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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Nemokosch Hello hello 08:15
damn, wrong chat :DDD 08:16
Nemokosch by the way, I'm using Obsidian to make Raku-related notes; I published that folder in case it's of any use. This file in particular, might be interesting: github.com/2colours/Raku-ideas/blo...0wishes.md 09:33
lizmat shall I mention this in the weekly? 09:55
Nemokosch It's all up to you... I wonder if it deserves this kind of honor. If there is anything valuable in there, sure 😄 10:11
Guest66 Hello there 10:52
lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2022/10/24/2022-43-cro-apper/ 13:00
sjn lizmat++ # RWN reliability 14:07
SmokeMachine I was reading this (github.com/2colours/Raku-ideas/blo...tions.md). I feel like that all problems with `$bla !op all(1, 2, 3)` would be fixed if, instead of `!all($bla op 1, $bla op 2, $bla op 3)`, it was `all($bla !op 1, $bla !op 2, $bla !op 3)`. Would something like that make sense? 14:53
[Coke] looking at week.golf and man is it hard to golf raku when "no warnings" doesn't work. :) 14:58
lizmat: doesn't look like you can submit answers in Raku yet. 15:01
(coming soon)
Nemokosch SmokeMachine: that sheet is a very-very much alpha draft of a petition for exactly that 😄 15:02
SmokeMachine Nemokosch: where do I sign in?! :) 15:04
tellable6 SmokeMachine, I'll pass your message to Nemokosch
[Coke] I am at 212 bytes right now for the current week.golf 15:15
er, 205 (removed some newlines. :) 15:16
(ah, defaults to not showing STDERR, let all the warnings happen...) 15:18
lizmat [Coke] quietly? docs.raku.org/language/control#ind...ly-quietly 15:31
[Coke] lizmat: that might work, but for now I can just ignore stderr 16:09
m: "this".eq("this")
camelia No such method 'eq' for invocant of type 'Str'. Did you mean 'Seq'?
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
[Coke] I am surprised that method doesn't exist.
ugexe i'm not. then users could expect e.g. 1.==(1) to work 16:11
[Coke] Yes, we could expect that too. :)
but even if it's not the name of the operator, seems like there should be an .equals or something similar. 16:12
ugexe .match with anchors
[Coke] .ACCEPTS maybe. 16:13
(not great for golfing, but if I really want the method, there it is.)
ugexe .eq( is already more characters though, and it still needs a ) 16:20
Xliff sub eq ($a,$b){$a eq 17:05
Xliff m: sub eq ($a,$b){$a eq $b}; "eq".&eq("eq").say 17:05
camelia True
Xliff Depends on how many times you need &eq. 17:06
Although I can't see that saving you much in a golf.
[Coke] ugexe: it's more characters if you don't already have one of the things in $_, yes 18:10
[Coke] .eq("x") is shorter than $_ eq "x" by one character! (yes, optimizing for golf is a bad idea. :) 18:11
[Coke] goes afk for about 4days. 18:16
tonyo isn't `"eq"eq$_` shorter than `.eq("eq")` ?
m: $_='eq'; say 'eq'eq$_
camelia True
[Coke] nice 18:24
Nemokosch not gonna lie, code golfing makes me suffer 19:12