🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Kernspin Guten Morgen / Bonjour / Доброе утро / Good morning. 06:16
Nemokosch [Coke]: the idea sounds really good but unfortunately I have no idea how... 07:43
Nemokosch Something doesn't click in. 10:09
If I have a script, the MAIN function can take enums
If I have a module, apparently it can't.
How do I fix that?
lizmat can't give an answer to this question: insufficient data 10:10
unless you want me to rubberduck :-)
Nemokosch Well, have you used an enum in the CLI of a module? 10:11
lizmat I've used True and False, yes ?
Nemokosch An enum that lives in the module of the CLI, that is 10:12
lizmat Nemokosch: I'm now spending cycles trying to figure out what you mean 10:13
lizmat I'd rather spend that on fixing any known problem 10:14
Nemokosch it shouldn't be that hard, though
there is the MAIN subroutine and it can take enums, that will be parsed okay - in theory
now, since I made my script a module under lib/ and export MAIN, trying to use it from a script 10:15
doesn't work anymore
Nemokosch it's really easy to reproduce, too, I'm gonna make a golfed gist in a sec 10:20
gist.github.com/2colours/d85b593f7...733f00d9c6 10:22
in a mi6 generated default module under lib and bin respectively
running demo.raku Wolves will just give you the usage 10:23
tried exporting the enum as well, didn't help on it 10:24
lizmat is looking at it 10:25
lizmat Nemokosch: I think it's a bug, located at github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...in.pm6#L75 10:51
Abhoerschutz Where can I found out, what modules (like Perl DBI::) Raku already owns? 10:52
Where can I finnd out, what modules (like Perl DBI::) Raku already owns?
Where can I find out, what modules (like Perl DBI::) Raku already owns?
lizmat Abhoerschutz: you could check raku.land 10:54
Abhoerschutz lizmat: Oh, thank you! Great.
lizmat Nemokosch: I think the ::(a) doesn't work in the import case
Nemokosch: you could check if there's already an issue for it, and if not, create one 10:55
Abhoerschutz lizmat: Very futuristic, nice website (raku.land). 10:56
lizmat Nemokosch: I don't see an easy workaround atm 10:58
Nemokosch My workaround was to use a string and convert it with EnumName::{$str} 10:59
lizmat well,, yeah.. but that's not generic ;-)
Nemokosch I don't know what ::(a) is or how it comes into play 11:00
lizmat Nemokosch: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/mast...in.pm6#L75 11:09
Nemokosch lizmat: I will check on the issues, I'm just not sure what to look for 13:36
lizmat enum?
Nemokosch doesn't seem to help a lot 13:38
also, CLI allomorphs have further problems so it might not be named with "enum" somewhere 13:39
you might remember the Label fail where the built-in Label sabotaged parsing to the customly defined enum Label 13:40
Something else: is it possible that Cro had no realease for almost a year?
guifa_ Nemokosch: it's actively being developed, my guess is they just haven't been doing formal github releases 13:45
tellable6 guifa_, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Abhoerschutz Good afternoon. Guten Nachmittag.
