ll8 o/ 10:49
lizmat ll8 o/ 12:03
and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2025/01/20/2025-...-released/ 12:59
tbrowder hi, i just spent too much debug time on a simple missing module requirement for another author's published module. the missing module was causing a core dump with no clues. is there any way that missing module can show a clue when its prereqs are missing? sneak a 'require' in there somewhere? 13:05
melezhik . 13:09
ll8 hnk 13:10
melezhik patrickb not sure if you are interested as cro maintainer, but there is CI on sparky for cro-core, the benefit is tests under ARM Rakudo - sparky.sparrowhub.io/report/gh-cro...core/23255
ll8 nopnpn
s 13:11
lizmat tbrowder: be sure to alert the author of said module by making an issue! 13:17
timo tbrowder: simply a missing prerequisite should definitely not cause a core dump. can you be more specific? do you still have the dump files? 13:30
antononcube I strongly consider making a package for accessing TIGER data (Geographic data from US Census Bureau) : www.census.gov/programs-surveys/ge...guide.html 13:39
lizmat I'd be up for that if someone paid me to do that :-)
antononcube What would be a good name for that package? Here are a few options: 1. Tiger 2. Data::Tiger 3. Tigeraku 13:40
lizmat Data::TIger I'd say 13:42
afk for a few hours&
tbrowder i will file an issue, but is using ‘require’ on the author’s side the easy fix? 14:09
and i do have (or can recreate) the core dump file) 14:10
timo i would be interested in seeing the core file. how did you get your moarvm? does it have debug symbols? actually, maybe it would be easier for me to reproduce the issue locally instead of bothering you with lots of little things i need from your machine, or changes i need you to do, or something like that 14:15
tbrowder got down to 24 deg f last nite in sunny nw fl. forecast tomorrow 35 hi with snow and low of 23. 14:16
timo, my raku comes with the debian rakudo-pkg 14:17
when i used the mv2d i got nada but the core dump 14:18
timo what is "the mv2d"? 14:19
tbrowder what’s easiest way to get dump file to you? 14:20
mv2d is jnthn’s moarvm debugger module 14:21
timo oh, the core dump happens only when using mv2d? 14:22
there were some cases in the remote debugger that caused segfaults in the debugee, for example when you start it suspended, connect to it, and then ask it for a backtrace without first running any code, or stepping 14:26
ZPMalarkey493401 Hey guys... Joe Biden here. I've decided to step down from the White House to focus on other projects. Billionaires are a threat to democracy, so check out BidenCash.st to put them in the bullseye. Keep an eye on the CNN inauguration for a promo code! 14:30
tadzik pathetic 14:31
tbrowder no, it (core dump) happens when i execute my raku prog which uses the module which then dumps core
timo OK. the raku prog in question isn't available publicly?
[Coke] I have most irc notifications turned off, but I hope someone banned that scammer? 14:32
timo tbrowder: i sent you a private message on irc with a link where you should be able to upload the file
nah that user is still in the channel 14:34
tbrowder no, but i could make it so. it’s an ugly mailing list and christmas card thing i started in perl and raw PostScript years ago.
timo i don't have permissions to op myself in here it seems like 14:35
tbrowder but all you have to do is create a short prog to call PDF::Font::Loader and load a file. i’ll cobble something together shortly. 14:37
timo i might have done the file request link thing wrong 14:38
or maybe i did it correctly
tbrowder well, a simple prog is not enough. i’ll try the link and send the core dump when i get back to a real computer later today 15:02
link looks like the real deal
timo OK. with just the example code from the PDF::Font::Loader readme i can't get any segfaults 15:04
if it were so easy to crash, i would imagine you couldn't even install the module since zef runs its test suite before installing
so what is the missing dependency anyway? 15:05
tbrowder PDF::Content::FontObj; 15:10
going to try the upload link... 15:11
tbrowder got the 1Gb core dmp gzipped down to 80 Mb 15:31
timo hehe.
yeah they are sometimes full of zeroes
guifa lizmat: re Locale::Dates you should be able to automatically generate a large number of locales if you use Intl::CLDR 15:55
That way you won't have to wait for people to send in PRs 15:56
tbrowder timo, no go yet. i’ll be home in 3 or 4 hrs with a real interface to push the file. 16:01
timo OK 16:02
[Coke] ok, I think I got the ban right. 18:51
lizmat :-) 18:58
ramman So if raku has to be compiled, does that mean you can't really do one-liners of it from the command line? 21:06
timo no you totally can 21:09
there is "precompilation" where we store the result of compiling modules on disk, but you can just run scripts or one-liners like with -e 21:10
it's not like with C where you would "gcc foo.c" and then "./a.out" 21:11
ramman Cool. Thanks.
timo and there's the repl as well as a jupyter kernel
guifa ramman these days too there's a bit of a gray area between compiled and interpreted languages. Many languages like python/javascript are in theory interprpeted but are compiled to intermediate states to speed things up, and sometimes fully JIT'ed when appropriate 21:18
tbrowder timo, core.tgz is uploaded to yr link 22:27