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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
Anton Antonov It looks like I cannot run fez in 2022.12 -- it just hangs when I try to upload a packages. I reinstalled fez a few times, still hangs. Is this known or expected? 01:40
pingu is this valid (typedefs) usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/...x+Beta.jpg 02:29
guifa yeah 03:28
What's probably throwing you off is you're expeciting the dd($x) to output INT $x = 5
but UInt is actually a *subset* defined as `subset UInt of Int where * ≥ 0` 03:29
so internally, it's storing an Int, just the variable is typed as a UInt (which accepts any Int greater than or equal to 0). dd grabs the type info from the contents of the variable iirc 03:30
m: my Map $a; $a = Hash.new(:1a, :2b); dd $a 03:31
camelia Hash $a = ${}
guifa ^^ $a is typed to a Map. But dd outputs Hash (a subclass of Map) because that's the actual contents of it (also, I didn't construct the Hash correctly but that's beside the point lol) 03:32
pingu m: constant FLOAT = Rational; my FLOAT $f = 3.2; print($f, "\n"); dd($f); 04:04
camelia 3.2
Rat $f = 3.2
pingu cool 04:05
shame I cant do my @str = ('a'); +str[0] +=1; say(str[0]); 04:06
course.raku.org/essentials/coercion/prefixes/ 04:07
Scotteh I'm not sure who to tell about this, but Kaiepi, who I believe contributed to raku, has passed away. I can provide a link to the obituary on request. 09:10
Nemokosch Really? 😶 09:15
Really? 😶 09:16
Scotteh A little over two weeks ago, yes. 09:17
nine Ouch...that is very sad news :( 09:19
moritz Scotteh: thanks for letting us know, this is very sad indeed. A link to the obituary would be appreciated 09:32
Xliff Oh no! Rest in peace, Kaiepi 10:07
Nemokosch This is a tremendous loss to fellow Raku users and contributors 10:28
Slowly recovering from this shock, I have to say we'll have to deal with his legacy. He had so much work, either complete and published or work in progress... 12:01
lizmat I've forked all of his modules to raku-community-modules 12:01
Nemokosch There was a huge draft PR as well that I remember, about reworking list copying 12:03
It will definitely take time to sort out the work who was probably in the top 10 most proficient contributors in certain niches... 12:04
lizmat indeed he was :-( 12:05
Nemokosch and thank you both for the memorial note added and the necessary measures to start processing the legacy 12:11
Xliff He was taken too soon. :( 12:25
lizmat Kaiepi's last blog: raku-advent.blog/2022/12/15/day-15...nsformers/ 12:49
El_Che oh shit 12:51
He was so young :/ 12:52
rf Good morning folks 13:26
Nemokosch Hello. Morning could have been better with the news, though 13:48
Scotteh I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news. I felt it was appropriate for me to pass it on given how fond I know he was of the Raku community. 14:04
El_Che Scotteh: thank you, appreciated 14:10
lizmat Scotteh++ thank you for bringing it to our attention! 14:12
El_Che Scotteh: my condolences for you too 14:18
Scotteh They were in a community with me for nearly 10 years. I've been close to them for the entirety of my adult life. We're all hurting a lot right now. 14:20
japhb Many condolences, Scotteh 14:21
El_Che I can imagine. :/
rf My condolences Scotteh. 14:35
Scotteh I appreciate the kind words. 14:39
lizmat Scotteh: sorry for your loss 14:44
Xliff Indeed, Scotteh. Many condolences. 15:04
Scotteh Thank you. 15:06
rf .tell melezhik Can you try compiling with a newer version of GCC preferably 12+ 16:25
tellable6 rf, I'll pass your message to melezhik
tonyo anton antonov: what version of fez? an install doesn't necessarily upgrade 17:26
rf One thing I might to see changed in fez is adding ignorable files. For example if I have build stuff that I ignore in .gitignore I would prefer if fez wouldn't bundle it 18:09
tonyo: ^ 18:10
tonyo it should do that, using the ,gitignore file 18:11
cfa o/
rf There may be a bug then, I ignored the build/ directory and it only seemed to look in the top level. It still packaged the directory. Is there any way I can see the tarball that is in the zef ecosystem 18:12
tonyo which version of fez?
rf 39
tonyo try 40 18:13
Nemokosch part of the reason why 40 came out recently
rf Oh, nice. 18:14
tonyo 40 put better typeglobbing (hopefully), <39 was kind of hacky and mostly because it relied upon git archive which isn't available everywhere
rf Yeah that seems to have done it. Thank you!
