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Set by lizmat on 8 June 2022.
Nemokosch There is something odd with this Hash::Merge module 08:17
it shows up as a CPAN module 08:18
raku.land/cpan:TYIL/Hash::Merge then it says "The uploading author of cpan:TYIL does not match the META author of github:scriptkitties." 08:19
I tried to install jjatria's Pop engine and it failed on this dependency
but then I installed it by hand "zef install Hash::Merge" and it succeeded...
eh, cannot resolve the GetError symbol from the dynamic library either way... I wonder if this is some WSL2 specific madness 08:47
melezhik o/ 16:38
lizmat I am curious why you have this run-tests scripts for your distros - github.com/lizmat/App-Rak/blob/main/run-tests ? 16:39
scripts -> script
uzl[m] [Coke]: Could this PR (github.com/Raku/doc/pull/4084) be merged assuming everything is fine? I'm looking to document the other 2022.06 changes wherever I am not out of my depth 😅 18:14
tellable6 uzl[m], I'll pass your message to [Coke]
uzl[m] lizmat++ with the weekly! 18:15
I learned about `Empty` being skipped by an iterator from one of codesections's talks, so I am pleasantly surprised to see it mentioned in the Did You Know? section haha 18:17
Nemokosch very useful 18:28
lizmat melezhik: 2 reasons: faster testing, and more error information *if* there is a test failure / execution error 18:47
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to melezhik
lizmat melezhik: also, total clarity about the version of Rakudo that is being used in CI testing
tellable6 lizmat, I'll pass your message to melezhik
japhb lizmat: Wouldn't the lines from 35-37 are dead because the streams are merged? 18:56
*be dead
Nice script, BTW. Whipuptitude++
lizmat japhb: good catch, I think 18:58
"If $merge is set to True, the standard output and error stream end up merged in $proc.out." # japhb++ 18:59
melezhik . 19:01
tellable6 2022-07-16T18:47:13Z #raku <lizmat> melezhik: 2 reasons: faster testing, and more error information *if* there is a test failure / execution error
2022-07-16T18:47:45Z #raku <lizmat> melezhik: also, total clarity about the version of Rakudo that is being used in CI testing
melezhik lizmat I see that, maybe I'll include this into standard tomtit - github.com/melezhik/Tomtit/tree/ma...s/profiles 19:02
so that : `tom --profile raku`
to install this
and then just `tom raku-tests`
or even just `raku raku-test` 19:03
tom task might only install `raku-tests` into cwd 19:04
instead of run `raku raku-tests`
but it's duscussibale ... anyway ... just a thoughts 19:05