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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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lizmat Xliff: raku.rocks is mine indeed, why ? 09:02
stanrifkin nice website :) 09:04
lizmat fwiw, I reserve the right to remove the redirect and put something else there :-) 09:11
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lizmat weekly: buttondown.com/hillelwayne/archive...operators/ 09:44
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
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melezhik. coleman: thanks ! 10:38
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Xliff lizmat: Is it possible to get a xliff@ there? 12:51
lizmat technically I wouldn't have an issue with that... 12:53
but I'm a bit reluctant to be passing mail around the world...
Xliff Ah. No worries, then. Still...nice domain! ;) 12:54
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lizmat it is :-) 12:54
lemme think about it some more... 12:55
Xliff OK 12:56
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lizmat Xliff: I'm slightly worried that you wouldn't be able to send email with that email address using your own mail server 13:11
without changing some DNS settings, so it would only be for receiving email 13:12
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Xliff lizmat: That would be fine. 13:18
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patrickb ab5tract: I'm wondering: Terminal-Print is only using a hand full of VT commands. My impression is that in today's time terminals are pretty much standardized. Could we just hard code the VT sequences for those few commands? That would rid us of our dependency on tput, curses and termcap/terminfo. 14:20
ab5tract Yes, this is what I was saying about Terminal::ANSI 14:22
Though there should not be any dependency on curses as is
As that library is not re-entrant I avoided it
I sort of recall there being some issues when not using tput to generate the sequences, but maybe I did it that way out of general compatibility concerns 14:25
patrickb The top most thing on my to-do list now is to get all of the terminal stack of Raku working on Windows. 14:29
If it's fine by you I'll try to go down the route of hard coded sequences. 14:30
ab5tract Also, this looks pretty awesome github.com/vadimdemedes/ink 14:31
antononcube @patrickb If you can figure out how to configure properly GitHub Windows workflows I will be very interested. 14:37
patrickb ab5tract: I mentioned curses, because tput is typically provided by the curses package. 15:08
ab5tract: Are you ok with me trying my hand on raw VT sequences in T-P? 15:09
ab5tract huh, I would have expected it to be part of core-utils but
patrickb Maybe I misremember... 15:10
ab5tract patrickb: sure, I have no issues with that
patrickb Cool! 15:11
ab5tract though I stll think the right place to address this is in an NQP module that would ship with core
but let's see how it turns out in T::P
patrickb What is "this" you are referring to? A small VT sequence DB? 15:12
ab5tract exactly
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coleman it's not widespread but as a kitty user I'm obligated to mention the kitty terminal protocol which occasionally causes me problems over ssh sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/protocol-extensions/ 17:57
I don't know the exact escape code conflicts to be honest 17:58
on Linux most distributions provide a kitty-terminfo package 17:59
on OpenBSD I open a gnome terminal if I want to use vi :)
(logging into an OpenBSD server from a Linux desktop, that is) 18:00
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ab5tract I have the impression that SSH has issues with escape codes in general 19:43
timo ssh just transmits the escape codes back and forth mostly transparently, but if the terminal you are using locally is not known to the other side, or the terminfo on the remote side is maybe out of date, or you are setting the wrong TERM on the remote side (it's one of the env vars that ssh is supposed to transmit by default i think?) then you'll run into trouble 19:45
what's the solution? maybe something that transmit the correct terminfo form your local machine to the remote for programs to use? sounds terrible tbh :D 19:46
a completely new protocol that does away with the legacy cruft? :D 19:47
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ab5tract librasteve_ / librasteve: are you still experiencing this issues? github.com/ab5tract/comma-plugin/issues/15 20:28
antononcube @ab5tract I have experienced a few comma-2.0 plugin issues today. Hanging again maybe 2-3 times. I will try to recreate the "click path" soon. 20:44
ab5tract Which beta are you running? 20:45
But also, is the linked issue fixed?
antononcube Good question -- I think 23 or 34.
I am trying to find out. 20:46
ab5tract Gotcha, well maybe the latest fixes the problem
also, apologies because I didn’t read carefully and thought you were librasteve for a second
antononcube ok. The hang was produced with very contrived path of editing script configurations. 20:47
ab5tract antononcube: I don't think there's much I can do about contrived input unless it's more clearly described :) 20:58
antononcube Yeah, I have to make movie. 21:01
If I can reproduce with comma-2.0 r26. 21:02
ab5tract gotcha 21:08
patrickb: what's an SGR? :) 21:42
patrickb Select Graphic Rendition. Those are ANSI escape codes starting with \e[ and ending with m. Those codes set the style (color, italic, blinking, ...) 21:45
librasteve yes
(in reply to ab5tract "are you still experiencing..." 21:46
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I am using the comma plugin I built from latest beta on 17Oct (not sure where to look for the beta version in the src) 21:49
guess I need to rebuild - will do that and revert on the open issue tomorrow 21:51
&afk 21:52
ab5tract librasteve: the beta version has an associated tag, so it would be the latest tag present in the repo checkout 22:07
guifa has anyone poked the author of Terminal::ANSI to move to zef? 22:31
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[Coke] do you mean fez? 22:38
I don't see a way to raise issues on git.sr.ht/~bduggan/raku-terminal-ansi 22:44
patrickb todo.sr.ht/~bduggan/raku-terminal-ansi 22:51
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ab5tract patrickb: you asked earlier about whether switching to a static DB of escape sequences makes sense 23:20
This led me to wonder why it wasn’t based off of Terminal::ANSI already 23:21
It turns out that it’s really just an age thing
So to be clear: it makes a lot of sense to me
Geth ecosystem/main: 5b29834e13 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Edument AB modules

They will soon re-appear in the zef ecosystem
23:51 sena_kun left