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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Nemokosch Hello 08:34
if I pass `--help` to a Raku script, what will be passed to GENERATE-USAGE? 08:35
hythm m: say Version.new( '1.1' ) cmp Version.new( '1.0010' ) 16:51
camelia Less
hythm m: say Version.new( '1.1' ) cmp Version.new( '1.001' ) 16:52
camelia Same
hythm is the above `Version` comparisons intended or a bug? 16:55
Nemokosch I don't know but it's kinda sane if you think about it 17:09
one is "one dot ten", the other is essentially "one dot one" 17:11
lizmat hythm: I understand that behaviour is correct 17:18
El_Che I don't understand the 1.0010 usecase 17:19
(except if your retired perl programmer)
m: say Version.new( '1.1.2' ) cmp Version.new( '1.1.1' ) 17:20
camelia More
El_Che semver ready \o/
ugexe its because of how leading zeros are treated
m: say Version.new("1.001").parts
camelia (1 1)
hythm the `1.0010` use case came from  `IO::CatHandle::AutoLines` and was expecting `v1.1` since it's the latest release but `v1.001004` won  github.com/Raku/REA/tree/main/meta...:AutoLines 17:25
ugexe see: github.com/Raku/roast/blob/dffc2a4....t#L26-L34 17:27
hythm I see, thanks 17:28
guifa hmm, anyone else have trouble renewing / buying a sub for Comma? Giving me an error currently 18:14
Nemokosch let me retry once more 18:24
if I pass --help to a Raku script, what will be passed to GENERATE-USAGE?
ugexe m: sub GENERATE-USAGE(|c) { say c.raku }; sub MAIN() { }; BEGIN @*ARGS = <--help> 18:45
camelia \(sub MAIN { #`(Sub|6396690256992) ... }, :help(Bool::True))
ugexe m: sub GENERATE-USAGE(&c) { c() }; sub MAIN() { }; BEGIN @*ARGS = <--help> 18:46
camelia Unexpected named argument 'help' passed
in sub GENERATE-USAGE at <tmp> line 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
Nemokosch gotcha, thank you 18:49
tidux Is there some magic that nqp does to find a moar binary? I copied a working moar binary to ./install/moar from the root of the nqp source tree but it still throws a "no moar executable found" error 20:17
ugexe shouldn't it be copied to ./install/bin/moar ? 20:23
tidux ah 20:25
well you'd think so but trying to use --prefix for nqp/moarvm/rakudo has been annoyingly inconsistent on that front 20:26
so I wasn't sure
Voldenet I just do `perl Configure.pl –prefix=/opt/rakudo-2022-10` for all the repos and it works 20:29
MasterDuke i've never had a problem with --prefix, but fwiw, you can build with --relocatable and then you can move your rakudo installation around. 20:37
tidux X-Y problem alert: it turns out it was due to a limitation in my environment (Termux on Android)
setting my prefix for everything to a directory I actually had write permissions for solved it 20:38
I now have raku+zef installed
Geth doc: 0rir++ created pull request #4116:
A few corrections of english usage
Geth doc/master: 4 commits pushed by rir++, Altai-man++ 21:10
tidux and documented borg.moe/building-rakudo-perl-6-on-termux.html 21:11
lizmat weekly: borg.moe/building-rakudo-perl-6-on-termux.html 21:13
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat tidux++
tidux the place Rakubrew kept falling down was building the vendored libuv so I figured out how to make it use system libuv 21:14
Geth ¦ problem-solving: 2colours assigned to codesections Issue The Path to Raku, revisited github.com/Raku/problem-solving/issues/347 22:20
doc: 59312284ff | rir++ | 19 files
Simple deletion of "of course" phrases.
doc: 719857a5a2 | rir++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 238 files
Merge branch 'master' into course
doc: c8fe600cfb | Altai-man++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | 18 files
Merge pull request #3993 from 0rir/course

Simple deletion of "of course" phrases.