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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
lizmat drops a pin 12:56
[Coke] ow! 13:10
jdv was that att or sprint back in the 80s? 13:59
librasteve crag of the day (may helpp to alleviate boredom) 14:00
crag '%gin<double abv cal>=(50ml,:<40 %>); say (.<double> * .<abv> with %gin).in("alcohol-unit")'
oops 14:01
crag '%gin<double abv cal>=(50ml,:<40 %>,:<108 cal>); say (.<double> * .<abv> with %gin).in("alcohol-unit")'
jdv the interwebs say it was sprint 14:04
aruniecrisps Hi everyone, I'm back, I had to drop off for a little bit because of my job 14:40
lizmat aruniecrisps o/ 14:41
aruniecrisps My job is pretty awful at the moment so I'm applying elsewhere 14:42
lizmat meh, sorry to hear
aruniecrisps it is what it is
[Coke] good luck. 14:43
aruniecrisps I wish i had more time to continue my side project, but now I'm looking for other jobs at the moment 14:47
antononcube awful jobs build character 15:26
[Coke] Off topic: so nice to be able to go outside and pick cherries right off the tree. 16:23
(and have them not be ruined by rain or the birds :) 16:24
melezhik. fosstodon.org/@melezhik/112604670811967125 16:51
Sparky now supports build artifacts
If they don’t kill you, huh )) 17:08
@antononcube I replied from discord to your last phrase , but your quote did not appear in irc log … 17:10
tbrowder [Coke]: lucky! 17:12
the other day you mentioned forking Text::Wrap. i’m happy to do that but i’m reluctant because that’s kind of like hijacking. i wish the author would respond 17:15
_grenzo Anyone know what the default batch and degree values are for race? 17:21
ugexe m: say ().race.raku 17:22
camelia RaceSeq.new(configuration => HyperConfiguration.new(batch => 64, degree => 3))
_grenzo thanks 17:23
ugexe depends on your system, but that is how you can see it
[Coke] I know I was arguing against taking more community modules earlier, but Text::Wrap in particular already has 2 implementations in the wild. 17:25
though codesections has also been quiet lately, he might respond better to tickets, and then you can change downstream to rely on his instead.
I see no issues on github.com/jkramer/p6-Text-Wrap/issues 17:28
How are you trying to ping the author?
(I do see a ticket from you on github.com/codesections/_/issues but it's not about T::W specifically) 17:30
tbrowder oh, sorry, getting the graph req confused. i had emailed text::wrap author. looking again… 18:12
alright, i planned to email jkramer*, is that codesections? i had started a pr but haven’t submitted it yet. 18:16
[Coke] no, jkramer is Text::Wrap, codesections is _ (which contains another Text::Wrap) 18:31
(the first has the distro & the module with the same name, the latter has separate names)
SmokeMachine Hi you all! is Peter Krawczyk here?! 20:00
is there someone from the Perl and Raku conference here? I just saw my talk was cancelled and I already have flight tickets bought to go (by my employer). I'm having some problems verifying my email and haven't seen the warning before... 20:06
tonyo ingy: ^^ ?? 20:13
SmokeMachine just to make it clear, that was my fault to not read the confirmation email to click on the confirmation link and not see the warning email... but I would be really thankful if the confirmation could be reverted 20:17
ugexe i've talked to Peter via the email treasurer@perlfoundation.org before 20:56
antononcube @SmokeMachine Sorry to hear that. 20:58
But, well, giving presentations in Las Vegas is a gamble.
SmokeMachine He have answered me by the papercall site 20:59
tbrowder [Coke]: thnx (delayed response due major tech issues…) 22:33
that info helps a lot! 22:34
[Coke] +1 22:35