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Set by lizmat on 6 September 2022.
gfldex lolibloggedalittle: gfldex.wordpress.com/2024/02/25/my-raku-for/ 15:32
coleman gfldex++ 19:29
Voldenet what's the point of augmenting IO::Path if it's possible to make it a method in this case 20:44
gfldex Voldenet: That's what I got right now. But I wanted to generalise, so that needed more thought and thus a 2nd blogpost. 21:17
Voldenet makes sense 21:18
ugexe Fwiw That’ll only remove spaces in the portions of the path that are explicitly declared I believe. Youd have to use .absolute instead of .Str to remove spaces from the entire path 22:58