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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Geth advent: ba69051baf | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2022/authors.md
You can now add your presentation to the 2022 Raku Advent Calendar!
lizmat tonyo: will there be a blog post from you in the next 15 minutes ? 13:01
tonyo lizmat: no 13:11
El_Che 20 minutes?
lizmat oki.. next week's then :-) 13:15
tonyo haha 13:17
lizmat: i just wanted to get Envy out into the world before the weekly
env=(virtual dist manager)
lizmat ok, I sorta expected a blog post to go along with that
tonyo scheduled but not likely for today 13:18
lizmat oki
tonyo i got too crazy with stable diffusion and shirked writing
lizmat hehe 13:20
lizmat anyways: 13:20
and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2022/10/03/2022-...g-to-core/
Geth advent: 58e73fd82f | (Nigel Hamilton)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2022/authors.md
Update authors.md
nine Reading that weekly makes me realize what a hero lizmat++ is. Not just for writing the weekly, but the "Meanwhile on Twitter" section always contains some threads where someone is mentioning Raku or even Perl 6 and lizmat provides some basic facts. Most won't care, but these little drops accumulate and become an effective way to spread the word. 14:16
bartolin_ I fully agree, lizmat++ 14:36
tbrowder i agree: lizmat+++ (with a new raku operatof) 15:14
Nemokosch 😂 15:20
tbrowder *operator one a day keeps the doctor away 🤓 16:36
melezhik o/ 16:55
Hi! If someone is interested in adding their modules to raku alpine repository - github.com/melezhik/raku-alpine-repo , please let me know ... 16:56
lizmat nine bartolin_ tbrowder thanks for your kind words 17:11
tbrowder you’re welcome 17:14
and the kind words are well-deserved! 17:17
(i’ll cash those chips for some help later 😊) 17:19
melezhik . 18:49
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2022/10/03/re...inderella/ 21:51
lizmat nine ugexe given a string site#sources/DA84AE654C9BE5E52E114BFD2BFDF99BC47BC220 , how can I reliably change the "site#" part into an absolute path? 22:10
leont lizmat: could I have your opinion on github.com/Leont/app-prove6/pull/12/files? I think we discussed such a thing on some ticket, but I forgot which
lizmat wow, must be a while ago.. maybe at a PTS ? seems like a valid addition to me :-) 22:12
sleep& 22:14
tonyo lizmat: call .prefix on it 22:32
m: say $*REPO.next-repo.prefix
camelia "/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site".IO