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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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antononcube @librasteve More or less I made the macOS GitHub Actions work by copying the libzmq.5.dylib library — see here : github.com/antononcube/Raku-Jupyte.../macos.yml 03:00
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librasteve @antononcube that's very good - btw I was wondering what the line of DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH does and happened on this docs.raku.org/language/nativecall#...is_ignored ... but the copy is what I tested and that works fine - I will go close my Issue with this example so I can find it when I need it 08:32
antononcube Yeah, I saw the DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH use in the actions of the package "Marrow" -- see the messages by @_grenzo above. It did not work for me. 08:49
librasteve btw LD_LIBRARY_PATH is also ignored (see the linked brian d foy post) ... which leads me to two questions that are above my knowledge level, but surely there are others here that will know: (I) is there a way to "manually" pass additional path such as /opt/homebrew/lib into raku nativecall via a raku specific environment variable (so that I do not have to cp all my brew installed dynlib around) [yes, I have read 08:52
the doc, but can't find this] and if not (II) would it be a sensible feature request to raise in rakudo/rakudo since there are many of us that use homebrew on the mac.
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_grenzo That's odd, why did it work for me I wonder 11:21
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ugexe Rakudo should not fix homebrew stuff 12:26
home brew those libraries in a different location because they are arm - they didn’t want to mix arm and non arm libraries in the same location 12:27
gist.github.com/ugexe/805659d347c5...4aad4e1128 12:29
Thats a workaround I used for a python library, as any language will have the same issue (since again it’s an environment issue not a language issue) 12:31
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librasteve ugexe: OK - I agree that raku should not fix brew or other environment issues - imo the macOS folks have often messed with the dev experience and I do more and more in pure ubuntu (often via vftools which is a very fast and lean VM for macOS) ... thanks for your guidance! 15:45
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