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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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tbrowder__ hi, anyone else having probs seeing rakudo.org? 13:17
andinus it might be impacted by atikon outages as well 13:18
raku.org, planet.raku.org is down as well
tbrowder__ yea, i get msg from cloudfare about origin being unreachable 13:20
what is atikon?
hm, solar flare effects? 13:22
andinus they sponsor the box where raku.org is hosted 13:24
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tbrowder__ ah, thnx 15:06
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[Coke] i had weird cloudflare issues on my credit union last night 15:22
wonder if related
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Marcool04 Hi all. Just wondered what's up with rakudo.org? 15:28
Cloudflare says the site is unreachable...?
Not meaning to bug anybody, just looking for info
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coleman I'm working on swapping raku.org now 15:34
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nemokosch yeah well nobody is happy about the situation 15:53
I guess this shows that some people visit the site
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andinus raku.org & planet.raku.org should be up now 16:37
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lizmat they are for me andinus++ 16:45
ab5tract_ Same here!
16:46 ab5tract_ is now known as ab5tract
coleman Rakudo could be an issue if binaries were hosted on the atikon box 16:47
16:47 jpn left
codesections 🎉 coleman++, andinus++ 16:48
16:49 dbonnafo left
ab5tract design.raku.org doesn’t resolve 16:54
coleman Rakudo is currently a redirect to github. That one might be tricky 16:56
antononcube "raku.org & planet.raku.org should be up now" -- Good to know! I was wondering should I make a new Raku blog post or not... 16:59
codesections The source for design.raku.org is at github.com/Raku/old-design-docs, if we really need it 17:01
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coleman modules.raku.org is stateful/has a db...might be tricky also 17:13
nemokosch once I get back from Germany, I will try to build a local raku.org site with Caddy 17:14
last couple of weeks has been all over the place
17:26 dbonnafo joined
antononcube Where I can see example of distribution dependent Raku module tests? For example, I want to run one set of tests on macOS and a different set (maybe empty) on Linux. 17:30
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andinus design.raku.org redirects to the github repo, marketing.raku.org is up 17:44
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coleman I don't know if modules.raku.org is going to be easy 18:12
18:20 svartur-hrafn left
nemokosch yeah well, eventually this challenge has to be faced one way or another 18:39
it would probably be the same with raku.land
coleman I agree. I'm going to keep trying with the old site for now. Getting further than before 18:41
nine I guess we should have given getting away from Atikon higher priority :/ 19:38
19:39 jpn left
coleman Nothing like a little downtime to focus the mind 19:42
nine Haha, so true! 19:43
Do we have a backup of that VM that we could just run somewhere else?
coleman At this point we are rebuilding on the Hetzner account owned by TPRF 19:44
Andinus rescued 80% of everything onto his personal server while we organize the permanent move
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Marcool04 ok thanks coleman for the info, indeed the links to rakudo.org are redirecting to github which works for binaries (this is what I was after indeed) 20:09
20:17 jpn joined
Geth modules.raku.org/patch-mojo: 7b0717d229 | (Coleman McFarland)++ | 3 files
Quick hacks to get this running

In DbBuilder, the "success" method is gone, so I've opted to check for the "error" field instead.
In SpriteMaker, continue looping and processing it any invalid image errors are encountered, instead of crashing.
Full disclosure, I don't really know Perl 5 that well.
modules.raku.org: dontlaugh++ created pull request #147:
Quick hacks to get this running
20:56 jpn left
Marcool04 ah... no, I spoke too soon 21:40
looks like the binaries were hosted elsewhere (accessible from rakudo.org)
but not on the release sections of the github repo
looks like i'll be compiling from source :) 21:41
El_Che Marcool04: what are oy looking for? 21:52
21:53 svartur-hrafn joined
Marcool04 I use arch linux AUR package rakudo-bin which usually pulls something like rakudo.org/dl/rakudo/rakudo-moar-2...gcc.tar.gz 21:53
but that's redirecting to github, where there are - as far as I can tell - no binaries, just the source release tarball
El_Che IC 21:54
Marcool04 incidentally, the arch linux package "rakudo" also tries to pull rakudo.org/dl/rakudo/rakudo-2023.10.tar.gz which also fails... but that can be replaced easily by github.com/rakudo/rakudo/releases/....10.tar.gz
and it's just finished compiling now 👍️
==> Finished making: rakudo 2023.10-1 (Sat 11 Nov 2023 22:54:00 CET)
==> Installing package rakudo with pacman -U...
loading packages...
resolving dependencies...
resolving dependencies... 21:55
looking for conflicting packages...
Packages (1) rakudo-2023.10-1
Total Installed Size:  56.45 MiB
Net Upgrade Size:       2.22 MiB
:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n]
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