🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel!
Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
ugexe m: say CALLER:: 00:14
camelia Use of RakuAST is experimental; please 'use experimental :rakuast'

Actually thrown at:
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
ugexe m: say CALLER::.raku 00:15
camelia PseudoStash.new((:RakuAST(Failure.new(exception => X::Experimental.new(feature => "RakuAST", use => "rakuast", pos => Any, filename => Any, line => Any, directive-filename => Any, column => Any, modules => [], is-compile-time => Bool::False, pre => An…
ingy github.com/acmeism/RosettaCodeData is up to date. Just pushed. Saw a bunch of Raku changes in there 01:12
ugexe race for (1 .. $k).batch(1000) -> @i { 02:25
i wonder if that is doing the right thing vs like .race(:batch(1000)) 02:26
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2023/10/02/2023-...n-4-weeks/ 14:18
antononcube Here is another clickbait -- I re-programmed Raku's "Jupter::Chatbook" to Python: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8pv0QRGc7Rw 16:42
I plan to blog about reprogramming Raku LLM packages into Python packages. Well, that is going to be one of the talking points in my TRC-2023 talk. 16:43
[Coke] anyone interested in contributing to the community, we can always use folks to help out with small documentation items on raku/doc. Please join #raku-doc or ping me privately 20:51
You don't have to be a tech writer. 20:52
(certainly I'm not one!)
once we pick a date, there will be a jit.si call this month on a saturday 20:53
new folks welcome to join
nemokosch 💪 21:27
antononcube 🦇 23:26