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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
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melezhik @ug 07:32
tellable6 2023-11-14T20:05:45Z #raku <tonyo> melezhik: can you update fez and try again? it should tell you what the missing prompt is on the latest version github.com/tony-o/raku-fez/blob/ma...akumod#L25
2023-11-15T02:29:56Z #raku <tonyo> melezhik `fez h` will also help know if it's getting the config from the right place. and it's entirely possible the key you're using in SparrowCI ha expired and it's wanting you re-login
2023-11-15T11:29:29Z #raku <andinus> melezhik: issues with rakudo.org downloads have been fixed
2023-11-15T20:15:36Z #raku <tonyo> melezhik: still trouble or ?
melezhik ugexe - the post was more about SparrowCI feature test documentation examples rather then HummingBird itself
tonyo let me ceck 07:33
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Geth ecosystem: 2colours++ created pull request #630:
Remove DateTime::Timezones
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Geth ecosystem/main: 6eab4474c6 | (Márton Polgár)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Remove DateTime::Timezones

It has been living on zef for quite a while.
ecosystem/main: 4159b5dcf1 | (Juan Julián Merelo Guervós)++ (committed using GitHub Web editor) | META.list
Merge pull request #630 from 2colours/patch-4

Remove DateTime::Timezones
10:05 constxqt joined, jpn joined 10:08 melezhik joined
melezhik .tell @tonyo -  build succeeded on the latest fez version taken from git - ci.sparrowhub.io/report/3814 10:09
tellable6 melezhik, I cannot recognize this command. See wiki for some examples: github.com/Raku/whateverable/wiki/Tellable
melezhik .tell tonyo: -  build succeeded on the latest fez version taken from git - ci.sparrowhub.io/report/3814
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to tonyo
melezhik .tell tonyo: -  I am still not sure what was the cause, cause I have not changed my fez token
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to tonyo
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librasteve o/ 12:43
hi folks - I just made PR to DateTime::Parse and saw that the PRs are backlogged to Jan ... is sergot still active? github.com/sergot/datetime-parse/pulls 12:44
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... oh they just postponed the launch to tomorrow 12:46
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m: given {day => 20, month => 9, year => 2023} { say Date.new( |%^h ) } 13:09
Raku eval 2023-09-20
librasteve m: given {day => 20, month => 9, year => 2023} { say Date.new( |%_ ) }
Raku eval Exit code: 1 Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1 in block <unit> at main.raku line 1 13:10
librasteve ^^ can anyone explain why using the topic fails?
m: given {day => 20, month => 9, year => 2023} { say Date.new( |$_ ) } 13:13
Raku eval 2023-09-20 13:14
librasteve oh there is no %_ - til
lizmat m: given {day => 20, month => 9, year => 2023} { say Date.new( |%_<> ) } 13:19
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
lizmat m: given {day => 20, month => 9, year => 2023} { say Date.new( |(%_<>) ) }
camelia Too many positionals passed; expected 0 arguments but got 1
in block <unit> at <tmp> line 1
patrickb I'm working on a fix for another supplies deadlock. But I fail hard at getting a seemingly simple code change to compile. 13:22
Are `code` and `-> { code() }` equivalent, given that code is a code block that takes no arguments? 13:23
lizmat code is a sub by the looks of it, and -> { } isn't ? 13:24
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patrickb In my case it's literally a block of code: `{ my $*PROMISE := $then-p; $vow.keep(code(self)) }` to be specific 13:26
The compiler keeps throwing `Unhandled exception: Cannot coerce to Any with named arguments` at me. I'll throw a gist together. Maybe more context helps... 13:27
gist.github.com/patrickbkr/07fa4be...09f8ad5de2 13:29
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patrickb I think I got it. Adding a & infront of my temporary code variable fixes the compile error. 13:54
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librasteve if I read the docs right, there is no % "hash topic" variable ... $ "dollar topic" is the main content of ths docs - which is fine since these days $ can hold a Hash ... there is an obscure reference to @ "array topic" mainly in the perl -> raku section in the case of subs that have no signature 14:24
sorry discord is dropping my underscores
so I guess all that is fine 14:25
on the DateTime::Parse module situation, perhaps it should be adopted as one of the community modules? 14:26
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patrickb How do I get at the WHICH of a container? 14:35
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librasteve .VAR.WHICH 14:44
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patrickb thanks! 14:59
antononcube "DateTime::Grammar" is much better! 15:06
librasteve oh - I missed that one - thanks! 15:07
antononcube Sure, but that is also a "shameless plug." I forked "DateTime::Parse" and made it more proper. I know / think @leont liked it and used in his packages. 15:08
raku.land/zef:antononcube/DateTime::Grammar 15:09
leont I didn't use it in my package, but I think I wrote somewhere about how to combine it with Getopt::Long 15:11
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antononcube @leont Thank you for the clarification. (And ... damn! I hoped...) 15:17
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melezhik .tell rf: I am not sure why test4 fails - ci.sparrowhub.io/report/3817 15:18
tellable6 melezhik, I'll pass your message to rf
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nemokosch Anyway, I was just thinking today that the current condition of sergot's distributions is a problem 15:31
these are fairly integral pieces of software, like OpenSSL
well, I said at the conference that "I could give examples" of integral modules in a worrying state... this is what I was thinking of 15:32
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and the thought doesn't go away 😅 15:32
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librasteve is there a good place to post this as an "issue" (requests for modules to be adopted as community?) 15:35
nemokosch I don't know... at first maybe we could just try to reach out to him 15:36
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antononcube @leont BTW, make next big TODO item for "Jupyter::Chatbook" is to parse cell magics given as Getopt specs. 15:42
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ugexe The other half of the OpenSSL coin is does something like that belong in e.g. raku-community-modules, where basically any code can be merged and there isnt much going in the way of critical reviews 16:13
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[Coke] Right, it's not like standard library. 17:16
we only really have "shipped with rakudo", "managed by community", "remainder of ecosystem" 17:17
we could have different support levels, recommendations etc. for "managed by community" that cover that, I think. 17:18
And those modules get more review, CI, etc.
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