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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
[Coke] tbrowder: github.com/Raku/doc/blob/master/wr...XAMPLES.md 12:08
tbrowder thnx, just went there and see the :prefix thing, will try that 12:12
[Coke] the test failures on the PR are because of a change I made, though 12:14
tbrowder uh, :preamble 12:15
[Coke] if you ran 'TEST_FILES="file you changed" make xtest' that's what we ask. 12:17
This was the File -> FileSystem change; I thought I didn't need the protective version to get either, but I did.
if someone wants to fix that (github.com/Raku/doc/commit/7450867...1a5b80729) go ahead, else I'll get to it this evening 12:18
tbrowder no, i just did "make html; make xtest
i'll try the RIGHT way, get it working, and update the pr 12:21
[Coke] you don't need to run 'make html' before 'make xtest' 13:35
None of the tests depend on the built site - so you might find something in there, but it doesn't do anything extra for the test run 13:36
and specifying the "files you changed" env var just makes the tests run faster.
Anton Antonov Is it a good idea to put extensive documentation in the "doc" folder of package? Or that folder is reserved for (automatically generated) POD-files only? 13:50
melezhik . 16:04
.tell AlexDaniel whateverable does not have builds for the latest commits - curl -s whateverable.6lang.org/36b0a635ff9...0a4166883a -D - -o /dev/null | head -n 1 => HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found
gfldex [Coke]: golfed progress bar: gist.github.com/4c1ef3ad5c27aa3a1f...cbdd1f22cb 17:38
gfldex No silly classes needed! :-> 17:38
[Coke] ... if I use that, I'm going to wrap it in a class. :) 17:57
Xliff \o 18:44
Is there a Raku module that can deserialize PHP serialized data?
p6steve Xliff: you may wish to try cpan PHP::Serialization with Inline::Perl5 ... 18:56
AlexDaniel . 19:03
Xliff p6-steve: Looked into that. Decodes into a Buf which I can't do anything with. It doesn't seem to work with Raku's decode.
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to p6steve
AlexDaniel a, interesting 19:05
melezhik: thanks for letting me know, I think it works now and it's fixed for good
e: say 42
evalable6 42
tellable6 AlexDaniel, I'll pass your message to melezhik
p6steve my last tangle with Buf had this ```Buf.new($array.list).decode``` 19:06
Xliff Anyone know of a decent way to parse this string? "Please Delete My Existing Data (\"Right To Be Forgotten\")." 20:43
Nemokosch into what format? 20:49
p6steve Xliff: I have test driven here gist.github.com/p6steve/afdfaae596...345e4f2c08 20:58
Xliff: looks OK to me if you have all the pieces installed (perllib-dev, cpanm, PHP::Serialize, Inline::Perl5)
Xliff Neomkosch: Need to write a regex to parse it. 21:23
p6steve: I did get that far, however it appears that the string I am tryig to parse fails the deserializer., 21:24
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to p6steve
Xliff I got that far and further. Thanks for the code snippet, though.
Nemokosch How parse it, though? What should be the parts? 21:27
p6steve Xliff: I see, seems like you have covered that base ... 21:51
Xliff Nemokosch: How do I parse that whole string as a string? 22:01
tellable6 Xliff, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Xliff Especilly with the backslashed double quotes
El_Che may be applicable to some raku modules: www.theregister.com/2022/08/04/git...ion_policy 22:19
"GitLab plans to delete dormant projects in free accounts"
Xliff Crud. 22:21
How can I make a dynamic regex rule?
Say I have something like this: 's: 31:"Pull off the next 31 characters' -- is this posisible with a token block? 22:22