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antononcube | Thank you! | 00:35 | |
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frostcod | very interesting 🙂 | 09:03 | |
antononcube | @frost Thanks! There was an important omission in the introduction -- why functional parsers are used instead of Raku grammars. (Fixed now with a brief remark.) | 09:24 | |
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[Coke] | anyone else seeing github.com/tony-o/perl6-data-dump/issues/40 ? | 13:23 | |
tonyo: ^^ | |||
timo | can you get the value it's actually expecting? | 13:24 | |
so for 06-match.t it looks like my $expected = "Match :: (\n made => (Nil),\n pos => 7.Int,\n hash => \{ \},\n from => 4.Int,\n list => [ ],\n orig => \"hello world\".Str,\n)"; | 13:25 | ||
m: my $expected = "Match :: (\n made => (Nil),\n pos => 7.Int,\n hash => \{ \},\n from => 4.Int,\n list => [ ],\n orig => \"hello world\".Str,\n)"; my $got = "Match :: (\n made => Nil :: (\n ),\n pos => 7.Int,\n hash => \{ },\n from => 4.Int,\n list => [ ],\n orig => \"hello world\".Str,\n)"; say $expected eq $got | 13:27 | ||
camelia | False | ||
timo | the Nil has parethesis in one and not the other | 13:28 | |
obj.t expects $!public => (Nil) but gets $!public => undefined | 13:30 | ||
but i couldn't tell you why i can install it successfully and you can't | 13:31 | ||
do you have a DATA_DUMP env var with stuff in it? | 13:37 | ||
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[Coke] | unlikely. One sec | 14:45 | |
no env var. | 14:46 | ||
timo: test would tell me that if it used `is` instead of 'ok $a eq $b` | 14:50 | ||
working with a local copy... | 14:51 | ||
The only difference here is the undefined vs. (Nil) | 14:53 | ||
m: class E { has $.public }; dd E.new; | 14:55 | ||
camelia | E.new(public => Any) | ||
[Coke] wonders why the module is showing that as Nil OR undefined. | |||
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[Coke] | gist.github.com/coke/d3f749ec9966b...5a82ea2848 - timo | 15:08 | |
timo | what does that line number point at locally for you? 147 and 133? | 15:09 | |
[Coke] | it's going to take me some time to golf this, and I'm back at $dayjob. will try to get a golfed set of raku that behaves differently on win vs. *nix | 15:16 | |
133 is unchanged, 147 is the try Dump that is paired with '// 'undefined'' | 15:18 | ||
I removed the try and just called the Dump directly; but the trace isn't inside the Dump call, it's one of the parameters. | |||
trying to dig, I'm now seeing: Cannot resolve caller min(Any:U: ); none of these signatures matches: | 15:19 | ||
but there's no min() in the lib/ dir. | |||
m: say min(Any) | |||
camelia | Inf | ||
[Coke] | I'll dig later today | 15:21 | |
timo | maybe the extreme hammer that is `MVM_COVERAGE_LOG=huge_file.txt MVM_COVERAGE_CONTROL=2 rakudo -I . t/blah.t` can give any kind of insight. it will output one line for every single line that rakudo executes. it will likely be absolutely enormous. | 15:59 | |
maybe a lot easier to use the moar remote debugger tbh | |||
antononcube | How many people here are interested in answer(s) of this question: > Number of ways of arranging 2n+1 non-attacking semi-queens on a (2n+1) X (2n+1) toroidal board. | 16:02 | |
A semi-queen can only move horizontal, vertical and parallel to the main diagonal of the board. Moves parallel to the secondary diagonal are not allowed. | 16:03 | ||
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I am not sure should I blog about it or not... | 17:07 | ||
tbrowder | imho, blogging about it using hyper and such would be very useful. | 17:27 | |
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antononcube | Hmm... that blog post would be somewhat late. Meaning, it is 2025 already. | 18:14 | |
timo | 2025 is allowed to have blog posts as well :P | 18:20 | |
..i should post blog | 18:21 | ||
antononcube | It looks like I do not know a fair amount of the properties of the core Raku numerical functions. Meaning, I should prepare a blog post showing different mathematical properties of the number 2025. | 18:24 | |
"Math::Sequences" would simplify that post a lot. | |||
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lizmat | m: say [+] (1..9)>>³ | 18:56 | |
camelia | 2025 | ||
antononcube | Yeah that. | 18:58 | |
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And more simply: (20+25) ** 2 # 2025 | 18:59 | ||
lizmat | too bad we can't use 𝚺 as a unicode version of [+] | 19:02 | |
say 𝚺 (^10)»³ would've been cool | 19:03 | ||
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librasteve | m: `multi prefix:<𝚺>(@a) {sum @a}; say 𝚺 (1..9)>>³ ; | 19:18 | |
evalable6 | Cannot test e7f9223c59e70e9cd829b592bc3133322b82b3ab (Broken archive) | ||
linkable6 | (2024-12-30) github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/e7f9223c59 [JVM] Add extra check for GLOBAL being null (#5710) | ||
Raku eval | Exit code: 1 ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /home/glot/main.raku Bogus statement at /home/glot/main.raku:1 ------> <BOL>⏏`multi prefix:<𝚺>(@a) {sum @a}; say 𝚺 (1 expecting any of: prefix statement list term | ||
librasteve | m: multi prefix:<𝚺>(@a) {sum @a}; say 𝚺 (1..9)>>³ ; | ||
evalable6 | Cannot test e7f9223c59e70e9cd829b592bc3133322b82b3ab (Broken archive) | ||
Raku eval | 2025 | ||
antononcube | How about Raku-simplifying this one: ((1..9).sum)² | 19:26 | |
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SrainUser | I'm getting the error: 'use lib' cannot be pre-compiled and thus cannot be used in a module. What do I use instead of 'use lib "."' in imported modules? | 20:24 | |
ugexe | you set RAKULIB=/foo/bar or pass -I /foo/bar to the raku command | 20:29 | |
or `use lib ...` in your top level raku script | |||
SrainUser | Where do I set RAKULIB=/foo/bar? on the command line? | 20:34 | |
ugexe | however way your OS supported. typically one might do `RAKULIB=/foo/bar bin/my-script.raku` to only set it when invoking the script | 20:36 | |
to be clear by "set RAKULIB" I mean set the RAKULIB environment variable. how you set your environment variable depends on your OS | 20:38 | ||
regardless of OS you could just run `raku -I /foo/bar bin/my-script.raku` | |||
SrainUser | If I have more than 2 raku files in the same directory, how do they share each each others functions without throwing the error? | 21:02 | |
or modules? | 21:05 | ||
I see. The raku language server was throwing the error. I was able to run the program just fine. | 21:09 | ||
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antononcube | Is a there an existing module where a generalization of base can put in? That generalization function is called real-digits; can take non-integer bases. | 22:35 | |
For example, this should work : real-digits(π, ϕ, :20length ) | |||
I was thinking "Math::Sequences", but seems to be more about integers, etc. | 22:36 | ||
timo | sounds like polymod | 22:58 | |
m: say ϕ, π | |||
camelia | ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp> Undeclared routine: ϕ used at line 1 |
timo | aw we don't have phi |