guifa_ o/ 13:46
Nemokosch guifa_: no newer releases on raku.land 13:49
Another interesting error for today: 16:25
I have a module that contains the following line of code:
const %specpath-from-projectid = %?RESOURCES<project_paths.conf>.IO.words;
I get the following error at compilation: # Missing serialize REPR function for REPR VMIter (BOOTIter) 16:27
if I change that line to `my %specpath-from-projectid`, it works
if I add `const $unused = %?RESOURCES<project_paths.conf>.IO.words.Map; dd $unused;`, it also works logs the correct value for $used
ugexe probably isn't a great idea to store lazy sequences in a compile time constant 16:30
Nemokosch except it's not a lazy sequence but a Hash 16:38
ugexe .words does not return a Hash 16:39
Nemokosch % does, however
that assignment is eager 16:40
ugexe i was talking about the one i dont expect to work; the lazy one
if you're asking why the other ones works, well you already answered that 16:41
Nemokosch there was no lazy one
Nemokosch beep boop 16:42
tellable6 2022-10-15T13:45:16Z #raku <guifa_> Nemokosch: it's actively being developed, my guess is they just haven't been doing formal github releases
Nemokosch m: % = 1..* #hangs becouse _it is eager_
camelia (timeout)
Nemokosch why would `const %specpath-from-projectid = ` be any different? 16:43
*constant, of course 16:44
`constant %specpath-from-projectid = %?RESOURCES<project_paths.conf>.IO.words.Map` also doesn't work, it really _is_ about the sigil difference 16:45
not laziness 16:46
ugexe m: const $a = 1 16:48
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$a' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> const ⏏$a = 1
ugexe m: constant $a = 1
camelia ( no output )
ugexe seems like `const $unused = ` should be throwing a compile time error and not work in any scenario 16:49
Nemokosch what is the difference between the $ version and the % version, then? 16:50
ugexe not sure, and i already spent some cycles trying to mentally debug something that doesnt compile :P 16:51
my next guess would be somehow related to the .IO call on RESOURCES doesnt return a normal IO::Path object like an e.g. string does 16:53
how that would affect that code, i dunno. but it is a difference between what you have and like constant %a = "META6.json".IO.words; say %a
what if you calls .words without the .IO? 16:55
evalable6 Use of Nil.words coerced to empty string
in block <unit> at /tmp/mpUHzCwYs0 line 1
Nemokosch should `constant %a = "META6.json".IO.words` work? 😄 At this point, I'm not sure if I can follow the narrative
ugexe it doesnt even matter if it works or not, only that it has the same behavior as your example 16:57
(which it doesnt have the same behavior, to be clear)
when i try to reproduce i get a different error 16:59
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /Users/ugexe/repos/zef/bin/zef
Cannot do 'readchars' on a closed handle
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/dad8....pm6#L7-L9 17:05
is probably relevant
Nemokosch Cannot do readchars was with $ = and without the .Map 17:23
mentioned commits: github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/64...9d6a77b844 17:43
from these, I don't see how "IO() **MUST** be determined at runtime" would follow, and in particular I don't think it was about this use case 17:45
is there a way to modify a resource file after installation? 17:45
(to share my reasoning: if there is a transparent way to change resource files, I will gladly promote that possibility to the supposed users and use runtime resolution; if there isn't, slurping the content of the file could and should work, or else uglier workarounds need to be applied for the same effect) 17:49
ugexe once something has been installed it is meant to be immutable 17:57
ugexe just allow it to be overriden in a location where its logical for the user to have write access to files `my $config = try { "~/.config/myapp/config.json".IO.slurp } || %?RESOURCES<config.json>` 17:59
Nemokosch oh by the way, just now I checked... a Resource has loads of methods that call self.IO but it doesn't sound obvious that all those methods would inherit the "must be called at runtime" warning 18:04
nope, slurp doesn't work either xD
tbh it might be the most convenient if I simply expect the config file to be in the $*CWD, I need to see Windows compatibility anyway 18:06
ugexe you could also try like `$*DISTRIBUION.content("resources/config.json").open.slurp(:close)`
if you expect the config file in $*CWD then i doubt its going to work once installed
github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/3398a89d...od#L29-L32 18:07
ugexe its pretty simple 18:07
Nemokosch I think the discussion is getting a bit messy. The $*CWD idea was meant for the runtime resolution, and for that, I see no reason why it wouldn't work 18:08
ugexe ...because installed things can run at runtime?
if myapp expects the config to be in $*CWD, you install myapp, and then change directories do you want it to not work? 18:09
Nemokosch I don't like the way this question is phrased lol but basically yes, that's exactly what I want. 18:10
I want it to work wherever the supposed user put the file with the supposed name and content.
