🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
deloriandoon m: my $s = "ABBA"; .say for $s.match(/<same>/), $s.match(/<:same>/), $s.match(/(.)$0/), $s.split(/<same>/), $s.split(/<:same>/), $s.split(/(.)$0/) 00:29
camelia 「」
same => 「」
0 => 「B」
(A A)
deloriandoon is this madness or am i too stupid for raku? been playing around with some str functions and repeating character sequences 00:30
i'm failing to see the consistency in these results 00:31
Geth__ Raku-Steering-Council/main: 6c65c612ce | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | announcements/20220908.md
Create 20220908.md

  (This commit ammends/replaces a previous commit that mistated the
durration of the probationary period due to a typo/thinko/mental lapse.)
Raku-Steering-Council/main: 584336240f | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | announcements/20220908.md
Merge pull request #49 from Raku/20220908

Add 2022-09-08 CAT report
lizmat weekly: stackoverflow.blog/2022/09/08/this...hers-perl/ 08:28
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
perlsol Hi, can you believe... I only now just found out about Raku!!! And I have been a perl head since 2000...omg 08:33
lizmat perlsol: welcome :-) 08:42
perlsol Which leads me to a question... I develop anything and everything with perl but it has become increasingly difficult linking to modern resources... For example, my next task is to build a responsive website linked to a corp. outlook calendar, after looking at from a visual studio angle first i'd decided to close that and open my notepad++ and go 08:43
back to perl, problem is... The lack of updated modules making life hard.
Thus the question I have is, are the raku modules recent 08:46
perlsol Hi lizmat 08:46
lizmat perlsol: well, the oldest module in the ecosystem is about 13 years old, and the newest is from last week I believe :-) 08:47
raku.land is where you'd look 08:48
Nemokosch perlsol: this is a constant work-in-progress
the tools are available, the people are enthusiastic - only there could be more of them
perlsol I thought perl was dead, spent all these years playing perl and sort of feeling alone as other languages moved on... So please to read this today, very shocked I hadn't found out sooner... An announcement on cpan would be helpfull in getting more numbers, i'm onboard so you just gained another one at least😊 08:54
Nemokosch that's nice :) 08:55
perlsol Thanks for your responses, will check back here soon 09:01
lizmat take care!
tonyo . 09:34
tonyo hmm, thought there was something 09:59
lizmat .tell tonyo testing
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to tonyo
lizmat looks like it's working from this side 10:00
tonyo oh, found it - tbrowder working on your libcsv stuff for the next couple of hours, including GH actions
i guess one of the glowing-bear tabs picked it up and weechat stopped alerting
tonyo tbrowder: you're aware that csv_write in libcsv is used to escape one field? are you looking for an interface to send, say, a []hash and get the world's most beautiful CSV? 11:05
tbrowder well, that would be cool. so far i've only used it for reading and its interface is a bit easier than CSV::Parser for my coding use and style. the main problem for me at the moment is getting the mi6 workflow to work for testing. i haven't yet been successfull moding it to work. 12:31
consequently, my modules that use it fail testing.
El_Che another ban? 12:33
tbrowder i am considering creating a new module that wraps CSV::Parser to get a style for my own use.
tbrowder .tell perlsol speaking only for myself: file issues if updates or new features are needed. i love having users. also see the modules wanted repo 12:37
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to perlsol
tonyo ? 12:51
tbrowder: would be interested in your thoughts on an interface, it's on my radar to make CSV::Parser faster now that i'm a little more nqp fluent. i have code in the repo to allow you to quote a field and another to take an array of array[Str-able] and will make a CSV for you 12:52
tbrowder ok, i think there might be a comment there already, but i'll look and add a bit. i think a year or so ago we talked about it here. it may not be in either repo, 13:00
it might be later today, some other stuff to do... 13:01
lizmat OOC, what is wrong with Text::CSV in this picture ?
tonyo no worries tbrowder , updating libcsv repo to use GH actions (you can use .github/workflows/libcsv.yml as a template) and you now have an interface for write-file 13:04
tbrowder: github.com/tony-o/perl6-libcsv/blo...libcsv.yml 13:07
lizmat: dunno if you mean why i'd revamp but CSV::Parser can handle binary and arbitrary length delimiter|quote|line-sep 13:11
lizmat I thnk Text::CSV can as well ? 13:12
tbrowder Text::CSV seems not to be testing for one thing, at least no green tag. Also, it's more complicated than I need when I'm the one creating my own CSV files. No doubt it's one to use with stranger CSV files. 13:15
tonyo ah, it didn't used to
last time i checked, though, was about 10 years ago - CSV::Parser was my first raku mod 13:16
lizmat I see.. well, Text::CSV was Tux's first Raku module as well :-)
tonyo which came first, Text::CSV or Slang::Tux ? 13:18
lizmat Slang::Tuxic was a prereq for Tux to work on Text::CSV
El_Che :) 13:19
lizmat so Slang::Tuxic :-)
El_Che fix the pet peeve first, then the itch :)
lizmat it was more like a bet :-)
that Tux was glad to lose :-)
El_Che big of him
iirc it was a whitespace thing? 13:20
El_Che googles
El_Che giggles 13:21
tonyo oh that's right
El_Che this made me laugh as wel: 13:22
Hillel 13:23
Gen-Z programmers are always chasing the new shiny thing like Tailwind and Svelte instead of learning CS fundamentals, like React
lizmat yeah, also, allowing whitespace between object and method: foo .bar
El_Che oops, sorry for multiline paste
lizmat but Larry decreed that to be ok at some point
Voldenet you're wrong 13:26
jquery is obviously cs fundamentals
El_Che for cs archelogists :) 13:27
Voldenet you can write react as jquery plugin, but jquery can't work in react 13:28
it's obvious which is fundamental
Altreus > foo .bar # oh dear, I would *definitely* misread this basically every time 14:45
Altreus I suppose it makes sense because that whitespace as \n would be perfectly understandable and I'd be mad if it didn't work 14:46
I guess I wouldn't misread foo .bar if foo(.bar) was not meaningful :D 14:47
melezhik o/ 14:54
weekly: sparrowdo.wordpress.com/2022/09/09...e-airflow/
notable6 melezhik, Noted! (weekly)
Scimon So, has anyone else here seen duckdb? I read an article on the Register and then fell down a Nativecall whole. 15:20
Or hole even 15:22
tbrowder melezhik: howdy, podnuh =):-) 15:34
tellable6 tbrowder, I'll pass your message to melezhik
tonyo tbrowder: does that help with the github actions and libcsv module? 15:45
tbrowder just got back...checking now... 15:46
melezhik . 16:28
tellable6 2022-09-09T15:34:58Z #raku <tbrowder> melezhik: howdy, podnuh =):-)
melezhik tbrowder howdy! podnuh ... - is it something Louisianian ?
tbrowder or Texan, or cowboy wannabee (:-D 16:30
melezhik yeah, so my guess was correct ))) 16:33
tbrowder tonyo: the github-workflows branch works with "zef test ." (andbut i still don't know if it works on github. can you add a test banner on yr README? 16:44
tonyo oh, yea - it's also in the main branch 16:45
that github-workflows branch needs deleting
Geth doc/repl-sub: 7ab4e7f62c | (Daniel Sockwell)++ | doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
Add &repl

