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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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jdv anotononcube: thanks 01:00
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lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: 10:19
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melezhik o/ 13:45
I am playing with Cro WebSockets, seems like cro ws does some buffering befiore send data to client, can I disable it? 13:46
nemokosch (just a disclaimer that if you don't get an answer, maybe it's also worth trying in the #cro chat) 13:47
melezhik Thanks, nemokosch 13:48
nemokosch I'm kind of a dummy to Cro but maybe somebody else knows regardless 😅 13:50
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antononcube Cro is great, but too big and too heavy. I will have to try bumbling bee by @rf … 13:58
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nemokosch bumbling bee 13:59
antononcube Yeah, obviously I am trying to provoke a reaction from @rf , if he is around … 14:01
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eiro hello rakoons 14:15
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antononcube HI, oreo! 14:27
(Sorry, auto-complete / correction was in action...)
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Voldenet I've read the docs of cro websockets and it's pretty similar to how js web api's websocket works 15:08
iirc the only way to 'wait' for the peer I found was to get some sort of response 15:10
(the ws itself has the property with bytes count, but it isn't reliable for this) 15:17
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antononcube @Voldenet Good to know. 18:57
OpenAI has a text-to-speech service now. I spent some time yesterday hooking it up to "WWW::OpenAI". (See "ver<0.2.18+>".) 18:58
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