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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Nemokosch Shouldn't App::Mi6 depend on fez? It seems to me it does depend on it implicitly. 10:00
lizmat if fez is not installed, you cannot use fez as an ecosystem to upload to 10:02
if you're still ok with uploading to CPAN, you don't need to install fez
lizmat now: with CPAN and p6c being phased out as ecosystem backends, one could argue that fez is going to be the only one left 10:03
at that time (or even before that) I'd say it would make sense to make fez a requirement for App::Mi6
Nemokosch yes, that's kinda similar to my line of thinking 10:08
for me as a "fez-only" user, it's pointless to have a CPAN-related dependency (CPAN::Uploader::Tiny) and since fez is "natively supported" in mi6, it would make more sense to make sure fez is present 10:10
lizmat zef install fez 10:11
and you're set
I mean, it's only a very minor inconvenience
if you feel strongly about it, I suggest making a PR in the App::Mi6 repo :-) 10:12
the change would be a one liner in the META6.json basically
and possibly some code cleanup
Nemokosch Yes... it's just a bit mind-boggling to have implicit dependencies, especially for something I would consider the main use 10:13
lizmat well, historically, that is not true :-)
CPAN was the main use for a long time 10:14
Nemokosch You know, I sometimes feel the Raku macroverse is a big graveyard, with a couple of necromancers, like you, trying to get the party going
I have a pending PR for mi6 myself, by the way. Not the slightest response for a month. 10:15
leont still has to transfer all their old modules to fez, but his annoyance at fez's login procedure is keeping them from it 10:16
Nemokosch I'm planning my "noble revenge" at the moment, by the way: revining Ddt
I'm happy at the moment that we could start a little discussion about the Atom highlighter that I asked about here as well 10:17
I'm also happy that kalkin seems to be willing to pass Ddt; that will also need more than the good old p6c release instructions... 10:19
graveyard or treasure island, it's just a matter of perspective 😄 10:21
lizmat indeed :-) 10:23
leont: what is the annoyance? Having to enter the password once a month ?
lizmat skaji ^^ PR for mi6 10:24
leont Yes. I have everything else automated so it unlocks when I log in. And it doesn't work with my password manager either (because that's integrated into my browser.
So I'm going to have to use some crappy password because using a slightly better password means I'm resetting it every month
lizmat tonyo: wouldn't you be able to (re)register using a link in a browser ? 10:25
leont If it doesn't integrate with my browser, it should at least integrate with my platform's keychain manager 10:26
lizmat tonyo: if so, what would that be?
leont Which shouldn't be too hard once we have a dbus module, but someone has to write that first 10:27
Nemokosch I wonder if this could work with some private key/public key combo, like SSH
leont Asymmetric keys mainly work smooth because they integrate with the keychain manager
If you'd reuse that then yes
Nemokosch I'm learning a lot from these modules I inspect or modify... 10:31
oh by the way, lizmat: what is the purpose of the --edit option in rak?
lizmat --edit will call vim with all the locations of your search, to inspect and/or edit the code 10:33
rak 'sub min' src --edit
when done inside the Rakudo source tree, would bring you to all locations that have 'sub min' 10:34
Nemokosch It seemed to me that it collects the content into one anonymous file so literal editing didn't seem possible 10:38
what am I missing? 10:39
lizmat well, you need to use :cn to go to the next entry 10:42
instead of :n
and literal editing is *definitely* possible, I have already used it that way on the Rakudo core source
Nemokosch well, I wonder what I need to do; what I got was an anonymous file and the moment I added a character, the notification appeared that this was a readonly file 10:46
lizmat hmmmm 10:47
maybe something in your ~/.vimrc ? 10:48
gist.github.com/lizmat/4df3073fd95...a82a061311 # mine 10:51
Nemokosch I don't know what I did differently but now it seems better... 11:00
like really, what could I set
lizmat perhaps you were already editing the file in question ?
