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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
[Coke] so I can use zef to install -to a specific directory. now to figure out how to make raku only look in that directory and no where else 03:19
[Coke] my best guess would have been to use RAKULIB to override the search path, but it doesn't seem to override. 03:24
[Coke] use case: trying to un-skip tests in the docs, but some of them may be passing because I happen to have a module installed that someone else might not. 03:59
nine_ [Coke]: CompUnit::Repository::Mask was intended for that use case. It may have bitrotted a bit though. But then it's a very simple module, so presumably easy to fix. 09:27
melezhik Hi 👋 14:08
I need to encrypt users passwords with some strong encrypted algorithm and salt in store them in database , any existing Raku solution one can recommend? Thanks 14:10
melezhik I care more about encryption part , not storing in database 14:10
However if one has full example it'd be cool 14:11
Anton Antonov <@779471841270038528> I had to figure out how to install this package recently : github.com/bduggan/p6-digest-sha1-native . See the examples in the README -- you might them to be a good start. 14:19
I want to define a set for functions for a set of "external evaluators", like, Mathematica, Python, or R. What would be a good name for a package with them? 14:46
I know how to make those evaluators using ZMQ. Initially, I thought of "tucking them in" in the package "Text::CodeProcessing", but I am not sure that is good place... 14:48
Currently, I consider the name "Proc::ZMQed" with sub-namespaces like "Proc::ZMQed::Mathematica" and "Proc::ZMQed::Python" etc. 14:49
avuserow Melezhik: take a look at Crypt::TweetNaCl, it provides both symmetric and asymmetric encryption 18:16
I also recommend something like Crypt::Argon2 for making an encryption key from a password, if you need to do something like that 18:18
Geth advent: f9c7af410c | (Jonathan Stowe)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | raku-advent-2022/authors.md
Update authors.md
NemokoschKiwi greppable6: Template6 21:00
greppable6 NemokoschKiwi, 145 lines, 10 modules: gist.github.com/63e4804a76940ab677...49ae25457a
NemokoschKiwi nice 21:01
ugexe If anyone has a nomination for the rainbow butterfly award please email it to [email@hidden.address]
If anyone has a nomination for the rainbow butterfly award please email it to rainbow@rsc.org
NemokoschKiwi what does it need to include? 21:02
hythm m: raku -e 'say $*REPO.repo-chain' 21:07
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Two terms in a row
at <tmp>:1
------> raku -e⏏ 'say $*REPO.repo-chain'
expecting any of:
infix stopper
statement end
tellable6 2022-11-21T17:08:38Z #raku <tbrowder> hythm: i don't see any hidden files there
hythm m: say $*REPO.repo-chain 21:08
camelia (inst#/home/camelia/.raku inst#/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/site inst#/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/vendor inst#/home/camelia/rakudo-m-inst-1/share/perl6/core ap# nqp# perl5#)
ugexe just the name or handle of whomever you wish to nominate. the award is for non-technical/core contributions 21:10
El_Che ugexe: so you won't get one for zef? Mm
ugexe i'm afraid that would be a bit of a stretch 21:12
El_Che lizmat also deserved a cart full of butterflies 21:13
(I almost wrote camels :P )
ugexe it would go with their white camel 21:14
(this is the raku version of the white camel award fwiw)
hythm [Coke]: looks like `RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH` alters Raku's default repositories. running `RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH='inst#/my-custom-repo' raku -e 'say $*REPO.repo-chain' #OUTPUT: (inst#/my-custom-repo). but the documentation advises against setting `RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH` manually, so I'd ask nine or other experienced people in this area of code before using 21:17
ugexe yeah don't use RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH, its an implementation detail 21:29
m: BEGIN %*ENV<RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH> = "foo"; BEGIN %*ENV<RAKULIB> = "bar"; say $*REPO.repo-chain
camelia (file#/home/camelia/foo)
ugexe the correct way of doing it would be using CompUnit::Repository::Mask as niner mentioned (i.e. using a custom CUR that itself will ignore the other repos) 21:34
that being said, i've been wanting an ENV var to do this forever
but i can see where it might get complicated, since the order of repos affects e.g. sha1 checksums used for precomp and thus might easily create situations where precompilation needs to reoccur without the user knowing it 21:35
ugexe i.e. it gets precompiled with one set of $*REPO.repo-chain, but then later when running it with a different $*REPO.repo-chain (such as when RAKUDO_PRECOMP_WITH is set) it would generate different sha1s and potentially need to reprecompile 21:38
[Coke] nine++ 23:27
what is the rainbow butterfly? 23:28
Nemokosch read the weeklies 😛 23:31
White Camel award, Raku
[Coke] a writeup on the rsc site would be appropriate 23:54
tbrowder ugexe: when will voting close?
[Coke] github.com/Raku/Raku-Steering-Coun...rfly-award 23:55