foobar"] 08:39
camelia 42
lizmat antononcube ^^ is that an answer ?
antononcube @lizmat Yes, it is. (Then something is wrong with my AT-POS implementation...) 08:43
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@lizmat Please see the output of this code: my class A { method AT-POS($_) { say $_.WHAT; 42 } }; my @a is A; say @a["foobar"] 08:54
It prints out "(Failure)".
m: class A { method AT-POS($) { say $.WHAT; 42 } }; my @a is A; say @a["foobar"]; 08:55
evalable6 Cannot test 4b53990c2b9edf87d5d6405d65692081170ffc2f (Commit exists, but an executable could not be built for it)
linkable6 (2024-10-21) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/4b53990c2b Revert "Don't create unnecessary Failures on numeric infix operators"
Raku eval (Failure) 42
lizmat antononcube looks like the postcircumfix is forcing numbers 09:02
m: my class A { method AT-POS($_) { 42 } }; my @a is A; multi postcircumfix:<[ ]>(A:D $a, $b) { $a.AT-POS($b) }; say @a["foobar"]
camelia 42
antononcube Makes sense. (AT-POS is fine, and bad, bad, postcircufix[].) 09:05
09:14 Aedil left
@lizmat Thanks again -- I figured out the correct incantations for AT-POS and postcirumfix<[]> for my class. 09:38
lizmat yw :-) 09:39
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SmokeMachine Hi! I was thinking and I don't know it the css selector purely would make sense for our AST... for example, how to describe a infix where left is a int? with the way I was going, it could be something like: `ast-query infix, :left[ast-query number]` (or something like that... with the css selector, how would that be? `.infix[left=???]`? how to make a node on a specific position of another node? `.infix[left=.number]`? but shouldn't 13:52
that be a string?
maybe it would just make sense to nothing be a string (unless you add "") 13:53
antononcube @SmokeMachine It will help you put a clear mission statement and a description of what "ASTQuery" is facilitating and/or doing in : github.com/FCO/ASTQuery 13:56
SmokeMachine another thing is I want to make simple to just "ignore" statement-list (I'm still not sure if that's a good idea), so you would not need to add the statement list (or any other node between the if and the statement like expression) when you want to match a `if` with a assignment as first line, for example... 13:57
antononcube Right now, I am thinking that "ASTQuery" is "just" a way to scan trees produced by RakuAST.
SmokeMachine antononcube: the problem is that I'm not sure of what that should be... I'm still exploring... 13:58
antononcube Ok, great. I few exploratory actitivities: 1. Can you answer the "Five Whys" for "ASTQuery" ? 2. Why "plain" Raku cannot do what "ASTQuery" does? 3. What would "ASTQuery" help? 3.1. Learning how Raku works 3.2. Helping making new language implementations 4. Can "ASTQuery" be replaced by conversion of RakuAST outputs into XML and using XPath? 5. What is the query language of "ASTQuery"? 5.1. Typical Raku statements 14:03
5.2. A specialized DSL (or two)
SmokeMachine Why "plain" Raku cannot do what "ASTQuery" does? - It can, I just want to make it simpler in a declarative way. 14:06
What would "ASTQuery" help? - to make mathing RakuAST nodes easier (at least that's the intent) 14:07
Can "ASTQuery" be replaced by conversion of RakuAST outputs into XML and using XPath? - I don't think so, but I could be wrong... 14:08
What is the query language of "ASTQuery"? I'm still trying to decide... but I'm tending to typical raku statements or a slang... 14:09
antononcube "make it simpler in a declarative way." -- this points to answers of the DSL question, then. 🙂
SmokeMachine another point is that the return of that should make it possible to change the code's ast... 14:11
antononcube Ok, that is related to 3.2 above.
SmokeMachine and I also would like to make it usable in tools like rak to search for code in files.... 14:12
and also write a module using that that could warn if it finds any trap (docs.raku.org/language/traps) in your code.... 14:13
antononcube Great. Ideally, all these comments / answers should be in github.com/FCO/ASTQuery with related progress tracking and examples. 14:14
SmokeMachine chatgpt.com/share/67166305-9168-80...5547df7f1d 14:20
antononcube I think it will help that you put in the content of the README file and/or the ASTQuery IRC discussion from yesterday. 14:24
SmokeMachine github.com/FCO/ASTQuery 14:28
antononcube 👍 14:29
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librasteve my suggestion (purely optional) would be to create (or find) one MVP example that illustrates and can be used a test bed for the key features you want ... this is what I did with the synopsis at github.com/librasteve/raku-HTML-Functional to give you an idea ... it's OK to prioritise and backlog some of the features in order to get started as soon as you think you have something useful 15:53
on the CSS selector topic, it is possible that I may have over encouraged that path (I do not know rakuAST at all, so have no way of knowing what are the characteristices of a node that can be selected on) ... I was thinking last night that maybe text matching (or a combination of text and other features) is more applicable 15:55
Geth raku.org: patrickbkr++ created pull request #224:
Fix broken impl download link
[Coke] any windows users here - does windows have a "primary group" in the same way that linux does? I see a mention of it in the context of AD and posix, but what about just "whoami /groups" ? 16:05
ugexe my gut is we should look at what libuv does/says 16:08
github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/94e467...1155-L1156 maybe 16:10
github.com/libuv/libuv/blob/94e467...1172-L1174 16:11
antononcube @librasteve I participated in the Wolfram Technology Conference (WTC) 2024 last week. One big conclusion -- on which I cannot elaborate for now -- is that you are right to work on the Dan packages. 16:23
librasteve oh that's very encouraging to hear ... thanks for the feedback 16:26
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lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/10/21/2024-...ent-alert/ 16:54
coleman lizmat++ 19:46
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