🦋 Welcome to the MAIN() IRC channel of the Raku Programming Language (raku.org). Log available at irclogs.raku.org/raku/live.html . If you're a beginner, you can also check out the #raku-beginner channel! Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022. |
antononcube | @ugexe Do you a think C-version of the subs in “Text::Levenshtein::Damerau” should be placed in that package, or it should be a new one? (“Text::Levenshtein::Damerau::C” or whatever._ | 00:03 | |
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pony | m: my $a = gather take $++ while 1; say $a[0]; | 05:49 | |
camelia | 0 | ||
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ab5tract | My frustrations last night are clearly related to the one argument rule. | 09:01 | |
But I do find it hard to justify this: | |||
m: [ %( :a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e> ) ].elems.say | |||
camelia | 3 | ||
ab5tract | Surely if I wanted a list of pairs, I would t have put it into a hash? | ||
m: [ $%( :a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e> ) ].elems.say | 09:02 | ||
camelia | 1 | ||
ab5tract | I guess it just is what it is, though. | 09:04 | |
lizmat | you have no idea how that has been a difficult decision: it's the waterbed all over | 09:36 | |
at least it's consistent now | |||
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lizmat | m: Array.new( %(:a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e>) ).elems.say # does that meet expectations ? | 10:17 | |
camelia | 3 | ||
lizmat | m: .say for %(:a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e>) # or this? | 10:18 | |
camelia | d => e c => d a => b |
lizmat | m: .say for :a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e> # or this? | ||
camelia | a => b c => d d => e |
lizmat | they're all example of the 1 argument role | 10:19 | |
and that comma is the list builder, not parens | |||
ab5tract | Ah, the Array.new approach does indeed match expectations | 10:21 | |
lizmat | well, that's what [ ] does under the hood | 10:22 | |
github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/8706...mod#L7-L16 | 10:24 | ||
ab5tract | m: [ %( :a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e> ) ] ~~ Array.new( %( :a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e> ) ) ==> say() | ||
camelia | True | ||
ab5tract | I misread the output. I understand and appreciate that this was difficult to nail down | 10:25 | |
lizmat | before the GLR it was a mess that was even harder to understand / teach | 10:27 | |
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ab5tract | Fair point. I guess for my taste hashes shouldn’t be auto-flattened in any case (that’s why |%h and %h.pairs are for). But the ship has sailed and in the light of day I see the source of and reasoning for what I was butting heads against yesterday | 10:36 | |
lizmat | well... fwiw, one of the reasons (and I repeat: one of them) was to meet Perl user expectations | 10:55 | |
ab5tract: also, if you want to change semantics of { } lexically, you could do: | 10:59 | ||
m: sub circumfix:<{ }>(|c) { item %(|c) }; dd { foo => "bar" } | |||
camelia | ${:foo("bar")} | ||
lizmat | versus: | 11:00 | |
m: dd { foo => "bar" } | |||
camelia | {:foo("bar")} | ||
lizmat | m: sub circumfix:<{ }>(|c) { item %(|c) }; [ { :a<b>, :c<d>, :d<e>} ].elems.say | 11:01 | |
camelia | Odd number of elements found where hash initializer expected: Only saw: $(:a("b"), :c("d"), :d("e")) in sub circumfix:<{ }> at <tmp> line 1 in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
lizmat | meh :-) | ||
anyways, you get the picture... | 11:02 | ||
ab5tract | :) | 11:08 | |
Since one of my goals is to ease potential readers of the code into Raku as gently as possible, the best option may in fact be to just add a second hash to this test case :) | 11:14 | ||
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antononcube | @ab5stract "My frustrations last night are clearly related to the one argument rule." -- It was late for me also, when I read your code about this and I planned to try investigate myself. But well you figured it out -- and it is "good to know." | 12:18 | |
tbrowder | any mac users have the binary fontconfig dev library working? | 12:42 | |
lizmat not | 12:43 | ||
antononcube | LOL | ||
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Does anyone know / recommend a GitHub repository with a complete and minimal example of using NativeCall ? | 15:46 | ||
lizmat | github.com/lizmat/P5localtime/blob...me.rakumod # as minimal as it gets | 15:53 | |
antononcube | @lizmat Yes, looks minimal. Thanks! | 15:57 | |
lizmat | no external library needed even :-) | 15:58 | |
antononcube | That is too minimal for me, but still instructive. | 16:06 | |
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lizmat | antononcube whar's too minimal about it ? | 16:41 | |
*what | |||
no external library? | |||
raku.land/zef:lizmat/Unix::errno simple external library | 16:42 | ||
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lizmat | github.com/lizmat/Unix-errno/blob/...#L136-L172 | 16:43 | |
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antononcube | @lizmat It seems I needed a more comprehensive example in order to make some faster string distance computations. | 17:19 | |
github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-D...tions-Edit | 17:20 | ||
ugexe | not sure using `const char *s1` is ideal for an edit distance - what about wide characters? | 17:26 | |
github.com/ugexe/Text--Levenshtein...-int.c#L69 | 17:27 | ||
when i did a C library I still used perl to convert things to ords and compared those | |||
antononcube | @ugexe Unfortunately, when I read your package documentation 4-5 years ago I was too ignorant about Raku, and missed that dld has a 3rd argument. | 17:28 | |
Meaning, did not understand how to use the output. | 17:29 | ||
My C-implementation is mostly for orientation how much faster it is. (If at all.) | 17:30 | ||
ugexe | There is also StrDistance core raku class written in nqp (but only levenstein not damerau) | 17:31 | |
antononcube | Right, I tried that too. | ||
See here: github.com/antononcube/Raku-Math-D...ances.raku | 17:32 | ||
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tbrowder | ugexe: in a module i'm working on (unpublished) i test it by installing it locally with "zef install . --debug" | 20:39 | |
when i do that, i get ' perl5' directory generated in the module rep and it has a subdir of ' perl5/short' | 20:41 | ||
i am using a Build.rakumod module in the process. | 20:42 | ||
i have searched all the module's code and don't see any reference to such. any debugging suggestions? | 20:47 | ||
note the ' perl5' and its subdir are empty | 20:48 | ||
there are quite a few dependencies and they are already installed | 20:49 | ||
ok i see some more zef options to try... | 20:51 | ||
it appears in both of the repos where i use Build and do a zef install . | 21:22 | ||
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tbrowder | i can't pin it down, but no harm as far as i can tell...fingers crossed | 21:33 | |
[Coke] | where's your source? | 22:04 | |
antononcube | Cannot push to GitHub. 😦 | 22:05 | |
It looks like it is a global problem... | |||
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