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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
El_Che all rakudo-pkg tickets PRs/Issues closed/merged. Not bad for a rainy morning \o/ 09:33
lizmat El_Che++
El_Che having a quick look at the arm64 preparations I made to check if it's a quick win 09:34
just a poll: is there someone here using github.com/nxadm/rakudo-pkg/blob/m...evbuild.md ? If not, I'll just remove the action 09:40
tbrowder g'day, all. what is the preferred file extension now for a document consisting of all rakupod (no raku code at all)? is it: .rakudoc, .rakupod, or ? 12:28
oh, i found it: rakudoc (in the docs) 12:31
Geth doc: 7fa39b2044 | (Tom Browder)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | doc/Language/filename-extensions.pod6
Remove formatting from table until it works
linkable6 Link: docs.raku.org/language/filename-extensions
bartolin_ committable6: 2022.06,HEAD say array[int].new(:shape(1)).^roles 16:24
committable6 bartolin_, ¦2022.06,HEAD(7342d9d): «((shaped1intarray) (shapedintarray) (shapedarray) (ShapedArrayCommon) (array::intarray[int]) (Positional[int]) (Positional) (Iterable))␤»
tellable6 2022-05-17T14:48:26Z #raku-dev <vrurg> bartolin Do you know why do I get 'java.lang.RuntimeException: java.lang.NoSuchFieldException: field_1' when use nqp::atomicbindattr/nqp::casattr and even just nqp::cas in the core?
bartolin_ oh, looks like I haven't been here for a while 16:25
bartolin_ vrurg: pretty sure you figured that out. As far as I remember, the atomic ints have only been stubbed for the jvm backend. But I think there was a recent branch/PR in that area. (yes, I found this: github.com/Raku/nqp/pull/776) 16:30
vrurg: btw, do you maybe have a quick idea what could cause github.com/rakudo/rakudo/issues/5037? I don't fully understand github.com/rakudo/rakudo/commit/71de22321d and have no idea how it changes multi dispatch for the JVM backend. (If that's really the problem at hand.) 16:34
Geth ecosystem/main: 37690bad1c | (Nick Logan)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Rename remaining urls
lizmat TIL the meaning of the word rout 17:21
tbrowder to all mi6 users: be aware that mi6 will overwrite an existing README.md by default if you accidentally run "mi6 test" or "mi6 build" in a non-mi6-managed module repo directory. 17:29
tbrowder also, mi6 by default doesn't have to have a dist.ini file in a module base directory, but it uses the "[ReadmeFromPod] enable = true" as its default. 17:32
lizmat hmmm.. if there is no dist.ini, I guess that should be false as a default 17:35
skaji ^^ ?
tbrowder i just filed an issue on that 17:38
skaji says he doesn't want to require a dist.ini for mi6 to operate, but i don't know his rationale. maybe he will change the default action as enable=false but that is not guaranteed. 17:41
he is steadfast in his design approach for mi6 17:42
lizmat and that's ok :-) but the current default on an absent dist.ini is just too dangerous I think 17:43
tbrowder i agree
i am revisiting my mi6 helper module to be (1) functional and (2) more benign to help ease conversion of existing modules, and enable=false is right there as default unless the user wants something else. 17:46
the other main default will be to use zef/fez
orylesor Hey! I'm Teresa. (she/her) 21:49
I've installed Linenoise with zef on Arch Linux to gain tab completion in the rakudo REPL. I hoped it would complete partially typed variable names, but it seemingly can't do that. Can you make Linenoise do it? If not, is there a trick or another library that can do it?
Thanks in advance.
Voldenet while theoretically possible (you can get variables from :: and linenoiseSetCompletionCallback it's implementable), but I'm not sure if it was implemented 22:14
So, apparently github.com/rakudo/rakudo/blob/1c04...L.pm6#L143 22:24
orylesor Unfortunately I'm not only a Raku beginner, but I'm an absolute beginner in programming so I can't yet make anything of that, but I appreciate you pointed me in the right direction(?) 22:27
Voldenet So… the line there seems like a list of completions 22:29
and it only includes functions in CORE:: so it will help you completing things like "categorize", "await" but not variable names 22:31
(unless I'm wrong)
orylesor That's exactly what it does! Oh, so you confirmed that's how it is by looking at the source code. Nice, thanks for confirming! 22:33
tbrowder orylesor: welcome! are you aware of the beginner channel #raku-beginner? you may get responses a bit sooner there, but this channel is pretty friendly and usually helpful 23:06
orylesor tbrowder: Yes, saw it in this channel's header message thing. I just figured the REPL question isn't a typical beginner question. 23:26
Thank you. :)