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timo notable6__: bugbearer improve docs page of twigils: not-really-twigils $< and $. should be more helpful and link somewhere 11:31
notable6__ timo, Noted! (bugbearer)
timo notable6__: bugbearer docs: somehow the subheadings for twigils on the twigils page render to empty-string, even though their id attribute properly has the text in them 11:32
notable6__ timo, Noted! (bugbearer)
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antononcube My "Raku Random Spirographs" post in X got ≈600 views within 24 hours. x.com/antononcube/status/1843650569669619870 14:45
[Coke] timo: where do those bugs end up?
timo you have to explicitly ask it for the contents of the category exactly like "weekly" but it doesn't have a convenient shortcut for use in the channel 14:50
i just gotta remember to ask it when i have a "pour issues into some githubs" shaped tuit 14:54
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antononcube Anyone interested in tracking the hurricate Milton using Raku? 20:38
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ab5tract antononcube: sounds interesting. is it a straughtforward scraper? 21:23
antononcube It kind of is in Mathematica, but I am not sure how to do it Raku. What is the most developed or convenient XML parser in Raku's ecosystem 21:25
I am trying to parse this page with the package "XML": www.nhc.noaa.gov/gis-at.xml 21:26
Extracting data from that XML with LLMs is too slow. (Kind of fun, but whatever...) 21:29
21:34 guifa joined
[Coke] guesses github.com/raku-community-modules/XML 21:36
antononcube I fed the README of "XML" to LLM and that helped getting the Raku code. I might be able to produce a "tracking" notebook, but it might be too late... 🙂
@Coke Yes, thanks! That is what I tried/started using.
Here is what I got so far: 21:41
I "just" have to figure out how to make the maps. 21:42
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doomlord Hello, do raku support multidimensional array fast reshaping ? 21:43
With the stride factor I mean
en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stride_of_an_array 21:44
antononcube Yes. You have to specify a sequence with the stride.
doomlord How to do that?
I don’t find stride in the docs, but maybe I’m dumb 21:45
antononcube It is not clear:
I will make an example within 5 min.
Mean while, try this with a single array @a[1, 3 ... 10] 21:46
doomlord Thank you!
antononcube my @a = 'a' .. 'z'; @a[1, 3 ... 10] 21:47
doomlord Oh but that takes more mental effort than a reshape function for multidimensional arrays
For 1d is fine
Although I can imagine writing my sequence generator helpera 21:48
antononcube I am still working on my MD example...
21:48 doomlord left
timo raku doesn't really support using a view into another array with a stride as if it were a regular array 21:49
as in, there is no optimization for that use case built in
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antononcube Yeah, just got that message for this code: my $ma = random-real(20,(9,4)); say $ma.shape; say $ma[1, 3 ... 9; *] # Partially dimensioned views of shaped arrays not yet implemented. Sorry. 21:52
@doomlord But I support strides in "Math::SparseArray".
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lizmat hopes all Rakoons in Florida are in a safe place 22:33
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lizmat weekly: programming.dev/post/20341595 22:53
notable6__ lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
antononcube @lizmat 23:17
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timo took me a moment, but if i want to find the rakulang@programming.dev group to subscribe to on my mastodon interface i had to put @rakulang@programming.dev rather than the !rakulang@programming.dev it suggested on the programming.dev website 23:28
i hadn't seen raku-lang.ir/en before i don't think 23:30
unfortunately, in my interface the posts from the rakulang group don't show up from what i get from @rakulang@programming.dev 23:32
antononcube Speaking of mastodon accounts -- here is what Grock-2-beta in "fun mode" says: 23:39