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Sampersand anyone know of a raku syntax highlighter for sublime text 03:17
i wrote one of my own but its very limited 03:18
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Fix Atikon logo size
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antononcube weekly: rakuforprediction.wordpress.com/20...aku-set-3/ 12:59
notable6 antononcube, Noted! (weekly)
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antononcube @lizmat Those "graph neat examples" blog posts are in preparation for my Day 12 Raku Advent post "Graphs in Raku". I will submit a draft today or tomorrow. 13:06
lizmat thanks: tomorrow would be JIT :-) 13:08
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tbrowder ref resources access: save a lot of grief by hard coding paths inside the module 13:45
lizmat again, resources are not necessarily paths 13:48
antononcube Raku/chess post at Hacker News: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42376695 14:31
greenfork Is there a function to turn an array [<black tree>, <yellow tree>, <blue sky>] into hash %(tree => <black yellow>, sky => <blue>) ? 14:38
I'm looking for a single-line solution, something I can easily type in a repl. I know I can do it with for or with gather/take. Maybe there's a shorter option? 14:39
lizmat antononcube looks like it got already reaped 14:41
that's HackerNews for ya :-(
antononcube haha, good to know! 14:45
I becoming curious though, how come Raku gets this "special treatment" at Hacker News? 14:46
Not that it matters, but I do not post at HN all my Raku posts and videos. That last one I posted, is a "real hack" about using graph visualization technology to plot chessboards. 14:48
timo greenfork: looks like a job for .classify? 15:02
m: [<black tree>, <yellow tree>, <blue sky>].classify(*.[1]).say
camelia {sky => [(blue sky)], tree => [(black tree) (yellow tree)]}
timo m: [<black tree>, <yellow tree>, <blue sky>].classify(*.[1], as => *.[0]).say
camelia {sky => [blue], tree => [black yellow]}
[Coke] You could also write a small block about it: 15:03
m: my %h; for [<black tree>, <yellow tree>, <blue sky>] { %h{$_[1]}.push: $_[0] }; dd %h 15:04
camelia {:sky($["blue"]), :tree($["black", "yellow"])}
[Coke] but classify seems better. :)
timo classify is lovely 15:05
antononcube @timo I plan to "blame" you about using Graphviz in my next blog post.
timo oh no :)
(no problem)
antononcube I have mentioned this before -- D3.js is fairly unreliable, I can only use it in VSCode with Jupyter. So, finding a more robust and universal alternative was really needed. 15:07
timo ah dang, it doesn't feel like d3 shouldn't work with jupyter in the browser for example, but also i haven't played with jupyter nearly enough in the past 15:08
less b0rked sentence structure: it feels like d3 should also work outside of vscode 15:09
antononcube It was working in web browsers with the old Jupyter notebook framework. But after JupyterLab was introduced my newest Jupyter-anything installations do not work with the JavaScript settings for plotting. 15:10
Maybe, there is a way to do those special settings for JupyterLab, but a lot of searching and experimenting I gave up. 15:11
So, I looked for JavaScript alternatives to plot graphs first. I was also looking -- separately -- for JavaScript-based ways to use the Graphviz DOT language. 15:12
At some point I figured out that Graphviz layout engines are fairly install-able / deploy-able in may operating systems, so just using to generate SVG, PNG, etc. is both fine and reliable. 15:14
timo ah, that's what makes it easier in your case, that makes sense yeah
antononcube Anyway... That is more or less that I have to explain in my post. (And a blame.) 15:15
timo honestly i have only done a tiny amount with jupyterlab. always just "ipython notebook" or "ipython qtconsole" 15:17
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antononcube I think those with the older Pythons 15:50
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jdv antononcube: i don't know how to "at you" with the bridge thing 16:47
in any case, i think the blin found issue with your module, Jupyter::Chatbook, should probably be fixed in the module and not the next release of rakudo. can you look into that?
16:49 Sampersand left
antononcube @jdv ok, will do. 16:54
Is there a link I can see or examine? 16:55
jdv github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5726 17:00
thanks. something with REPL. 17:01
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antononcube Ok. I will take a closer look after 4-5 hours. 17:26
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tbrowder lizmat: if not paths, dirs? 23:19
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