Xliff gist.github.com/Xliff/ec7b529051df...9a3e42dbf0 00:06
I don't know why I'm getting this error, and it looks to be pre-parse. 00:07
It only happens on some of my modules, but the backtrace makes it difficult to determine if it's a local error or something else?
This even occurs in a file that's been completely commented out.
00:09 librasteve_ left
Xliff *snarl* 00:09
The above occurs because there is a symlink in one of the module directories. 00:10
So for module "A::B::C::D", B is a symlink and the error is triggered. Help!
timo i can always recommend rr :) 00:18
does the RMD env var help? RAKUDO_MODULE_DEBUG or something?
Xliff rr? 00:24
timo yeah mozilla rr, it's a record and replay tool 00:25
Xliff timo: Well, root cause is now known.
timo time traveling debugger
absolute frickin magic
Xliff Huh! I'll have to look into that.
Wonder if I can get Unreal Engine linked to Raku via NativeCall? 01:03
UE5 -> Custom library wrapping C++ classes to a C interface -> NativeCall -> Raku ?
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Xliff Does anyone know of a good reged to extract all of the "public:" sections from a C++ class? 02:44
I've come up with this: m:g/("public:" ).+?<?before \w+":">/' -- but you still have to run another regex to extract any trailing "public:" sections if they are at the end of the class def. 02:45
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antononcube @abs5tract I was able to build comma-plugin after refreshing the repository and installing Java version 21. 12:00
(I.e. without errors.)
I cannot find where the actual built artifact is. (Steve's location is good hint, but I do not see a "distribution" directory at all.) 12:01
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ab5tract antononcube: It appears that using `Tasks > build > build` will generate the distribution zip 12:14
antononcube: you asked about jdk 22 yesterday. did you have to install jdk 21 separately? because that would be weird 12:16
leont Xliff: clang has an AST output format that could probably be abused.
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ab5tract good news! it looks like we don't actually need `jetbrainsRuntime`, so the building the comma plugin should not require any platform specific setup 13:34
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ab5tract and even better: I've got the GitHub Action working for pressing releases. not all the way to publishing via jetbrains marketplace but it's a start! github.com/ab5tract/comma-plugin/r...2.0-beta.1 16:28
huh, that seems really broken somehow 16:35
deleted for now, will revisit later
false alarm, it seems to be totally fine. 17:17
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antononcube @ab5stract Listen, publishing those ups and downs is nerve wrecking. 19:10
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ab5tract antononcube: sorry, I don't get it 19:38
would you mind explaining what you mean? 19:41
antononcube @ab5tract Your latest posts about the comma plugin GitHub actions working, then not working, then working nevertheless, are nail biting to read through. (Some readers might even have emotional distress…)
ab5tract I still don't get it. Maybe you forgot to append a `/s`? 19:42
Or else you're just telling me in a sideways manner to shut up, which I also don't really understand 19:44
it looked for a second like the plugin that the Action built was installing an entirely different plugin. I didn't want anyone to download that, so I deleted it. I didn't want anyone to wonder why the link didn't have a usable plugin to download, so I announced it 19:46
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antononcube @ab5tract Ok, next time I will add an /s for you. Or maybe a /5 ? 20:39
ab5tract Why the sarcasm in the first place though? 20:40
You’ve asked me questions about building. I answer. You don’t respond, one way or another. 20:41
I announce that building isn’t necessary to use the plugin, retract it out if safety concerns, and then announce that it’s possible. You respond with sarcasm
That’s probably 30-40 hours of work in that pipeline output 20:42
Sorry that I don’t get it, I expect you were probably just trying to have some lighthearted fun. But it came off as trivializing my efforts and my attempts to share the successes to me 20:43
patrickb ab5tract: I for one am very impressed by what you managed to achieve. A big ++ from me! 20:48
antononcube <ab5tract> "Why the sarcasm in the first place though?" -- Well it was not sarcasm, it was exageration. (You wanted see \s for some reason...) 20:51
ab5tract patrickb: cheers! and thank you for the kind words 21:10
antononcube @ab5tract So, here is what I have after I followed the instructions in the README. So, finally I can find the "distributions" sub-directory in the directory "build". (And comma plugin there.) 21:18
ab5tract Glad to hear it’s becoming statistically repeatable 21:20
antononcube But... 1) It turned out just updating you repository is not sufficient -- it has to be complete removed. First from IntelliJ's project then from disk. 2) The first build(s) following line 2 of the README produced some warnings. 3) Next build(s) did not produce warnings / errors. I was able to find the directory "distributions". 21:21
Maybe, "distributions" appeared in step 2 -- too lazy to check now. (I did the full set of steps a few times already.) 21:22
Step 1 was crucial -- I followed these directions: stackoverflow.com/a/76318621/14163984 21:23
ab5tract Yeah, I should have announced that you would need to nuke the repo
As I did antisocial some force pushing 21:24
Though it sounds more like you were encountering cache issues, which is a different story (I can safely say “not my fault” there) 21:25
antononcube It is ok. Knowing it can be successfully done -- by librasteve or GitHub actions -- definitely helps. 21:26
ab5tract I don’t know what you mean by “first from IntelliJ’s project though”. Deleting and recloning should have been sufficient
*prpject” though 21:27
antononcube No, it is not. I checked that -- I deleted the directory first, then opened "Projects" window of IntelliJ, then the directory reappeared. 21:28
ab5tract That sounds quite out of the ordinary. Anyway, now that the releases are generated properly, I’ll stop force pushing on main. That should alleviate the need for this in the future 21:41
antononcube I installed the plugin (from disk.) But after opening of a Raku project nothing happened -- for the last 15+ min I see "Updating indexes". 21:47
ab5tract If you have time, doing the same thing in a sandbox via ‘runIde’ would hopefully give usable stack traces for a bug report 21:53
(stacktraces would appear in the parent intellij) 21:54
Also, I don’t know what happens if you try to open a directory that already contains a Comma project
antononcube: it might also be worth trying “new from sources” instead of “open” 21:59
antononcube I wonder is it because the projects I tried have been opened in a previous Comma version. 22:00
ab5tract that sounds very likely 22:02
try nuking the `.idea` folder in those projects 22:03
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ab5tract I've never used Comma as a plugin before, to be honest, only standalone 22:05
So I'm not as familiar with how that works
antononcube Trying it now -- it stuck on "Loading indexes". (Instead of "Updating indexes".) 22:06
Interesting! I can create a new Raku project with the plugin, but after closing IntelliJ I cannot open that project. 22:11
ab5tract that's weird 22:17
if you can reproduce in `runIde`, the stacktraces would help in fixing the issue 22:18
antononcube Will try that tomorrow.
ab5tract annoyingly, though, things seem to be working via `runIde` that are not when the plugin is loaded into a regular IDE instance 22:19
antononcube: thanks
antononcube Are you using IntelliJ community edition or the professional one? 22:20
ab5tract I'm on Ultimate at the moment, but it shouldn't matter
oh, ok, this might be a big contributing factor: it looks like the IDE needs to be restarted after plugin install 22:23
restarts now required as of current `HEAD` / release `2.0-beta.3` 22:45
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