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seamusb | yeah, that is what I thought. I was poking around in Cro and trying to see if the localhost value is set somewhere but nothing obvious. This is a Cro problem though, I have other simple services running in the same setup. I suspect there is some magic with IP addresses I am missing. I don't think I am doing anything wrong as I took out my own app and dropped in an example CRO app. That did not work either :) | 00:03 | |
It is binding to localhost in the container and that is it... it does not seem to bubble up through to the docker host. I tried host vs bridge networking too and no luck. | 00:04 | ||
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timo | do you have the service.raku that it autogenerated for you if you used "cro stub"? | 00:24 | |
it takes NAME_OF_YOUR_APP_HOST and NAME_OF_YOUR_APP_PORT from the environment | |||
but you should be able to search for a call to Cro::HTTP::Server.new | 00:25 | ||
seamusb | cool, I will take a look, cheers! | 00:26 | |
timo | cro stub also generates a Dockerfile for you that has the env vars set in it and also the correct EXPOSE directive | 00:28 | |
at least i assume it did that for me for this project because i don't remember doing any of this by hand | 00:29 | ||
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Geth | advent/main: 4ecef5234a | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md 6 -> 24, 19 -> 6 |
10:27 | |
lizmat | 6 -> 23 actually | 10:37 | |
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mscha | m: for <a b c>.pairs.combinations(2) -> ($a, $b) { say $a; say $b; } | 11:53 | |
camelia | Too few positionals passed to '<anon>'; expected 2 arguments but got 0 in sub-signature in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1 |
mscha | What's wrong with this? | ||
antononcube | Interesting... 🤔 | 13:05 | |
@mscha More containerization is needed. | 13:09 | ||
Or flattening. | 13:10 | ||
@mscha Here is code that kind of explains what is going on: for <a b c>.pairs.combinations(2).flat -> $a, $b { say $a; say $b; } | 13:11 | ||
Basically, <a b c> has odd number elements, that is why the message "Too few positionals ..." | 13:12 | ||
Another illustration code: for <a b c>.pairs.combinations(2) -> $a, $b { say (:$a, :$b); } | 13:13 | ||
librasteve | seamus’s: are you going docker run -p 8888:8888 -it name. .? | ||
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seamusb | just wanted to thank timo for the headup on the cro stub command... the docker images it pulls are out of date, but the dockerfile struture was a help. I also removed Docker Desktop and just used docker-ce. | 13:28 | |
That actually worked :) so two issues - Cro does not seemm to like some level of indirection that happens in Docker Desktop (it has a more complex internal IP routing thingy, compared to standard docker-ce) and also Cro seems to need to be the primary/first thread started in the app. I switched my app logic to a background thread and started Cro first. Bingo! Popped up at localhost:10000 using docker-cd. Nice one timo, thanks! | 13:31 | ||
(docker-ce is the simpler community edition cli available for Linux) | |||
lizmat | seamusb++ | 13:32 | |
perhaps turn that into a Cro PR ? | |||
seamusb | Well, I might actually do that :) But I am struggling through building a prototype for a deadline at the moment. It will be January before I get to it. It needs a proper write up really, so on the todo list. | 13:34 | |
lizmat | ++seamusb | 13:48 | |
[Coke] | github.com/tony-o/perl6-data-dump/issues/40 | 14:17 | |
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[Coke] | timo: github.com/timo/json_fast/pull/93 | 14:27 | |
nahita3882 | > Basically, <a b c> has odd number of elements, that is why the message "Too few positionals ..." but if you try with, e.g., <a b c d>, same error appears; the oddness would be a problem in the code you shared afterwards (for <a b c>.pairs.combinations(2) -> $a, $b { say (:$a, :$b); }) because the signature now tries to take 2 elements at a time | 14:33 | |
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but with ($a, $b) it's supposed to take 1 item at a time, then destructure it to 2 things | 14:33 | ||
when one (or both) of those things is a Pair, the mysterious error mscha showed appears (and I think it's a bug) | |||
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[Coke] | weird. my PR to json-fast seems to fix my windows issue ('zef test .') in a checkout of my PR passes... 9 times out of 10? I got one test failure with a --debug run... which did not recur. | 15:03 | |
so maybe there's a flapper in there? | |||
bah, the next 10 didn't fail either. | 15:04 | ||
timo: if you can get a release out for that would be appreciated. | 15:05 | ||
... heh. I just tried to do 'zef install .' from my PR - failed a test. rerun. passed. wondering if there's still some comp issue that happens first time? | 15:07 | ||
