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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:14 sftp left
Xliff I've been asking this for a while, but are there Raku source definitions for GEdit? 00:22
[Coke] I don't think so: raku.org/whatever/ 00:27
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antononcube Find Raku (and Perl 6) here: 14:31
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What is Raku community's policy for trolling Perl's community over LLM interfacing and usage? Should I LLM-generate a few proposals. (For intensive-, moderate-, and non-trolling.) 15:29
lizmat please, don't troll 15:30
sorry, can't make any jokes about that :-(
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antononcube @lizmat Ok, noted! 15:37
ugexe maybe you could create a working example using metacpan.org/pod/Inline::Perl6 15:50
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lucs ugexe: I was having a problem obtaining IO::String with zef. Details here: gist.github.com/lucs/b073ca892464e...114117ff70 16:16
antononcube @ugexe I was thinking about using inline Perl5 in Raku. It did not occur to me that the other way around is implemented/facilitated . 16:22
ugexe lucs: because Text::CSV 0.015 included a module called IO::String (see github.com/Tux/CSV/commit/348a68c7...6e8038a9). and raku considers 0.015 > 0.1.1 16:23
one of these days we'll probably make zef stop considering module names when it searches, but since that has always been how perl6/raku package managers work it'll likely take some effort to fix the fallout from the ecosystem 16:25
(note that current both distribution names and module names are considered) 16:26
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lucs Ah, interesting. 16:30
Should something like that be documented somewhere so poor fools like me don't have to spend an inordinate amount of time trying to figure out what's wrong? :-) 16:32
ugexe To change the behavior would just involve removing the `|| self.provides-spec-matcher($spec, :$strict)` from [here](github.com/ugexe/zef/blob/2ffe30c9...mod#L207), but again that'll potentially break quite a few things in the ecosystem. Those distributions that are broken would ideally be updated to only list distribution names in their
META6.json depends instead of module names.
i think there are a couple of issues that cover this, although i don't immediately remember where 16:33
a Blin run with that zef modification i mention above would probably be sufficient for determining how soon that change could be done, and what we need to update in the ecosystem 16:35
librasteve this never loads in mac/safari - seems to work on mac/chrome though 16:40
16:51 dakkar left
lucs ugexe: I opened an issue, especially to document the "workaround": github.com/ugexe/zef/issues/559 16:51
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