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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:05 AlexDaniel left, AlexDaniel joined 01:35 _________ left 01:37 _________ joined 01:41 Manifest0 left 01:42 AlexDaniel left 01:54 Voldenet left 01:57 Voldenet joined 02:00 yewscion joined 02:03 yewscion left 02:18 hulk joined 02:19 kylese left, MyNetAz left 02:25 yewscion joined 02:29 yewscion left 02:34 MyNetAz joined 03:13 yewscion joined 03:15 hulk left, kylese joined 03:18 yewscion left 03:40 Aedil joined 04:34 guifa left 04:48 guifa joined 05:22 yewscion joined 05:27 yewscion left 05:48 zenmov joined 05:56 yewscion joined 06:01 yewscion left 06:37 yewscion joined 06:43 yewscion left 07:12 yewscion joined 07:16 yewscion left 07:19 Voldenet left, GreaseMonkey left, leah2 left, sjn left, camelia left, BinGOs left, [Coke] left, dpk left, ky3 left, Altreus left, thaewrapt left 07:24 Voldenet joined, GreaseMonkey joined, leah2 joined, sjn joined, camelia joined, [Coke] joined, BinGOs joined, dpk joined, ky3 joined, Altreus joined, thaewrapt joined, MyNetAz left 07:39 MyNetAz joined 07:50 PipStuart left 07:59 Sgeo left 08:15 Guest65 joined 08:21 Guest65 left 09:19 dakkar joined 09:38 hudo left, hudo__ left, hudo joined 09:39 hudo_ joined 09:41 Manifest0 joined 09:46 yewscion joined 09:50 yewscion left 10:00 AlexDaniel joined 10:12 yewscion joined 10:14 yewscion_ joined 10:17 yewscion left 10:18 yewscion_ left 10:56 zenmov left 10:58 zenmov joined 11:11 sena_kun joined 11:13 AlexDaniel left
Geth ecosystem/main: 7d2e4b90e2 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove Grammar::Modelica

It is being migrated to Raku Community modules
ecosystem/main: 99267529d4 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove C::Parser

It is being migrated to Raku Community modules
13:14 yewscion joined 13:19 yewscion left 20:33 Geth joined 20:44 Aedil left 21:01 yewscion left 21:52 sena_kun left 23:20 yewscion joined