Nemokosch something else: do yall know about this? github.com/spitsh/spitsh I opened an issue for reviving it, would adopt it if necessary
tonyo but you can use the flag `save-autobundle` to keep the sdist tar around
rf tonyo++ 18:15
tonyo rf: please let me know if v40 works better for you, difficult to test typeglobbing with the variance in preferences/machines in use 19:38
rf Yeah it seems to work so far 19:41
.tell melezhik I figured it out. Very small bug causing all of the failures I pushed a new version of Distribution::Builder::Cmake 0.0.6 which solves this. 19:48
tellable6 rf, I'll pass your message to melezhik
shmup I'd probably just lose the word "spook" if you inherit it. Hell, Raku renamed its branches to "main" which would definitely suggest renaming that project 🙂 20:36
Nemokosch how come? 20:37
shmup Racial slur, probably wouldn't have said it at all if it was a different tense of "spook", but it's the noun spook, and the noun spook is a fairly known slur in the US anyway. Not a hill I'd die on though, re: renaming project Just first thing that came to my mind and something I would definitely rename if it was my project, for my own feelz 20:43
Nemokosch thank you for saying this, now I'm destined to not get any support unless it gets renamed 20:44
shmup I doubt that's true 😛 20:48
shmup is there a raku irc channel that isn't integrated with discord, lol 20:53
Nemokosch yep, quite a few 20:54
but what is that good for? 🥺
(also fwiw this channel is the most general and active)
shmup nicks are sooo long! hehe i.imgur.com/expRNIS.png
Nemokosch are you using some TUI client? 20:55
shmup irssi 20:56
Nemokosch well that's based for sure 20:58
shmup it's a convenient simple little thing. a lot of people today who live in the shell, use wechat. but that's too fancy for me :P 21:02
by wechat i mean weechat***
Nemokosch my 2© is that it would be good to integrate the community on a platform that has discord's forum-like advantages (also roles), without the understandable and legitimate concerns that revolve around non-transparent, privately hosted stuff 21:04
nine is still on irssi as well 21:19
El_Che irssi for ev4r here as well :) 21:22
shmup weeeee. guess i could do a lil thing to cosmetically rename discord-raku-bot :P 21:23
this isnt a big gripe. sometimes i just get an idea/thought stuck in my head lol
cfa irssi here too 21:24
El_Che hipster-bot is certainly shorter
cfa (though i do nothing fancy with it)
El_Che hb in the goold old shortening UNIX tradition
Nemokosch if I log in, it's from Kiwi (in which case I like to add it to the username) or from Pidgin 21:24
finally figured it out what the program was for, lol
shmup you might appreciate knowing that irssi's plugins are written in perl, Nemokosch 21:25
shmup yes 1 vote for hb heh 21:25
El_Che shmup: you can write your own if you struggle with the documentation a little :) 21:26
shmup ive written a few, just some goofy ones
Nemokosch from what I heard, the first Minecraft mod was written in Perl
shmup full  width  text  script 21:27
Nemokosch which I find a bit hard to believe but who knows really...
shmup just found this 7 year old gist from googling "irssi shmup github" heh gist.github.com/shmup/dc3e0526cc980445aa2c 21:28
El_Che hehe
pingu quick question, how do I make a raku script that when ran, creates the file 0.txt 22:29
if ran again it creates 1.txt etc 22:30
El_Che pingu: write the state somewhere? look around what files are present, etc? 22:32
pingu if the file exists it skips, it never replaces files
ugexe raku -e 'sub get-file($dir) { for 1..Inf { my $file = $dir.add($_); if !$file.e { $file.open(:create); return $file }; } }; my $file = get-file($*CWD); say $file.basename' 22:33
$dir.add("{$_}.txt") rather 22:34
pingu thx 22:42
im testing it now 22:43
pingu ok the bat file isnt working 22:43
@raku -e ' sub get-file($dir) { for (1..Inf) { my $file = $dir.add("{$_}.txt"); if !$file.e { $file.open(:create); return $file }; } }; my $file = get-file($*CWD); say $file.basename;' 22:44
it was working as a raku file 22:45
but that opnes in comma so I dont wanna keep rightclicking it and clicking open with raku.exe
brb 22:46
ugexe on windows command line you probably have to do raku -e "" (use double instead of single quotes), as well as replace the .add("{$_}.txt") with .add(qq|{$_}.txt|) 22:52
pingu ok 23:08
thx works 23:11