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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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Xliff \o 02:12
Is there a shorter way to do this: if $v > 0 ?? $p !! $n -> $r { return $r; } # ?
m: my ($v, $n, $p) = (1, 2, 3); say $_ with $v > 0 ?? $n !! $p' 02:15
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> 1, 2, 3); say $_ with $v > 0 ?? $n !! $p<HERE>'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
Xliff m: my ($v, $n, $p) = (1, 2, 3); say $_ with $v > 0 ?? $n !! $p
camelia 2
Xliff So what is the penalty for this code? I suspect the full if statement is faster, but is there a significant penalty hit using with? 02:16
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antononcube I see the “Bauble Up” section in the new Advent post to be empty. 09:10
Maybe, it is an issue with Safari, but, well, please check. 09:11
Yeah — I can see the embedded video in that section with Brave. 09:13
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lizmat weekly: raku-advent.blog/2024/12/03/day-3-merry-cromas/ 11:33
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat antononcube is your post ready?
assuming it is, scheduled it for tomorrow 11:44
11:49 human-blip left
Geth advent/main: 521c952a5d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md
Scheduled Anton Antonov's post
12:04 human-blip joined
antononcube @lizmat Yes, the post is ready. Can you see the draft? 13:12
I will schedule it. (I thought you do the scheduling.)
@lizmat I see you did that — thanks! 13:13
timo i wish code wouldn't need to scroll horizontally on the advent calendar posts :| 13:14
lizmat yw, and a nice post yet again :-)
timo: which post ?
I try to make sure code doesn't scroll horizontally, if at all possible 13:17
timo i see it in the HTMX one 13:21
antononcube Ha! I have to make my code scroll horizontally often in WordPress. Otherwise WP’s narrow post window/canvas would make some of my posts unreadable. (To me at least). 13:23
The latest one I published is a good example. I want the posts to contain all the data and code it discusses and because of that I included African countries coordinates. If it wasn’t for code-scrolling that would make the post hard to read. 13:25
In all fairness, I prefer how planet.raku.org renders my WP posts. 🙂 13:26
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lizmat timo: looks like that one is unfixable :-( 13:42
antononcube @lizmat I plan to make a Wolfram Language (Wl) (aka Mathematica) post that mirrors my first Raku Advent post. 13:59
I interested comparing Raku and WL in that way. WL has a paclet with a chess-engine -- not easy to do in any language. 14:00
Anyway, people should not get confused between those two posts. 14:03
The moderators of community.wolfram.com no longer allow me to publish Raku-language notebooks there. So, sometimes I convert Raku-centric notebooks into WL-centric ones in order to get the content/message published.
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lizmat weekly: www.perl.com/article/duckduckgo-do...oundation/ 15:52
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat only one slot left in the Advent Calendar 15:54
15:58 zetaaaa joined
librasteve timo: tbh I think that the post is more readable when the svg lines are mainly off the page to the right (since that is just coordinates and so on) - I take your feedback and will try to do better 16:07
xinming m: multi t ("a") { callwith("a-next") }; multi t ("b") { callwith("b-next") }; multi t ($d) { $d.say; }; t(<a>) 17:33
camelia Too few positionals passed; expected 1 argument but got 0
in sub t at <tmp> line 1
in sub t at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
xinming With this example, when I use callwith to samewith, it'll work. What I'm curious, is it because, that there is a "chain" to use internanly for callwith 17:34
but with samewith, a new fresh call chain will be built?
I read the doc, But I feel these subs are a bit confusing to me. Is there better way to memorize this? 17:35
17:38 dakkar left
[Coke] I have an TOP grammar regex that is a bunch of LTM choices, repeated ( <A> | <B> | <C>)* - In the actions, how can I get the made values of all the <C>s in the top rule? if I reference it, I am getting Nil back (despite hitting the happy path in the action on a C which is then calling "make") 17:45
lizmat shouldn't you get that from grammar.parse ? 17:46
[Coke] if I have an empty top action, I get an Any back. 17:51
I'm trying to make something in the TOP to return it for parse. if I 'make 3', that comes back from parse.
ky how can i get a list of matches for a regex in a given string?
rather than just one match
[Coke] m: "this and that" ~~ m:g/ 'a'/ 17:52
camelia ( no output )
[Coke] m: dd "this and that" ~~ m:g/ 'a'/
camelia (Match.new(:orig("this and that"), :from(5), :pos(6)), Match.new(:orig("this and that"), :from(11), :pos(12)))
lizmat m: .say for "this and that" ~~ m:g/ 'a'/ 17:53
camelia a
ky thank you
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antononcube Please, read and vote this Raku HackerNews post: news.ycombinator.com/item?id=42310468 20:58
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librasteve done 22:03
@antononcube btw I am really enjoying IntelliJ + Comma Plugin + Jupyter::Chatbook ... one daft question - how can you preserve indentation when copying content between Jupyter cells? 22:05
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antononcube The copy and paste is as expected in VSCode. 🙂 22:51
I wonder to what degree that is comma-plug-in question, though. 22:52
I will experiment later tonight and report.
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