ugexe i wouldnt bother making it a distribution then, since its not really distributed in the sense that libraries are 18:11
ugexe i guess i don't understand. i would just suggest doing it how zef does it since it provides defaults, user overrides, and is proven to work on basically all OS 18:12
github.com/ugexe/zef#global-configuration 18:13
Nemokosch I mean, it's really not a "distribution". It's just a directory that can be zef-installed for 1. dependency management 2. running tests 3. precompilation of actual code 18:14
ugexe it would be precompiled without installing fwiw 18:15
i usually run those types of "apps" like `raku -I $dir-containing-meta6 $dir-containing-meta6/bin/myapp` 18:16
although its true that installation guarantees all the files are precompiled immediately (revealing potential compile errors) 18:19
Nemokosch I'm not sure how it behaves but I have no issues with having an "undistributed", but otherwise zef-compatible "app"
like I don't see big disadvantages to what I'm doing, even if it's not meant to use most of typical distribution stuff 18:20
ugexe sometimes people write tests that don't end up using every module, and thus e.g. `prove6 t/` could show all tests passing but it would fail on install when one of those unused-in-tests modules gets installed/precompiled
Nemokosch and fwiw I don't badly need this "constant from resource file" feature (if I need it at all) but I do think the behavior is strange and the prohibition of compiling resource file content into the module is badly reasoned 18:23
Actually I feel lucky that I'm getting a feel for what is likely to be the problem, even when I think something could "just work" 18:25
CLI parsing, on the other hand, is really starting to be a problem, with the name collisions and badly exported enums 18:27
ugexe constant $config = $?DISTRIBUTION.content("resources/config.json").open(:bin).slurp(:close).decode.words; 18:38
evalable6 Use of Nil.words coerced to empty string
in block at /tmp/Ukckui_Lbr line 1
ugexe so uh that works too lol
ugexe i suppose s/:bin// and s/.decode// would be the same and slightly shorter 18:39
Nemokosch interesting, what is the content method? 18:45
ugexe github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/4cdb...pm6#L2-L18 18:47
basically you give content() a path as it is written in the meta6.json file 18:48
so .content("lib/Foo.rakumod") or .content("resources/whatever.json")
ugexe some explanation in this old advent post as well perl6advent.wordpress.com/2016/12/...ained-ish/ 18:56
Nemokosch thanks 18:58
guifa_ whoa 19:08
someone changed the $*DISTRO on the mac side from "macosx" to "macos"
easy fix for one of my modules but I was wondering why detection was way off
Nemokosch > Often used as a Boolean value. See operator. Made via the use keyword. 20:36
docs.raku.org/language/glossary#iffy 20:37
am I braindead or the "Made via the use keyword" remark makes no sense in this context?
Xliff \o 21:18
[Coke] - Your gh wiki page isn't a bad idea for a dashboard. 21:19
An app server with controls might be a better one. Depends on how detailed you want to get with your dashboard.
Where are you getting your data? What metrics do you want to track?
Justin546 Can anyone tell me if I need to install postgres for Red ORM? 21:27
Xliff Justin546, If you are going to use Postgres in your application, then yes.
It does depend on DB::Pg 21:28
Justin546 I would prefer not to but when I zef install Red I get "Failed to find dependencies: pq:ver<5>:from<native>"
Xliff You can "zef install Red --force-install" 21:29
Justin546 Oh!  Okay, I'll try that.  Thanks!
Xliff You may also want to do that to DB::Pg 21:30
If push comes to shove you can always install Postgres and not use it.
guifa_ nemokosch: that's a joke, there, I think. 21:32
tellable6 guifa_, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
Justin546 Xliff: yeah --force-install didn't seem to do anything. I just wondered if this was normal as no mention of it anywhere. 21:34
Xliff Justin546, ah. mea cupla. 21:35
culpa, even :)
So just go ahead and install libpq
Nemokosch guifa_: apparently I'm not in a funny enough mood 😄 21:37
Justin546 I had that thought but abandoned it when I did apt search libpq and got 50 or so results.
Xliff Yeah. It's there. That's the proper package name for Debian/Ubuntu
Justin546 Xliff: libpq5, maybe?
Xliff Er. That's the one. 21:38
I don't know why they don't create a pseudo package pointing to the latest version. The dev package is still libpq-dev
Nemokosch Is PostgreSQL really needed for Red? 🤔 I wouldn't have thought. What a nuisance 21:39
Justin546 That did the trick! Thanks.
Xliff Nemokosch - Yeah. It's a dependency.
Justin546, yw. 21:40
Nemokosch what if somebody doesn't plan to use PostgreSQL? 😅 21:41
guifa_ niiiiice 21:43
I just made a super simple module that produces a supply that emits anytime the timezone info changes (e.g. daylight savings time)
to use it's as simple as
Xliff guifa_++
guifa_, source? 21:44
guifa_ reach { whenever timezone-shifts() -> $metadata { ... } } 21:44
Xliff: I'm still self-bikeshedding names before I publish :-)
Xliff reach? 21:45
guifa_ react
Nemokosch react, right?
Xliff guifa_, Ah, OK. I was hoping to take a look at it so I can finally figure out the Supply paradigm.
