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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
01:04 hulk joined 01:05 kylese left 01:26 Chanakan left 01:29 Chanakan joined
antononcube @lucs I am sure some people from the field of "digital humanities" have considered making corresponding classifiers. 01:39
@tbrowder No, I appreciate efforts of amateur comedian-wannabes. (And grade them.) 01:40
02:15 hulk left, kylese joined
Xliff_ shudders in fear # antoncube 02:27
antononcube 💯 02:29
I want to factor out from "Data::Generators" the probability distributions and related random variates generation. What is a good name for the factored out module? 02:30
1) Math::Distributions 2) Statistics::Distributions 02:31
3) Math::Random::Distribution (my least favorite) 02:32
Xliff_ 2 03:15
03:17 skyesoss left
antononcube @Xliff Ok -- that is my favorite too. 03:31
Actually, no, I prefer "Statistics::Distributions"
Xliff_ antoncube: Then Statistics::Distributions it is! 03:42
If that is your choice.
antononcube I think I have other packages with the "Statistics::" prefix. 03:52
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There is a "precendent" in Perl's ecosystem for "Statistics::Distributions" : metacpan.org/pod/Statistics::Distributions 13:41
(And, no -- I do not plan to use that Perl code in any way.)
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lizmat and yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/07/29/2024-...drianally/ 16:30
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ivarec Newbie here. Are there official plugins/extensions for VSCode and Jetbrains? I found CommaIDE, which seems dead on a quick glance (not sure), and a VSCode extension that doesn't seem officially endorsed by Raku (although it looks cool). My Emacs time is long over after a nasty pinky inflammation that took a long time to fix 😄 20:52
antononcube @ivarec Same here -- unfortunately my Emacs days are over. 20:55
CommaIDE has also a plugin version for IntelliJ -- at first I was using that. 20:56
Commaide is very good / useful if you want to write packages. Some vi-cult members here might tell you about alternatives. (Which are not Emacs- based.) 20:57
Visual Studio Code has a Raku plugin which is good. You might to fiddle with settings in order to get smoother experience. For example, hooking-up with a code running plugin. 20:59
I use VSCode via Jupyter notebooks to do reseach with Raku. (Not package development.)
Here is the plugin: marketplace.visualstudio.com/items...-navigator 21:02
ivarec Is the CommaIDE plugin version actively maintained? Or is VSCode the safer bet? 21:05
antononcube @ivarec Yes and no. So, Commaide was commercial product with both free, communuty version and payed, with more features version. The makers of Commaide decided at some point that it is too expensive for them (in terms of time, efforts, or money) to continue developing it, so they released the whole thing as an open source project. 21:09
That project is looking for and gathering for volunteers. Feel free to become one. Of course, for that you should first familiarize yourselv with Commaide's most recent version. 21:10
IMO, it really depends what you want to do with Raku. 21:11
ivarec Yeah, I was wondering about that. I might help if Raku fits my needs. The grammar features are really unique, from what I can tell 21:12
antononcube This why I started using Raku -- grammars are first class citizens and Raku has OOP for grammar "management" built in. 21:13
For at least a year or two I did not use or learned anything else of Raku except grammar related functionalities. 21:14
21:19 sena_kun left
Here is a post about CommaIDE being relased: rakudoweekly.blog/2024/02/19/2024-...completed/ 21:24
librasteve it’s worth trying the commaide - the intellij plugin needs an older version of intellij these days … and then won’t play nice with other plugins that need the intellij latest :cameliathink: 21:25
22:52 Sgeo joined 23:55 skyesoss left