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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
xinming m: role TR { has $.x = "xv" }; my $x = "hello"; $x does TR; $x.x.say; $x.^roles.raku.say 05:03
camelia xv
(TR, Stringy)
xinming m: role TR { has $.x = "xv" }; my $x = "hello"; $x does TR; $x.x.say; $x.VAR.^roles.raku.say
camelia xv
xinming So the 'does TR' to a variable, actually it modifies the role info to value itself, not the container, right? 05:04
So with 'does role', we can actually move the value around
guifa Yes. there be dragons doing that to valuetypes 05:08
m: role TR { has $.x = "xv" }; my $x = "hello"; $x does TR; my $y = 'hel' ~ 'lo'; say $y.WHAT; my $z = 'hello'; say $z.WHAT
camelia (Str)
guifa it will end up being applied to the STRING "hello". Which may or may not internally be the same in $x and $y, causing it not to be applied (and most people probably wouldn't want it to be anyways) 05:09
xinming guifa: Thanks, Really good warning about the *tricky* behavior. 05:11
Seems the constant string is being applied to that role globally
m: multi sub t(:$good where :so) { "Good".say; }; multi sub t(:$good where :!so) { "Not good".say }; t(); 05:19
camelia Not good
xinming With this example, I found them on my code snippets from chatlog, I know that 'where :!so' in where means something like 'where !*.so', I can't find the explaination about 'where :!so', Anyone here explains pleases? 05:21
I know there is something like :e :f to IO handles as well 05:22
is it internally '$x ~~ :!so' will be transformed to something like !$x.so ?? 05:23
guifa huh i've never seen where :so 05:38
xinming Finally I got the answer. 05:58
If $topic is any other value, the invocant Pair's key is treated as a method name. This method is called on $topic, the Bool result of which is compared against the invocant Pair's Bool value. For example, primality can be tested using smartmatch:
xinming m: role TR { has $.x = "x" }; my $x = ($ = 2 + 1); $x does TR; $x.^roles.raku.say; my $y = 3; $y.^roles.raku.say; 06:41
camelia (TR, Real, Numeric)
(TR, Real, Numeric)
xinming m: role TR { has $.x = "x" }; my $x = (($ = 2) + 1); $x does TR; my $y = 3; $y.^roles.raku.say; my $z = ($ = 2)++; $z.^roles.raku.say; 06:43
camelia (TR, Real, Numeric)
(Real, Numeric)
xinming Is there a way to make constant 3 not does role globally, but still keeps ability to pass the value 3 with roles around? 06:45
m: role TR { has $.x = "x" }; my $x = (($ = 2) + 1); $x does TR; my $y = 3; $y.^roles.raku.say; my $z = ++($ = 2); $z.^roles.raku.say;
camelia (TR, Real, Numeric)
(TR, Real, Numeric)
xinming hmm, 'but' will do what I wanted 06:47
finanalyst Is there any one here who can help me add an article to the Advent list. I've only used WordPress for Advent articles and I cant remember what I did last year :) 09:34
tellable6 2024-09-16T11:00:21Z #raku-dev <tbrowder> finanalyst: ^^
timo .o( i can't remember what i did last week ) 09:54
lizmat finanalyst: if you can put a gist somewhere, I can take that and put it in WP 10:05
I have weekly experience dealing with WP :-)
finanalyst sending you an email! 10:26
Xliff \o 13:29
Where can I find out what really goes on when you call .new for an Object. I am getting a "Cannot assign to an immutable value" when I make a call to self.bless, but for the life of me I can't seem to track it down. 13:30
From what I can tell, it's not in any of my BUILDs or TWEAKs. What else might there be? 13:31
lizmat doesn't an --ll-exception stacktrace tell you more? 13:41
Xliff Cannot assign to an immutable value 14:30
at src/vm/moar/dispatchers.nqp:222 (/home/cbwood/.rakubrew/versions/moar-blead/install/share/perl6/lib/Perl6/BOOTSTRAP/v6c.moarvm:)
