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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
tonyo which two? i can remove them if that would make stuff work upstream? 03:14
Geth ecosystem/main: 298747e818 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
HTTP:HPACK and App::Uni now live in zef ecosystem
ecosystem/main: 4f4b5245c5 | (Elizabeth Mattijsen)++ | META.list
IntlFormatDateTime now lives in the zef ecosystem
guifa lizmat: ty 10:07
lizmat yw :-)
guifa That module I think probably is the most extensive RakuAST one so far written I think 10:10
Anton Antonov I am try to use zef upload for this repository github.com/antononcube/Raku-WWW-MermaidInk and I got a few times emails saying "Error reading META from your last upload" with subject "Error processing: ???" (from [email@hidden.address] .) I do not see a problem with the META6.json -- can someone point out what is wrong there? 10:13
I am try to use zef upload for this repository github.com/antononcube/Raku-WWW-MermaidInk and I got a few times emails saying "Error reading META from your last upload" with subject "Error processing: ???" (from no-reply@zef.pm .) I do not see a problem with the META6.json -- can someone point out what is wrong there?
lizmat And yet another Rakudo Weekly News hits the Net: rakudoweekly.blog/2023/04/17/2023-...udent-win/ 10:26
tonyo ^^
there appear to be some issues with some distributions being uploaded to zef atm... 10:27
tbrowder__ lizmat++ 13:12
lizmat: i can't wait to see yr wrk on pod--much improved, i'm sure! 13:13
also, i've revised my view of pod and its use. to me two separate ones: (1) as a simpler markup language but akin to TeX and friends and (2) extractable code documentation. 13:15
i'm primarily interested in method 1 now as used in PDF generation 13:16
tbrowder__ antoncube: i don't see anything obvious to me, but if you converted to using App::Mi6 imho you would be better served. 20:15
Anton Antonov: ^^^ 20:16
<Anton Antonov>: ^^^ 20:17
oh, well...
Anton Antonov @tbrowder Ok, will try that too. 21:20
tonyo . 21:58
tonyo anton: i will take a look tonight..it looks like there's probably a corner case for the tars..deoac is also finding it with a couple of their dists too 22:20
in the mean time `git archive ...` and then `fez upload --file` should get you through the problem
Anton Antonov @tonyo Thanks! 23:15