lizmat or vim thought you were because there was a (stale) swap file ? 11:01
Nemokosch I don't know but unless I can reproduce, it was probably on my end 11:27
I suppose META6 entries shouldn't be Unicode-escaped but normal Unicode, right? 11:35
immediately got my name with \uXXXX letters... 11:36
lizmat I think the JSON standard expects escaped 11:37
and META6.json being JSON, I'd say seeing \uxxx in your case, is to be expected 11:38
Nemokosch but jjatria can have José Joaquín written in META6.json :c 11:43
from what I understand, almost all Unicode characters can be left unescaped 11:46
iirc mi6 itself leaves it unescaped, that's why it hit me
lizmat I think if the character is supported by latin-1, you can leave it unescaped 11:56
lizmat weekly: dev.to/lizmat/dont-fear-the-grepper-3-hfp # part 3 of "Don't fear the grepper!" saga 13:16
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
Nemokosch what does the `method X of Y` structure do? 13:41
tbrowder howdy 15:19
lizmat: yr timing on file access times is spot on. i need that in a prog i'm working on now 15:21
so, how can i export an enum from a module?
so, how can i export an enum from a module? 15:22
m: enum Foo is export = <a b> 15:23
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
An enum must supply an expression using <>, «», or ()
at <tmp>:1
------> enum Foo is export⏏ = <a b>
tbrowder m: enum Foo <a b> is export;
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> enum Foo <a b>⏏ is export;
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
tbrowder see my problem? 15:24
without delving into classes and such is there a simple way to make an enum accessible from a module? 15:26
maybe put in module E, then use "F::Foo" 15:29
sorry "E::Foo"
equinox enum E is export <yes no>;  # trait came first 15:32
tbrowder that seems to work, but it doesn't feel rakuish to me
m: enum E is export <a b>; 15:33
camelia ( no output )
tbrowder hm, i thought i tried that. let me do it from a script... 15:34
tbrowder it works so far. thanks 15:36
equinox: thanks! 15:37
equinox glad
tbrowder when i last delt with enums i didn't understand or appreciate anything about automatic corecion. that really makes enums easy to define and use--especially now that i can export them thanks to you! 15:51
*coercion 15:52
i think
yes, coercion 15:53
equinox oh yeah 16:14
i was doing `E.pairs.first(*.value == $val).key` to inverse map a value to find the key in enum 16:15
but then `E($val)` is doing it already...
not sure if your coercion meant this or other but this is what happened to me 16:16
ugexe m: my %x = :a(1), :b(2); say %x.antipairs.hash<2
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Whitespace required before < operator
at <tmp>:1
------> = :a(1), :b(2); say %x.antipairs.hash<2⏏<EOL>
expecting any of:
method arguments
ugexe m: my %x = :a(1), :b(2); say %x.antipairs.hash<2> 16:17
camelia b
ugexe alternatively there is already a way to inverse a list of pairs
lizmat weekly: news.perlfoundation.org/post/announcements 18:15
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
El_Che "TPRF has made an intentional decision to not apply for a dev room, but to encourage talks to be given in other, non-language specific dev rooms instead. This will allow Perl and Raku to be shared with new audiences. " 18:39
lizmat indeed
El_Che a little weasel-talk, isn'it
lizmat no, it is not 18:40
this was also discussed in the RSC
El_Che puts on cockney costume: "it's my understanding, luv, innit? "
lizmat well, would you want to organize a request for a Raku devroom? 18:41
El_Che that's exactly my point actually 18:56
there is no volunteer (no shame in that) but it's frame as a decision instead of a consequence
anyway, semantics
it does not really matter 18:57
lizmat weekly: www.heise.de/news/Programmiersprac...17740.html 19:32
notable6 lizmat, Noted! (weekly)
lizmat Raku is mentioned in the graph
gfldex lizmat: we would demand that they change it to bold *and* italic. :-> 19:49
lizmat hehe
lizmat blog.trailofbits.com/2022/10/25/sq...brary-api/ 20:15
Nemokosch I found a situation in which .? is actually desirable 23:06
tellable6 2022-10-24T15:04:57Z #raku <SmokeMachine> Nemokosch: where do I sign in?! :)
2022-10-25T10:30:01Z #raku <guifa> Nemokosch: if they can be in any order AND any number, [<a><b><c>]*
Nemokosch License::Software's license sub produces type objects or Nil
type objects do have .new to call on them, even though they aren't defined 23:07
so it's good that .?new chains on them and propagates Nil haha