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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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SmokeMachine ab5tract: I don’t know what’s better, but I also thought naming it RakuAST::Query 00:05
guifa for those of y'all who have worked with Cro, how can you affect what's sent in an HTTP request's <head> ? 00:13
tellable6 2024-10-27T09:01:14Z #raku <lizmat> guifa: I think so :-)
2024-10-27T10:20:12Z #raku <ab5tract> guifa: I would love to hear how you managed to get around it
guifa ab5tract : I managed to get OpenSSL working with some ln commands
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guifa oh nm it seems that was probably Firefox adding a dummy wrapper around the <h1> 00:21
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Geth docker: 70ac3871e7 | AntonOks++ | 4 files
Bump to 2024.10 [skip workflow]
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Geth ecosystem/main: 0ef8dd2e4f | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove LLFourn's modules, they will not be updated
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xinming sometimes, there is no raku to download in rakubrew, Is this normal? 12:53
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lizmat patrickb ^^ 12:57
patrickb Shouldn't be. Is it reproducible? I.e. on some computers there never is one? 12:59
Not all architectures have pre built binaries. 13:00
xinming patrickb: It's amd64, But for 2024.10 version
There is no D in front of the version
patrickb ah
Yeah, I'm not the fastest in creating the pre built binaries. 13:01
xinming Is there a lcoal cache I need to clear, so it tries to fetch remote again?
patrickb No. It's simply not there yet.
xinming hmm, Ok, got it. Will wait, No hurry. 13:02
patrickb I was moving cities this weekend and simply didn't get around to creating the binaries yet.
xinming If the process can be made automatic, that'll be faster
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patrickb It is mostly automated. But I do like to verify the results manually. 13:03
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patrickb But yeah, maybe that idea is outdated... 13:04
xinming I think the verification is already done by official raku repo 13:05
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antononcube @librasteve I read/watch the "HTML::Functional" blog post / demo movie. I assume that approach can be easily extended to using HTML widgets (or whatever they are called) for interactive interfaces. Do you think interactive interfaces can be done completely with(in) Raku using HTML and HTMX? 13:39
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librasteve tldr; yes 16:44
long version ... I have implemented all the base HTMX examples in Raku / Cro here github.com/librasteve/raku-HTMX-Examples ... initially with crotmp to generate the HTML and this provides imo a nearly complete set of dynamic facilities for a "static website with dynamic interactions" ... you can see the ideas in action here htmx.org/examples, or you can follow the Getting Started to run them in Cro. 16:47
16:48 Ekho left
... I have started to use HTML::Functional ideas in the steve-02-fn branch of HTMX-Examples ... this is a bit of learning by doing - for example I have made a "hydrate" function that takes a function and populates it dynamically from a data object (same model as crotmp ... but the HTML comes from a function) ... 16:51
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feel free to clone this style - I would encourage any curious rakuteers to fork the repo (make sure you get all the branches), pick one of the unimplemented HTMX examples and implement in the style of the Click-To-Edit.rakumod I have made to get a feel for how to use HTML::Functional to make web components (and of course PR ist back if you would like me to review it and include in the example library 16:56
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tonyo raku.land/zef:tony-o/Ryml for anyone wanting typesafe-ish html : ) 17:51
oops, librasteve - this is pretty cool 17:52
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librasteve great minds think alike 18:07
apologies that I didn't find / credit your module (is there a repo somewhere?) - I did find HTML::Lazy that has some overlap too 18:08
HTML::Lazy has the benefit of being lazy ... but I couldn't work out why you would want that in an HTML render pattern ... maybe I will eat my words 18:10
lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/10/28/2024-...es-fallen/ 18:12
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antononcube I have seen this kind of comment twice in Hacker News: news.ycombinator.com/user?id=mempko . 18:27
I am not sure how to interpret that one, to be honest, especially the last sentence: > You would think someone would make a really great library to create AI Agents using Raku. 18:28
But it seems to me that author did not bother looking up / googling "Raku LLM". 18:30
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Sorry, I meant that comment link: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=41916452 18:34
librasteve @antononcube - I have made some comments for you (very late in the day to be sure) to spare you some blushes 18:42
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antononcube Thank you! 18:46
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librasteve patrickbr: do you have any plans to package your Rainbow code as a raku module? 18:58
redface - just found it ;-(
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timo gist.github.com/timo/1d9ff134a8e96...845bf598d8 - userfaultfd with rakudo and NativeCall 19:27
includes an asciinema recording
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ab5tract timo: my brain isn’t ready to fully comprehend what I’m seeing, but the small comprehension it’s capable of is impressed :) 21:14
timo it's not actually useful, turns out 21:15
but it's colorful
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tonyo librasteve: i made the Ryml at someone's request, i don't exactly recall the circumstance. i didn't realize htmx was still around, i remember being excited for it a long time ago 22:02
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El_Che tonyo: a few people at work were excited by htmx. They were bitten too much by JS dependencies 22:03
tonyo: ryml looks nice 22:05
tonyo a lot more accessible to most than trying to learn an entire framework, or manage wordpress on their own (or, worse, manage a wordpress hosting provider) 22:06
thanks, racking my brain trying to remember how that came to be. might've been rf and humming-bird but not recalling 22:07
El_Che I moved my personal stuff some time ago to html generators 22:08
tonyo i miss jade templates. what do you use now?
El_Che hugo
converts markdown to html 22:09
that's it
the diffulty/pain is in the css if you want to change theme
tonyo interesting, looks a little like something we use at work for email templates
but it's bundled in python/flask 22:10
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