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tbrowder well that is messy. i would like to see just the hot path in my code without the moarvm and such. 12:45
timo can you elaborate on what your actual goal is? 12:56
do you want to like, see performance numbers? do you want to know what different places a given function was called from?
antononcube Speaking of "performance numbes" I think there should be a dedicated Number Theory package. 13:18
timo we have the profiler where you run the program with like `raku --profile=my_profile.html -I something/something blabla.raku` and you end up with a html file you can open in your browser that has a call graph tab with a flame graph (well, icicle graph) or a table of routines that you can sort by different criteria
antononcube Some of the Number Theory functions would likely be a good source of code the check and improve "performance numbers" for. 13:19
timo there's a tool called "moarperf" that's my "new" profiler frontend which wants to have the output that you get with `--profile=my_profile.sql`, it's a little cro webapp. i'm actually not exactly sure if i've got proper releases for that at the moment 13:20
github.com/timo/moarperf/releases/...30a5ea4aae here's an AppImage that contains a rakudo inside and needs no further manual work
antononcube "Math::Sequences" has a few functions like that, but, well, it should be about sequences. I expect some of its code to be factored out.
timo oh, tbrowder what OS are you on? 13:23
tbrowder debian 13:25
timo ok cool. 13:26
tbrowder hi, timo. i just want to see the various sub calls.
i'm in the middle of some very old perl-to-raku code mixed in with ps and pdf and i got too sloppy 13:28
timo "see the various sub calls" is not quite specific enough for me to give a good answer 13:29
the Raku plugin for JetBrains IDEs, aka Comma, can "go to definition" by ctrl-clicking on subs
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jdv is there a raku lsp yet? i forget. 14:58
patrickb There is one created by bscan. 15:11
antononcube Yeah -- I used it all the time in VSCode. 15:13
≈95% via Jupyter, ≈%5 with Raku text/code files. 15:14
tbrowder timo thanks, sorry for the sloppy answer. i'm making progress now. 15:21
i do want to try comma-ide again, but no time at the moment. 15:22
jdv ah cool 15:30
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[Coke] releasable6: status 15:39
releasable6 [Coke], Next release in ≈16 days and ≈3 hours. There are no known blockers. Changelog for this release was not started yet
[Coke], Details: gist.github.com/6bcd86e439edcae1be...4d613e8af9
msiism [Coke]: Should the problem report about the REPL prompt go into Rakudo problems or MoarVM problems? 15:44
lizmat msiism: you mean about the index? then rakudo 15:49
msiism Yes, that. Thanks. 15:52
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Geth ¦ problem-solving: coke self-assigned Rakudo REPL’s prompt not configurable github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/459 16:19
[Coke] Thanks. I'll poke around! 16:22
lizmat [Coke]: also, raku.land/zef:lizmat/Prompt
[Coke] Do you care if it's an env var vs. a class you plugin? 16:25
I am leaning towards env var.
jdv cli arg isnt even considered?:) 16:26
[Coke] given how big bash PS1's get, I wouldn't
jdv i like env var
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msiism [Coke]: Thank you. I'll stay tuned. 16:29
I don't really know about classes you plug in, so I can't really say. But an environment variable would be fine with me. 16:30
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[Coke] do we see this as a rakudo feature or a raku feature? 16:35
(putting it in with a rakudo-specific name for now)
msiism I would be able to set the environment variable from within the REPL, right? 16:36
[Coke] github.com/rakudo/rakudo/tree/coke/ps1 16:37
Yes. 16:38
msiism Good.
[Coke] you'd have do so something like [0] > %*ENV<RAKUDO_REPL_PROMPT>='abc >'
abc >
msiism I see. 16:39
lizmat note that the prompt changes with incomplete statements
jdv it could be set pre invocation too, right? 16:44
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