ugexe, japhb : github.com/japhb/CBOR-Simple/issues/4 - there is a 'use lib' in those tests, but it's pulling in libs that are JUST for testing, not the installable libs. The error message, however, is identical to the one I was seeing on JSON::Fast which was resolved by removing the 'use lib 'lib'' from the test files. | 15:14 | ||
(this on my win11 box) | |||
(and that's the only failure left from my windows cert revocation yak shaving yesterday)\ | 15:17 | ||
thanks to ugexe++ and ab5tract++ for their help on that. | |||
ugexe | seems like it might be hitting the path length issue trying to precopile t/lib/CodecMatches.rakumod | 15:25 | |
not sure how it could pass its tests with the `use lib ...` removed though since presumably it is needed to use that test helper module in the tests | 15:29 | ||
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thundergnat | Actually, mschas example fails due to trying to pass in a list of pairs. When the list is destructured, the pairs are treated as named parameters so there are no positionals to slot into the $a and $b variables. | 15:36 | |
tellable6 | 2024-02-16T00:50:40Z #raku <[Coke]> thundergnat Terminal::ReadKey does not work here, no | ||
thundergnat | Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be an easy way to override the behavior, other than destructuring inside the block. | 15:37 | |
m: for <a b c>.pairs.combinations(2) { my ($a, $b) = @_; say $a,' and ',$b; } | 15:38 | ||
camelia | 0 => a and 1 => b 0 => a and 2 => c 1 => b and 2 => c |
thundergnat | So, not really a bug, but maybe LTA. | 15:39 | |
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[Coke] | patrickb: The path on that is actually slightly longer because I switched out my work ID for "coke". :| | 16:21 | |
Thankfully it didn't reduce it under the critical limit. | |||
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ugexe | each time you run `zef install foo` it will precompile everything into a new temporary staging comp unit repository, so a "first time" precompilation failure that gets reused for a second attempt that can succeed wouldnt be a thing | 17:50 | |
[Coke] | ok. then it | 17:51 | |
's probably "just" a flapper. | |||
ugexe | yeah | ||
[Coke] | I can try to setup a stress test and see if I can get it to trigger with more details. | ||
ugexe | im still not sure how you were able to remove that `use lib "lib"` and have tests pass though | 17:53 | |
[Coke] | .. that's the direction you've been giving for ages? | 17:54 | |
perhaps you're refering to the CBOR issue as opposed to the JSON::Fast issue? | 17:55 | ||
ugexe | i should have said `use lib "t/lib"` | ||
which is fine | |||
use lib $*PROGRAM.sibling('lib'); | |||
evalable6 | Saw 1 occurrence of deprecated code. ==========… |
ugexe, Full output: gist.github.com/663eb4c1eb44900458...4a59145527 | |||
ugexe | which gives the tests access to CodecMatches (github.com/japhb/CBOR-Simple/blob/...3C5-L3C17) | 17:56 | |
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ugexe | ah i misunderstood your message earlier. i thought you had removed the `use lib`s similar to what you did in JSON::Fast, not that you were just seeing a similar situation but hadnt attempted to correct it | 17:58 | |
[Coke] | right, that's it. :) | 18:00 | |
so if it's the path length, will hopefully be able to test patrickb's branch after he makes a build for me. | |||
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mscha | A bit late, but thanks all for the explanations. The last one (thundergnat) seems correct. ("for <a b c>.combinations(2) -> ($a, $b)" works fine.) LTA indeed. | 18:19 | |
lizmat | if you feel this should be fixed, please make an issue for it | 18:27 | |
patrickb | [Coke]: Since the new CI pipeline, we have now artifacts for every commit, including relocatable builds for Windows. :-) | 18:42 | |
dev.azure.com/Rakudo/rakudo/_build...dArtifacts | |||
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ab5tract | patrickb++ and timo++ and. MasterDuke++ and everyone else++ who helped get the CI back into pristine shape! | 20:01 | |
That was some serious work that you all put in and it’s deeply appreciated | 20:04 | ||
[Coke] | looks like #20241205.6 • Hopefully address $*USER / $*GROUP on Windows | 20:15 | |
failed on win? | |||
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[Coke] | (I tried to rerun it but I don't have privs - looks like that test might be a flapper?) | 20:20 | |
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patrickb | [Coke]: Did you manage to download and use one one of the CI builds? | 22:35 | |
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[Coke] | I didn't realize that was an option. | 23:03 | |
I'll give it a shot when back on the windows box | |||
patrickb | 👍🏼 | 23:04 | |
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Geth | advent/main: 865595c29d | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2024/authors.md Scheduled day 7 |
23:41 |