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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2024/06/24/2024-...r-matters/ 13:00
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librasteve i go zef update then zef info My::Module immediately after the fez upload to check the new version made it 14:13
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[Coke] Anyone using LibraryMake for their modules? 18:21
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guifa super random, if I've got a variable, how can I get its type constraint? basically such that my %foo; %foo.[...].something ---> Associative 18:35
I thought it was going to be .VAR.of but that seems to only work for containerized vars 18:36
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antononcube @guifa I am not sure, but I think because of similar considerations / wants I made "Data::TypeSystem", which has deduce-type. 19:00
guifa If I do %foo := Stash.new; I'd imagine deduce-type might get Stash instead of Hash? 19:02
rather not Hash, Associative 19:03
antononcube Yes. But it is a custom label ('Assoc'). 19:04
Well, not a label (string) but a class: Data::TypeSystem::Assoc . 19:05
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I have to try it -- I might be lying to you. (I will try after ≈3 hours.) 19:07
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