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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
[Coke] nemokosch: I actually started a branch for that on zef-deps called 'inverse' that got stalled. 01:07
[Coke] knowing someone else wants it makes it more important, will bump it higher in queue 01:09
tbrowder__ here's another vote 01:16
[Coke] ... huh, appaerntly i was further along than I remembered 01:29
gist.github.com/coke/baa93398f5363...e96a16650e 01:30
I think that's just one layer deep 01:33
guessing I also want to default to not showing version or auth and collapsing entries so if search for --inverse Slang::Tuxic I don't get 12 Textg::CSV's, all slightly different. 01:34
I guess we'd want --verbose and --recursive or something. 01:36
nemokosch yes, that would be great 07:30
"your mileage may vary" but I think the default should be that only the highest version of a certain dist counts 07:31
actually, I don't know 07:32
collapsing subsequent versions that all depend on the same dist (um, module actually) makes sense 07:33
I don't know how easy it is to retrieve different versions of a dist 07:34
[Coke] I'm getting all the versions "for free" now. 12:22
Geth ecosystem: 2colours++ created pull request #620:
Removing the original (broken) HTML::Template
Geth ecosystem/main: 27162ac090 | (Márton Polgár)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Removing the original (broken) HTML::Template
lizmat clickbaits rakudoweekly.blog/2023/09/18/2023-...ew-search/ 16:49
pony can the .identifier parts be an in-place pattern here? <key=.identifier> '=' <value=.identifier> <comment>? 18:53
nemokosch Well, what happens if you do that? 19:39
pony is there an eval bot I can use to demonstrate? 20:05
jdv m: 'foo'.say 20:08
camelia foo
pony thanks
m: grammar G { token TOP { <foo='ab'> } } say G.parse: 'ab'; 20:09
camelia ===SORRY!=== Error while compiling <tmp>
Unable to parse expression in metachar:sym<assert>; couldn't find final '>' (corresponding starter was at line 1)
at <tmp>:1
------> grammar G { token TOP { <foo=⏏'ab'> } } say G.parse: 'ab'…
jdv iirc m is for moar. idk.
antononcube @pony Consider using Discord.
jdv irc forever! 20:10
antononcube LOL !!!
nemokosch not sure what <foo='ab'> would be 20:27
isn't that $<foo>='ab' ? or what is the goal? 20:28
pony grammar G { token TOP { <foo=.ab> }; token ab { ab } }; say G.parse: 'ab' # to have this without the extra token definition 20:33
evalable6 「ab」
foo => 「ab」
pony so replacing the .ab with an in-place pattern
I want to know if it's allowed
oh 20:35
pony saw your other message
all right. thanks :) 20:36