Document the &repl sub, completing one item from the 2021.06 checklist
  (issue #3907)
doc: codesections++ created pull request #4107:
Add &repl
doc: cfd3870cc7 | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Type/independent-routines.pod6
Add &repl (#4107)

Document the &repl sub, completing one item from the 2021.06 checklist
  (issue #3907)
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/type/independent-routines
Geth raku.org: 69171f15fd | (Daniel Sockwell)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | source/index.html
Replace Raku Conf registration w/ video link

Because the 2022 Raku Conference has now taken place, the commit replaces the "Register now!" call to action with a link to the stream replays.
Once individual videos are up, it might make sense to update again.
doc: 3bafb696f5 | Coke++ | xt/pws/code.pws
new word
doc: c6d9e776ad | Coke++ | doc/Language/variables.pod6
unit requires standalone file for testing
tbrowder tonyo: on branch master i'm getting a failure with "zef test ." but branch github-workflows tests okay with same incantation
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/variables
tonyo tbrowder: you have a link to the repo you're in, or can you share the workflow yaml? 17:13
tbrowder https:://github.com/tbrowder/text-csv-libcsv.git 17:23
tbrowder i think the ".git" should not be used in this context 17:25
arg: github.com/tbrowder/text-csv-libcsv 17:26
yepper, thas it
ugexe it should probably work with the .git, since thats the url github actually gives you for cloning 18:45