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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
00:59 jgaz left 01:32 bdju left 01:45 bdju joined 01:48 skyesoss joined
tbrowder duh: .slurp(:enc<utf8-c8>) 01:56
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librasteve just tried again this morning cro.raku.org/docs/intro/spa-with-cro is also blank …. i’ll take a look at the repo now i know where it is 07:02
seems like just one page afaict
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okaay - so we know that the errant page is blank on both sites cro.services/docs/intro/spa-with-cro and cro.raku.org/docs/intro/spa-with-cro I have taken a look at the GH croservices repo github.com/croservices/cro-website...aster/docs ... and human eyeball mark 1 says all looks fine ... so the next thing I would do is to rebuild the site(s) ... anyone know how to do this? 11:25
lizmat coleman andinus would be able to do that, I think 11:32
librasteve coleman: please can you rebuild the cro website? 11:33
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tbrowder btw, regarding utf8-c8, as i read the docs it looks like i should be able to roundtrip most any file (including ascii and numbers and pdf) by doing the slurp and spurt as shown above--testing that soday 11:34
librasteve_ coleman: please can you rebuild the cro website? 11:35
lizmat tbrowder: afaik, there are *some* bad byte sequences that do not round-trip in utf8-c8 11:36
but not many
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antononcube It looks like that my favorite visualization-in-Raku pipeline with JavaScript's D3.js cannot do 3D graphics. Anyone here having experiences with JavaScript libraries for 3D graphics. (Please, share!) 13:30
El_Che github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/releas...g/v2024.07 is out (thx liz)
tellable6 2024-07-25T20:01:10Z #raku-dev <jdv> El_Che the 2024.07 release is done
coleman opened issue on the cro website repo github.com/Raku/cro-website/issues/3 13:42
The dockerfile is pretty simple to build if you want to try updating the Cro website. otherwise I will take a look this weekend. Busy for a couple of days 😞 github.com/Raku/cro-website/blob/m...Dockerfile 13:46
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antononcube @El_Che When are macOS releases coming out? 13:49
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tbrowder lizmat: of the mixed bag of 10 text , font, pdf files i finally got my converter working and only 2 files were reported by gnu bin to “fail”. it was a font file created by an individual fontographer and the pdf file reported was using it. 17:04
would it be useful to list the bad chunks in the docs? i vote 👍 17:06
lizmat yes, or at least in a Rakudo issue
tbrowder gnu cmp that id 17:09
librasteve okay, twas four backticks in an .md file have submitted a PR 17:49
til that Cro (and the cro-website pattern) is a great way to write a website in markdown 19:19
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antononcube What do you mean? “Cro” lets you specify a website with a Markdown document? 20:02
librasteve github.com/Raku/cro-website/blob/d...es.pm6#L73 20:24
^^ this does the work - look in the eg docs/intro dir and you will just see .md
compare to the web pages - magic 20:25
antononcube Interesting. 20:26
Is "Cro' acting as a "template processor" or "template engine"? 20:28
librasteve well I suppose you could take that Routes.pm6 file and formalize to something - likely would need jnthn to tell us the answer 20:32
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