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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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antononcube @Coke you can check / increase ulimit in your OS. 00:43
As for "Cro::HTTP::Client" -- I thought it was a good option making the LLM packages, but turned out is not. I would have occasionally SSL certificate problems, and I found it to be under-documented. Hence, I de-Cro-ed the LLM packages abd moved to using "HTTP::Tiny". 00:50
(I no problems so far with "HTTP::Tiny".)
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lucs (Off-topic:) Welp, I had a lot of fun today, figuring out why a disk I have on an offsite machine had "no space left on device" when I tried to scp stuff to it. 02:59
Turns out that in 2021 I had created a test user account and had this user running a cron job every two hours starting in April 2021. 03:00
But mistakes were made :-)
My crontab said "* */2 * * * ...", so it ran 60 times, once each minute, every two hours, not just once every two hours.
And it turns out the cron job was writing to STDERR and thus sending a short email message (733 bytes) to the test user each time. 03:01
And I had not looked at that user since pretty much the start, so over three years ago.
So in '/home/<that user>/Maildir/.../new' I found 744,945 unread 733 My crontab said "* */2 * * * ...", so it ran 60 times, once each minute, every two hours, not just once every two hours.byte email messages, consuming all the inodes on the device :-)
So in '/home/<that user>/Maildir/.../new' I found 744,945 unread 733 byte email messages, consuming all the inodes on the device :-) 03:02
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MasterDuke and you'd think 744,945 inodes ought to be enough for anybody... 03:09
lucs It's a pretty small disk, about 6G, but still, eh :) 03:11
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blendux Good morning all! 🦋 Will Raku development migrate away from GitHub at some point? I've searched online and haven't found any indication that this has previously been a topic of conversation. 08:11
patrickb blendux: There are no such plans whatsoever. Why would you think so? 08:16
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blendux I've seen a couple FLOSS organisations advocating for moving away from GitHub. The implementation and usage of Copilot brings up ethical concerns, alongside Microsoft's unpopuparity. Do Raku devs feel any particular way about this? 08:21
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vendethiel If your repository is on the internet, I’m sure it’s being crawled wherever it is 08:39
It’s a different issue from e.g. the crawling of private repos
patrickb I guess the current stance is that we have neither the drive, nor the manpower for a migration. At least I didn't notice much uproar in the community so far. 08:40
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vendethiel Is raku.land backed by a module list somewhere? 08:55
I renamed a repo, and although Github keeps a redirect for a while, I’d rather change the url
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patrickb vendethiel: is it a p6c aka old repo based ecosystem module? 09:26
vendethiel should be, yes
patrickb Not entirely sure, but Ithink that has effectively been shutdown.
lizmat knows the details. I think a snapshot was taken, and persisted, but that snapshot is not updated anymore. 09:28
the way forward is to move the module to the fez ecosystem.
I am not entirely sure the above is actually true. I am sure it was the plan, unsure if it was carried out to completion. 09:29
lizmat it wasn't: it's still an open problem solving issue 09:31
still I'd recommend moving modules from p6c to zef
vendethiel I will, but I’d rather not doing from my work computer 09:44
But PRing p6c I can do from my work computer :)
lizmat don't you have a commit bit ? 09:45
vendethiel I probably do? I just don’t remember which repo I should update 09:46
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lizmat raku/ecosystem 09:47
Geth ecosystem/main: 9759b88c12 | ven++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Rename Sprockets.pl -> Sprockets.raku
vendethiel Done
lizmat there you go! :-) 09:49
vendethiel I’ll upload it to zef later
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patrickb vendethiel: On an unrelated note, are you interested in working on Cro? I'm currently trying to get an overview of who wants to continue carrying the flag and is willing to take on responsibility. I think this is good to know to sketch up sane commit and release policies. 10:13
vendethiel I haven’t done much on Cro since I left Edument, tbh 10:14
I still want to get Comma in a working state, but I spent two weekends on it and I think I went in the wrong direction 10:15
patrickb Ok, good to know. I hope you manage to progress with Comma. A nice piece of technology that is. 10:20
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tbrowder wayland: no, not shorter, just a kebab-case version 12:04
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tbrowder .tell wayland ^^^ 13:04
tell wayland ^^^ 13:05
😦 13:13
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lizmat hmm looks like we lost tellable6 13:29
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[Coke] NETWORK_TESTING is the common env var to enable/disable having your test suite make network connections off site, yes? 17:21
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lizmat [Coke]: I believe so 19:40
[Coke] updated the link checker to respect that 19:42
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[Coke] so using Cro was more stable, but I ended up writing an error handler that handles X::Cro::HTTP2::GoAway, 429s, the occasional "Stream reset by the server" (all of which pause an appropriate amount of time and then retry) 19:53
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lizmat kewl 19:59
[Coke] Use of Nil in string context in block at /Users/coke/.rakubrew/versions/moar-2024.06/install/share/perl6/site/sources/4A379662E8AFB8C07B643C81BB47B6BB39115BF8 (Cro::Uri) line 263 20:26
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[Coke] (moved to #cro) 20:29
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[Coke] is there a way to make use of Nil fatal? 21:38
(use fatal in my script didn't have an impact on that error message) 21:39
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lizmat m: CONTROL { die $_ }; say "foo" ~ Nil; say "after" 22:08
camelia Use of Nil in string context
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat sleep& 22:09
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ugexe stackoverflow.com/a/54315617/1772220 23:48
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