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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
[Coke] . 01:37
frost m: if 1 -> \n {say n, "true"} else {say n, "false"} 03:25
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Undeclared routine:
n used at line 1
frost m: if 1 -> $n {say $n, "true"} else {say $n, "false"} 03:26
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Variable '$n' is not declared. Perhaps you forgot a 'sub' if this was
intended to be part of a signature?
at <tmp>:1
------> if 1 -> $n {say $n, "true"} else {say ⏏$n, "false"}
Voldenet consider this 03:32
m: if my $n = 1 { say $n, "true" } else { say $n, "false" }
camelia 1true
Nemokosch oh this is exactly what I asked about sometime yesterday 😄 08:57
so now we do have a use case where `if my` might be a better idea 08:58
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2022/09/26/2022-...g-hacking/ 09:55
tonyo m: sub result(Int \i){ i > 0; }; for 0..1 { if result($_) -> $r { dd {success=>$r} } else { "fail".say }; }; 13:33
camelia fail
[Coke] . 14:29
[Coke] hopes his constant disconnects aren't spamming the channel, sorry 15:59
[Coke] got a new keyboardio model 100 16:21
This is going to take some getting used to 16:22
tonyo that's a wild looking kb
[Coke] lizmat: for rak, should I be able to do 'rak --ignorecase string directory' ? 16:56
tonyo: a little wilder than I'm used to. I tried touch typing on it, going to have to train. 16:57
lizmat [Coke] : that should work 16:59
[Coke] ok. still fails badly on windows. added link to rakudo ticket on app-rak#15 17:02
lizmat ok, thanks. 17:03
BTW, I have added a #raku-rak channel
[Coke] heh. rakudo source says "alas, no support yet" for windows non posix. :) 17:06
lizmat I'm still wondering what is not supported yet 17:08
[Coke] TIL about `where` on windows 17:31
it's empty on windows
I also think that we can't support the IntStr value of $*USER on windows, only Str
tonyo why is that? 17:34
lizmat there's no numerical equivalent, apparently ? 17:43
[Coke]_ test 17:52
there is no number ID I see, only a GUID (git bash has 'id' which does show something numeric, but I can't see something like that from a CMD prompt) 17:53
so I sent several sends while semi-disconnected that the logger never saw, but I got no error that they were not delivered. 17:54
tonyo isn't there some wmic query that can get the `Int` part? (is wmic still around?) 18:08
tonyo oh, looks like the SID is a guid with a number 18:14
Nemokosch \o 23:07
tellable6 2022-09-26T18:42:39Z #raku <tonyo> nemokosch: most likely. working with them is more tedious but is faster (at least for the time being)
Nemokosch lizmat: github.com/lizmat/Ecosystem/blob/7...kumod#L386 is the key name ("from(") intentional here? 23:08