from /home/cbwood/Work/RacquetAppServer/app/lib/Applications/Bizzell/Inventory/Instance.pm6 (Applications::Bizzell::Inventory::Instance):48 (/home/cbwood/Work/RacquetAppServer/app/lib/.precomp/D69BDF306EBF6CADBB78BF26AE45271D9FD3BB75/CA/CAAB3B2684593984EDC20968A2AA667B2CE6626E:BUILDALL)
Which traces back to this: 14:32
my $assign-fallback := -> $cont, $value {
nqp::assign($cont, $value)
timo ah, it's unfortunate that we lose the name related to the container in use there 14:37
the "cannot assign to immutable value" error is an ad-hoc from inside moar, so it doesn't pass the objects in question 14:39
Xliff It was working before though. So what in application code can slip down to moar code to cause this? 14:40
timo could you do a bit of gdb spelunking together with me? 14:42
Xliff Sure. 14:43
Hang on, let me see if I can get this script to put in rakudo-gdb-m
timo then let's try with a breakpoint in MVM_exception_throw_adhoc and run until we hit the one with the right message 14:44
Xliff Actually, I am gdb right now right after the exception is printed. 14:45
timo cool
Xliff OK. Let's go cavin'!
timo are you still in MVM_6model_container_assign_* or so? 14:46
or maybe it's in interp.c, there's two instances there as well
Xliff I think this one is in dispatchers.nqp
So how can I get gdb to not run anything when it loads? 14:47
timo ah, i mean the C level backtrace with "bt"
Xliff bt full has no stack.
timo rakudo-gdb-m puts an -ex="run" in the gdb commandline
Xliff Oh! I can rerun.,
timo you can just "gdb --args rakudo bla bla bla" and it won't immediately run
Xliff So how can I break at MVM_exception_throw_adhoc?
timo do you happen to have rr installed? being able to reverse step is amazing 14:48
`break MVM_exception_throw_adhoc`
Xliff Undefined command rr
One sec, let me install.
OK, yeah I do have it installed. How should I use it? 14:49
timo neat!
"rr record rakudo bla bla", then after it has exited "rr replay" will drop you in a gdb that behaves like normal but with extra commands for time travel
Xliff Hmm.... let me see if I can do that real quick. 14:50
timo no need to do anything quickly once you have time travel unlocked :D :D 14:51
should we move this to #raku-dev or query? 14:53
Xliff Sure 14:55
Xliff bt 15:23
Xliff Cannot resolve caller infix:<===>(Mu:U, Int:U); none of these signatures matches: 18:16
Why does this not work? Can't this just be a value comparison? Why does Mu not implement === ?
timo maybe =:= instead? 18:25
m: say any(1,2,3) === 3 18:27
camelia any(False, False, True)
timo m: say any(1,2,3) =:= 3
camelia False
Geth advent: hwayne++ created pull request #120:
Article on counting the size of a process state space with Raku
patrickb What's the smallest and most nothing doing raku program you can have? 22:07
m: 0 22:08
camelia WARNINGS for <tmp>:
Useless use of constant integer 0 in sink context (line 1)
patrickb That warns
m: my $x 22:09
camelia ( no output )
nahita3882 not counting the entirely empty file? 22:22
m: *
patrickb m: 22:23
Empty doesn't work with raku -e
nahita3882 then my answer is * 22:24
patrickb But * is nice. No idea what it's supposed to do though.
nahita3882 it sinks a Whatever object literal 22:26
yet doesn't warn not sure why not
antononcube @patrickb Thanks for referring to me in that GitHub issue! 🙂 22:36
I am not sure how much that is “right up my alley”, but I am interested solving the problem you mention. (I have two solutions.) 22:38
patrickb Your welcome! It's nice that asking for your help pleases you. :-)
antononcube This one: github.com/Raku/RakuDoc-GAMMA/issu...2503481395
[Coke] raku -e ''; - this runs here with no output. 23:14