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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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Geth ecosystem/main: a450c0a480 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
GFLW has moved to fez
ecosystem/main: e8d4f66378 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Removed because repo will be archived

See github.com/uasi/messagepack-pm6/is...2272667939
07:24 sena_kun joined 08:03 sena_kun left 08:12 xinming joined 08:16 guifa left
Geth ecosystem/main: 39c232c070 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove kalkin's distros

See github.com/kalkin/Ddt/issues/19#is...2272923540
09:10 abraxxa-home joined 09:57 abraxxa-home left
Geth ecosystem/main: e9b29d6b1d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Chemistry::Elements now lives in raku-community-modules
11:23 guifa joined 11:43 xinming left
antononcube @lizmat I like —paragraph context of rak . Its mission is obvious from the name. 11:50
lizmat yeah, I thought you would like it
latest String::Utils already has the basic logic for it, just need to put it into App::Rak 11:51
antononcube I strongly suspect I will change / update “Chemistry::Elements”. A big part of “Chemistry::Stoichiometry” should become “Chemistry::Elements”. 11:57
Then “Chemistry::Stoichiometry” would do “only” formulas and equations parsing and the corresponding molecular mass and balancing computations. 12:00
lizmat antononcube go ahead :-) as long as the current interface continues to exist 12:10
guifa When I've changed names for modules I honor the old names but toss a warning about the changes 12:27
and then give myself something like 12-18 months before finally removing that entirely 12:28
antononcube It seems to me that “Chemistry::Elements” was made more for didactic purposes. If you look at the code it looks like “example Raku code.” 12:53
And B. Foy did write a book on Raku. (The first Raku-book I read.) 12:54
(Or maybe the 2nd…)
lizmat maybe you'd take some elements of ::Elements to ::Stoichiometry and leave ::Elements as is? 12:55
antononcube So, is it a good idea to rename that package from “Chemistry::Elements” to “Chemistry::Elements::Didactic” or “Chemistry::Elements::Exemplary”, etc.?
@lizmat No need for that: “Chemistry::Stoichiometry“ does everything “Chemistry::Elements” and the issues / future plans listed “Chemistry::Elements” issues. 12:56
lizmat I'm not sure... it's a functional package afaics
then I guess we can leave it as is? 12:57
afk for a bit&
antononcube Ok. Doing nothing is just fine.
Geth ecosystem/main: 4736426fc7 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove hartenfels' distros

  - Javascript::Spidermonkey has been archived
  - Text::Markdown::Discount now lives in raku-community-modules
ecosystem/main: df7655f548 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove bluebar94's distros

They live in raku-community-modules now and will soon be released on zef
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Geth ecosystem/main: 3c1cafa63e | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
Remove titsuki's distros

See: github.com/titsuki/raku-Algorithm-...2273273536
antononcube Hmm... titsuki was recently active on "Algorithm::KdTree". 15:48
lizmat yeah...but without this removal, their current work on moving to zef would show up as updated modules in raku.land 15:50
all of the modules are still installable from the REA, and once titsuki has moved the distros to zef, will re-appear again
which I think could well be today
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antononcube Good to know! 16:14
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tbrowder antononcube: i understand, but for my stuff i prefer classes. and i try to calculate data rather than store it when possible. 19:43
but now that i think i have the resources thing semmingly *solved* (100% roundtrip in my current baby module), there will be more stored data (but not too much) 19:45
*seemingly 19:46
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roguerakudev Has anyone used Raku for scripting in a C/C++ project? Something where Raku gets executed by the C(++) code and has access to its functions 22:08
I'm wondering if that's even feasible or if it would be better to use some type of IPC or just call Raku and return data via STDOUT or something 22:09
ab5tract I’m not aware of a project that has done so. It would definitely be n interesting exercise. I think you might make the most progress by explicitly tying yourself to MoarVM and its data structures 22:17
22:21 Sgeo joined
guifa Hmm, I mean, Raku can access C++ functions. I think I do remember someone showing how to more or less do a call back but I forget who/where. MIght be a starting point 22:26
stackoverflow.com/questions/662860...rom-c-code 22:29
It's not 100% seamless, but you could make a call sending an array of function pointers, and assign those to variables accordingly in C
ab5tract I wish we could wrap entire C++ classes easily. But very few languages seem to have managed that 22:42
guifa: Great link! 22:43
guifa meanwhile I ended up going the STDIN / STDOUT route for my current project, but it had some other considerations there that made that just a lot easier 22:44
(it needed to start up an Obj-C loop and then things were getting passed around tons of different 22:47
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