I still have some misconceptions about react/whenever. 21:46
guifa_ Right now I've tentatively named the module Timezones::Live but that just sounds..... so..... HI I'M MARKETING LOOK AT MY FANCY NEW THING
Xliff LOL
Hmmm.... same thing!? ^_^
Event::Timezone ? (LOL!) 21:47
Maybe.... Timezone::React?
guifa_ hmmm React sounds less market-y especially in the context of Raku since it's a keyword we have 21:49
Xliff Good.
Nemokosch I'm also curious about Supply's 21:50
Xliff Timezone::Action ?
guifa_ I think React is perfect
Xliff =D 21:51
guifa_ I'll finish documenting and I'll publish
Xliff \o/
guifa_ problem is... I don't really know how to write a test file for it
Xliff LOL.
Nemokosch I need a pushable and pullable queue for a TS discord bot
guifa_ "Please change your computer's clock to a few minutes before your timezone will change. then run the test file and wait until it happens"
Xliff Maybe a docker container where you do just that? 21:52
guifa_ yeah but that's not doable in the module test file
I just tested it as thoroughly as I could where I manually inserted values
Xliff Hmm... I could be more help if I saw the source. +D 21:53
vrurg The module could easily be extended to produce not only timezone events. For future developement I would consider naming it DateTime::<something>. 21:53
guifa_ vrurg: hmm, good point 21:54
Xliff Yeah. It is... when it actually uses a DateTime
guifa_ it could chunk events like when the day rolls over, months roll over, etc
Xliff Until then, I would leave it TimeZone
guifa: Now THAT is worth the rename.
vrurg Xliff: renaming a module is a big trouble.
Xliff vrurg: Ah. OK. Didn't know that. 21:55
guifa_ I did it recently
This was my tactic
vrurg Xliff: just consider you have dependencies on that module.
guifa_ github.com/alabamenhu/UserTimezone...ne.rakumod
guifa_ okay between Xliff and vrurg this module is going to take a bit longer :-) 22:00
but I'll gist my current code for Xliff
Xliff guifa++ 22:04
guifa_ Xliff: gist.github.com/alabamenhu/fe0ef49...28c32232a6 22:05
Xliff guifa: As for testing, create a custom timezone, compile it with zic -- set DST change over for 30 seconds in the future. Switch timezones. Start test. Wait 30. If no event within that time, then the test fails.
vrurg guifa_: consider different code structure. Something like `supply { loop { await $promise; emit; } }` 22:06
This way you wouldn't consume a thread. 22:07
guifa_ the supply would still run async though?
Xliff vrurg: Could that structure be repeated for multiple events? 22:08
vrurg Sure it will.
Xliff 'EVENT1: { supply { loop { await $promise; emit; }; }; EVENT2: { supply { loop { await $promise2; emit; }; }; ...
vrurg Xliff: of course. There are many ways. Promise.any to await for a couple of promises. Supply.merge for several supplies.
Xliff vrurg: Could you give me example of Supply.merge? 22:09
vrurg Xliff: not that way. `supply` returns a Supply. So, you could react on them separately. Or merge into a single one.
Xliff Id want to react separately. Sorry I misread. 22:10
vrurg Xliff: TIMTOWTDI ;)
Related to the module, it could be something like `react { whenever DateTime::React.timezone { ... }; whenever DateTime::React.date { ... }; }` 22:12
Ok, I'll be unable to type for a while.
vrurg is afk&
Xliff guifa: Adding many DateTime components to the gist. 22:36
One sec.
guifa_ Xliff nice. Although the week will be ... more complicated 22:40
I'll need to get the user's language code for that
since some places start on Sun, Mon, etc
Xliff This is going strictly by rakudo's truncated-to 22:41
So it will be Sunday. Will have to add offsets for special-case SOW.
Although, in those cases, they might be better off going with the day trigger and checking the time attribute for the right date. 22:42
guifa_ In general my goal is for all my stuff to be pretty internationally aware from the get go, so I'll figure out a way :-) 22:42
Xliff Here's what I get when that event is tripped: Minute shifted for event TimeEvent.new(time => DateTime.new(2022,10,15,18,36,0,:timezone(-14400))) 22:43
guifa_ wants Raku to be the go-to easy-to-use language that works internationally
Xliff It triggers every minute, as expected.
And I now have a better grasp of Suppliers, supplies and react/whenever.